2.8.11/CompilerIdC/CMakeCCompilerId.c | |
3.2.0-rc2/CompilerIdC/CMakeCCompilerId.c | |
3.5.1/CompilerIdC/CMakeCCompilerId.c | |
2.8.11/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp | |
3.2.0-rc2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp | |
3.5.1/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp | |
feature_tests.c | |
feature_tests.cxx | |
globals.h | |
matrix.cc | |
matrix.h | |
MQwCodaControlEvent.cc | |
MQwCodaControlEvent.h | |
MQwF1TDC.cc | |
MQwF1TDC.h | |
MQwHistograms.h | |
MQwMockable.cc | |
MQwMockable.h | |
MQwV775TDC.cc | |
MQwV775TDC.h | |
nodenode.cc | Definition of nodenode which links treenodes to their siblings |
nodenode.h | Definition of nodenode which links treenodes to their siblings |
QwBCM.cc | |
QwBCM.h | |
QwBeamDetectorID.cc | |
QwBeamDetectorID.h | |
QwBeamLine.cc | |
QwBeamLine.h | |
QwBeamMod.cc | |
QwBeamMod.h | |
QwBlinder.cc | A class for blinding data, adapted from G0 blinder class |
QwBlinder.h | A class for blinding data, adapted from G0 blinder class |
QwBPMCavity.cc | |
QwBPMCavity.h | |
QwBPMStripline.cc | |
QwBPMStripline.h | |
QwBridgingTrackFilter.cc | |
QwBridgingTrackFilter.h | Definition of the track filter for the bridging methods |
QwClock.cc | |
QwClock.h | |
QwColor.cc | A class for colored output |
QwColor.h | |
QwCombinedBCM.cc | |
QwCombinedBCM.h | |
QwCombinedBPM.cc | |
QwCombinedBPM.h | |
QwCombinedPMT.cc | |
QwCombinedPMT.h | |
QwCompton.cc | Compton data analysis |
QwComptonElectronDetector.cc | |
QwComptonElectronDetector.h | |
QwComptonPhotonDetector.cc | Implementation of the analysis of Compton photon detector data |
QwComptonPhotonDetector.h | |
QwControl.cc | |
QwControl.h | |
QwDatabase.cc | A class for handling connections to the Qweak database |
QwDatabase.h | A class for handling connections to the Qweak database |
QwDBInterface.cc | |
QwDBInterface.h | |
QwDelayLine.cc | |
QwDelayLine.h | |
QwDetectorInfo.cc | |
QwDetectorInfo.h | |
QwDriftChamber.cc | |
QwDriftChamber.h | |
QwDriftChamberHDC.cc | |
QwDriftChamberHDC.h | |
QwDriftChamberVDC.cc | |
QwDriftChamberVDC.h | |
QwDumpGeant4Geometry.cc | |
QwEnergyCalculator.cc | |
QwEnergyCalculator.h | |
QwEPICSEvent.cc | |
QwEPICSEvent.h | |
QwEvent.cc | |
QwEvent.h | |
QwEventBuffer.cc | |
QwEventBuffer.h | |
QwEventDisplay.cc | |
QwEventDisplay.h | |
QwEventDisplayTest.cc | Example code for the event display routines |
QwEventLinkDef.h | |
QwEventRing.cc | |
QwEventRing.h | |
QwF1TDContainer.cc | |
QwF1TDContainer.h | |
QwF1TDContainerLinkDef.h | |
QwFactory.h | |
QwFakeHelicity.cc | |
QwFakeHelicity.h | |
QwForcedBridging.h | Definition of the forced bridging method |
QwGeometry.h | |
QwHaloMonitor.cc | |
QwHaloMonitor.h | |
QwHelicity.cc | |
QwHelicity.h | |
QwHelicityPattern.cc | |
QwHelicityPattern.h | |
QwHistogramHelper.cc | Handler class for histogram/tree trim parameter files and histogram and Tree branch creation |
QwHistogramHelper.h | |
QwHit.cc | Implementation of the decoding-to-QTR interface class |
QwHit.h | Draft skeleton for the decoding-to-QTR interface class |
QwHitContainer.cc | |
QwHitContainer.h | |
QwHitPattern.cc | Implementation of the hit patterns used in the tracking tree search |
QwHitPattern.h | Definition of the hit patterns used in the tracking tree search |
