Qw | |
QwTracking | Contains tracking-related objects |
F1TDCReferenceContainer | |
F1TDCReferenceSignal | |
logical_not_s | |
MeanTime | One software meantim holder |
MeanTimeContainer | Software Meantime container |
MQwCloneable | |
MQwCodaControlEvent | |
MQwDataElementCloneable | |
MQwF1TDC | |
MQwHistograms | |
MQwMockable | |
MQwSubsystemCloneable | |
MQwV775TDC | |
MyFCN | |
null_deleter | |
PromptSummaryElement | |
QwBCM | |
QwBeamDetectorID | |
QwBeamLine | |
QwBeamMod | |
QwBlinder | Class for blinding data, adapted from G0 blinder class |
QwBPMCavity | |
QwBPMStripline | |
QwBridgingTrackFilter | Track filter for the bridging methods |
QwClock | |
QwColor | A color changing class for the output stream |
QwCombinedBCM | |
QwCombinedBPM | |
QwCombinedPMT | |
QwComptonElectronDetector | Class for the analysis of Compton electron detector data |
QwComptonPhotonDetector | Class for the analysis of Compton photon detector data |
QwControl | |
QwDatabase | A database interface class |
QwDataElementFactory | |
QwDBInterface | |
QwDelayLine | |
QwDelayLineID | |
QwDetectorID | |
QwDetectorInfo | |
QwDriftChamber | |
QwDriftChamberHDC | |
QwDriftChamberVDC | |
QwElectronicsID | |
QwEnergyCalculator | |
QwEPICSEvent | |
QwErrDBInterface | |
QwEvent | Contains a tracked event, i.e. all information from hits to tracks |
QwEventBuffer | |
QwEventDisplay | |
QwEventHeader | Contains header information of a tracked event |
QwEventRing | |
QwException_TypeUnknown | |
QwF1TDC | One F1TDC configuration and reference signal(s) holder |
QwF1TDContainer | F1TDCs configuration and reference siganls container |
QwFactory | Concrete templated type factory |
QwFakeHelicity | |
QwForcedBridging | |
QwGeometry | Collection of QwDetectorInfo pointers that specifies an experimental geometry |
QwHaloMonitor | |
QwHelicity | |
QwHelicityPattern | |
QwHistogramHelper | |
QwHit | Hit structure uniquely defining each hit |
QwHitContainer | |
QwHitPattern | Hit patterns used in the tracking tree search |
QwHitRootContainer | |
QwIntegratedRaster | |
QwIntegratedRasterChannel | |
QwIntegratedRasterDetectorID | |
QwIntegrationPMT | |
QwInterpolator | A multi-dimensional grid of values with interpolation methods |
QwKinematics | Kinematic variables |
QwLinearDiodeArray | |
QwLog | A logfile class |
QwLumi | |
QwLumiDetectorID | |
QwMagneticField | Magnetic field map object |
QwMainCerenkovDetector | |
QwMainCerenkovDetectorID | |
QwMainDetector | |
QwMatrixLookup | |
QwModChannelID | |
QwMollerChannelID | |
QwMollerDetector | Implementation of the analysis of Moller data (copied from QwComptonElectronDetector.h) |
QwObjectCounter | Memory management structure to count objects |
QwOmnivore | An omnivorous subsystem |
QwOptions | An options class |
QwParameterFile | |
QwParityDB | |
QwPartialTrack | Contains the straight part of a track in one region only |
QwPMT_Channel | |
QwPromptSummary | |
QwQPD | |
QwQuartzBarLight | Contains header information of a tracked event |
QwRaster | |
QwRayTracer | |
QwRegression | |
QwRegressionSubsystem | |
QwRint | A ROOT command line interface |
QwRootFile | A wrapper class for a ROOT file or memory mapped file |
QwRootTree | A wrapper class for a ROOT tree |
QwRunCondition | |
QwScaler | |
QwScaler_Channel | |
QwScanner | |
QwSciFiDetector | |
QwSIS3320_Accumulator | SIS3320 sampling ADC accumulator |
QwSIS3320_Channel | Class for the decoding of the SIS3320 sampling ADC data |
QwSIS3320_LogicalAccumulator | SIS3320 sampling ADC accumulator |
QwSIS3320_Samples | SIS3320 sampling ADC samples |
QwSubsystemArray | |
QwSubsystemArrayParity | Virtual base class for the parity subsystems |
QwSubsystemArrayTracking | |
QwSubsystemFactory | |
QwTrack | Contains the complete track as a concatenation of partial tracks |
QwTrackingAnalyzer | |
QwTrackingDataserver | |
QwTrackingTree | Creates and manages the treesearch pattern database |
QwTrackingTreeCombine | Combines track segments and performs line fitting |
QwTrackingTreeMatch | Module that matches track segments for pairs of wire planes |
QwTrackingTreeRegion | A container for the pattern databases for each detector region |
QwTrackingTreeSearch | |
QwTrackingTreeSort | This module is used to identify good track segments versus ghost tracks/hits |
QwTrackingWorker | Controls all the routines involved in finding tracks in an event |
QwTreeEventBuffer | Read simulated QweakSimG4 events and generate hit lists |
QwTreeLine | One-dimensional (u, v, or x) track stubs and associated hits |
QwTriggerScintillator | |
QwVertex | Contains vertex information |
QwVQWK_Channel | |
QwWord | |
StoreErrorCodeID | |
StoreLumiDetectorID | |
StoreMainDetectorID | |
StoreMeasurementID | |
StoreMonitorID | |
StoreSlowControlDetectorID | |
Uv2xy | Converts between (u,v) and (x,y) coordinates |
VQwAnalyzer | |
VQwBCM | |
VQwBPM | |
VQwBridgingMethod | Interface to the various bridging methods |
VQwClock | |
VQwCloneable | Polymorphic copy constructor virtual base class |
VQwDataElement | The pure virtual base class of all data elements |
VQwDataserver | |
VQwFactory | Pure virtual factory |
VQwHardwareChannel | |
VQwScaler_Channel | |
VQwSubsystem | The pure virtual base class of all subsystems |
VQwSubsystemParity | Virtual base class for the parity subsystems |
VQwSubsystemTracking | |
VQwsubsystemTracking | Base class for tracking subsystems |
VQwSystem | |
VQwTrackingElement | Virtual base class for all tracking elements |
VQwTrackingElementContainer |