QwHitRootContainer.cc | |
QwHitRootContainer.h | |
QwIntegratedRaster.cc | |
QwIntegratedRaster.h | |
QwIntegratedRasterChannel.cc | |
QwIntegratedRasterChannel.h | |
QwIntegrationPMT.cc | |
QwIntegrationPMT.h | |
QwInterpolator.h | |
QwLinearDiodeArray.cc | |
QwLinearDiodeArray.h | |
QwLog.cc | A logfile class, based on an identical class in the Hermes analyzer |
QwLog.h | A logfile class, based on an identical class in the Hermes analyzer |
QwLumi.cc | |
QwLumi.h | |
QwMagneticField.cc | |
QwMagneticField.h | |
QwMagneticFieldConvert.cc | |
QwMainCerenkovDetector.cc | |
QwMainCerenkovDetector.h | |
QwMainDetector.cc | This is the main executable for the tracking analysis |
QwMainDetector.h | This is the main executable for the tracking analysis |
QwMatrixLookup.cc | |
QwMatrixLookup.h | Definition of the matrix lookup bridging method |
QwMockDataAnalysis.cc | Parity mock data analysis, test code |
QwMockDataGenerator.cc | Parity mock data generator, test code |
QwMoller.cc | Moller data analysis |
QwMollerDetector.cc | Implementation of the analysis of Moller data |
QwMollerDetector.h | |
QwObjectCounter.h | Memory management class to count object instantiations |
QwOmnivore.cc | |
QwOmnivore.h | |
QwOptions.cc | An options class which parses command line, config file and environment |
QwOptions.h | An options class which parses command line, config file and environment |
QwOptionsParity.h | Load the options for the parity subsystems |
QwOptionsTracking.h | Load the options for the tracking subsystems |
QwParameterFile.cc | |
QwParameterFile.h | |
QwParity.cc | Main(...) function for the qwanalysis executable |
QwParityDB.cc | A class for handling connections to the Qweak database |
QwParityDB.h | |
QwParitySSQLS.h | |
QwPartialTrack.cc | |
QwPartialTrack.h | Definition of the partial track class |
QwPMT_Channel.cc | |
QwPMT_Channel.h | |
QwPromptSummary.cc | |
QwPromptSummary.h | |
QwPromptSummaryLinkDef.h | |
QwQPD.cc | |
QwQPD.h | |
QwQuartzBarLight.cc | |
QwQuartzBarLight.h | |
QwRaster.cc | |
QwRaster.h | |
QwRayTracer.cc | Raytrace in magnetic field to bridging R2/R3 partial tracks |
QwRayTracer.h | Definition of the ray-tracing bridging method for R2/R3 partial tracks |
QwRegression.cc | |
QwRegression.h | |
QwRegressionSubsystem.cc | |
QwRegressionSubsystem.h | |
QwRint.cc | |
QwRint.h | |
QwRoot.cc | ROOT wrapper with Qweak functionality |
QwRootFile.cc | |
QwRootFile.h | |
QwRunCondition.cc | |
QwRunCondition.h | |
QwScaler.cc | |
QwScaler.h | |
QwScaler_Channel.cc | |
QwScaler_Channel.h | |
QwScanner.cc | |
QwScanner.h | |
QwSciFiDetector.cc | |
QwSciFiDetector.h | |
QwSimRayTracer.cc | |
QwSimTracking.cc | Example of the QwTreeEventBuffer class to read QweakSimG4 events |
QwSIS3320_Accumulator.cc | Implementation of the SIS3320 sampling ADC accumulator |
QwSIS3320_Accumulator.h | |
QwSIS3320_Channel.cc | Implementation of the decoding of SIS3320 sampling ADC data |
QwSIS3320_Channel.h | |
QwSIS3320_LogicalAccumulator.cc | Implementation of the SIS3320 sampling ADC accumulator |
QwSIS3320_LogicalAccumulator.h | |
QwSIS3320_Samples.cc | Implementation of the SIS3320 sampling ADC samples |
QwSIS3320_Samples.h | |
QwSIS3320_SamplesLinkDef.h | |
QwSoftwareMeantime.cc | |
QwSoftwareMeantime.h | |
QwSoftwareMeantimeLinkDef.h | |
QwSubsystemArray.cc | |
QwSubsystemArray.h | |
QwSubsystemArrayParity.cc | |
QwSubsystemArrayParity.h | |
QwSubsystemArrayTracking.cc | Implementation of the tracking subsystem array |
QwSubsystemArrayTracking.h | |
Analysis/include/QwSVNVersion.h | |
build/include/QwSVNVersion.h | |
QwTrack.cc | |
QwTrack.h | Definition of the track class |
QwTracking.C | |
QwTracking.cc | This is the main executable for the tracking analysis |
QwTrackingAnalyzer.cc | |
QwTrackingAnalyzer.h | |
QwTrackingDataserver.cc | |
QwTrackingDataserver.h | |
QwTrackingDump.cc | |
QwTrackingTree.cc | |
QwTrackingTree.h | Definition of the track search tree |
QwTrackingTreeCombine.cc | |
QwTrackingTreeCombine.h | |
QwTrackingTreeLine.h | Backwards compatible header file |
QwTrackingTreeMatch.cc | Module that matches track segments for pairs of wire planes |
QwTrackingTreeMatch.h | Module that matches track segments for pairs of wire planes |
QwTrackingTreeRegion.cc | Implementation of the container for the pattern databases for each detector region |
QwTrackingTreeRegion.h | |
QwTrackingTreeSearch.cc | This module contains the code for performing the treesearch algorithm to generate one treeline |
QwTrackingTreeSearch.h | Performs the treesearch algorithm to generate one treeline |
QwTrackingTreeSort.cc | This module is used to identify good track segments versus ghost tracks/hits |
QwTrackingTreeSort.h | |
QwTrackingWorker.cc | Controls all the routines involved in finding tracks in an event |
QwTrackingWorker.h | Controls all the routines involved in finding tracks in an event |
QwTreeEventBuffer.cc | Implementation of the class that reads simulated QweakSimG4 events |
QwTreeEventBuffer.h | Definition of the class that reads simulated QweakSimG4 events |
QwTreeLine.cc | Definition of the one-dimensional track stubs |
QwTreeLine.h | Definition of the one-dimensional track stubs |
QwTriggerScintillator.cc | |
QwTriggerScintillator.h | |
QwTypes.cc | |
QwTypes.h | |
QwUnits.h | |
QwVertex.cc | |
QwVertex.h | |
QwVQWK_Channel.cc | |
QwVQWK_Channel.h | |
QwWord.h | |
shortnode.cc | Definition of a shortnode, the short version of a nodenode |
shortnode.h | Definition of a shortnode, the short version of a nodenode |
shorttree.cc | |
shorttree.h | |
treenode.cc | Definition of a treenode which contains the bits that make up a tree pattern |
treenode.h | Definition of a treenode which contains the bits that make up a tree pattern |
uv2xy.cc | A helper object for transformation between [u,v] and [x,y] frames |
uv2xy.h | A helper object for transformation between [u,v] and [x,y] frames |
VQwAnalyzer.h | |
VQwBCM.cc | |
VQwBCM.h | |
VQwBPM.cc | |
VQwBPM.h | |
VQwBridgingMethod.h | Definition of the bridging method interface |
VQwClock.cc | |
VQwClock.h | |
VQwDataElement.h | Definition of the pure virtual base class of all data elements |
VQwDataserver.h | |
VQwHardwareChannel.cc | |
VQwHardwareChannel.h | |
VQwSubsystem.cc | |
VQwSubsystem.h | Definition of the pure virtual base class of all subsystems |
VQwSubsystemParity.h | |
VQwSubsystemTracking.cc | |
VQwSubsystemTracking.h | |
VQwSystem.h | |
VQwTrackingElement.cc | Implementation of virtual base class for all tracking elements |
VQwTrackingElement.h | Definition of virtual base class for all tracking elements |