QwBeamLine Class Reference

#include <QwBeamLine.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for QwBeamLine:
+ Collaboration diagram for QwBeamLine:

Public Member Functions

 QwBeamLine (const TString &name)
 Constructor with name. More...
 QwBeamLine (const QwBeamLine &source)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual ~QwBeamLine ()
 Virtual destructor. More...
void CopyTemplatedDataElements (const VQwSubsystem *source)
void ProcessOptions (QwOptions &options)
 Process the command line options. More...
Int_t LoadChannelMap (TString mapfile)
 Mandatory map file definition. More...
Int_t LoadInputParameters (TString pedestalfile)
 Mandatory parameter file definition. More...
Int_t LoadEventCuts (TString filename)
 Load the event cuts file. More...
Int_t LoadGeometryDefinition (TString mapfile)
 Optional geometry definition. More...
void AssignGeometry (QwParameterFile *mapstr, VQwBPM *bpm)
Bool_t ApplySingleEventCuts ()
 Apply the single event cuts. More...
void IncrementErrorCounters ()
 Increment the error counters. More...
void PrintErrorCounters () const
 Report the number of events failed due to HW and event cut failures. More...
UInt_t GetEventcutErrorFlag ()
 Return the error flag to the top level routines related to stability checks and ErrorFlag updates. More...
UInt_t UpdateErrorFlag ()
 Uses the error flags of contained data elements to update Returns the error flag to the top level routines related to stability checks and ErrorFlag updates. More...
void UpdateErrorFlag (const VQwSubsystem *ev_error)
 update the error flag in the subsystem level from the top level routines related to stability checks. This will uniquely update the errorflag at each channel based on the error flag in the corresponding channel in the ev_error subsystem More...
Int_t ProcessConfigurationBuffer (const UInt_t roc_id, const UInt_t bank_id, UInt_t *buffer, UInt_t num_words)
Int_t ProcessEvBuffer (const UInt_t roc_id, const UInt_t bank_id, UInt_t *buffer, UInt_t num_words)
 TODO: The non-event-type-aware ProcessEvBuffer routine should be replaced with the event-type-aware version. More...
void PrintDetectorID () const
void ClearEventData ()
void ProcessEvent ()
Bool_t PublishInternalValues () const
 Publish all variables of the subsystem. More...
Bool_t PublishByRequest (TString device_name)
 Try to publish an internal variable matching the submitted name. More...
void RandomizeEventData (int helicity=0, double time=0.0)
void EncodeEventData (std::vector< UInt_t > &buffer)
VQwSubsystemoperator= (VQwSubsystem *value)
 Assignment Note: Must be called at the beginning of all subsystems routine call to operator=(VQwSubsystem *value) by VQwSubsystem::operator=(value) More...
VQwSubsystemoperator+= (VQwSubsystem *value)
VQwSubsystemoperator-= (VQwSubsystem *value)
void Sum (VQwSubsystem *value1, VQwSubsystem *value2)
void Difference (VQwSubsystem *value1, VQwSubsystem *value2)
void Ratio (VQwSubsystem *numer, VQwSubsystem *denom)
void Scale (Double_t factor)
void AccumulateRunningSum (VQwSubsystem *value)
 Update the running sums for devices. More...
void DeaccumulateRunningSum (VQwSubsystem *value)
 remove one entry from the running sums for devices More...
void CalculateRunningAverage ()
 Calculate the average for all good events. More...
void ConstructHistograms (TDirectory *folder, TString &prefix)
 Construct the histograms for this subsystem in a folder with a prefix. More...
void FillHistograms ()
 Fill the histograms for this subsystem. More...
void ConstructBranchAndVector (TTree *tree, TString &prefix, std::vector< Double_t > &values)
 Construct the branch and tree vector. More...
void ConstructBranch (TTree *tree, TString &prefix)
 Construct the branch and tree vector. More...
void ConstructBranch (TTree *tree, TString &prefix, QwParameterFile &trim_file)
 Construct the branch and tree vector based on the trim file. More...
void FillTreeVector (std::vector< Double_t > &values) const
 Fill the tree vector. More...
void FillDB (QwParityDB *db, TString datatype)
 Fill the database. More...
void FillErrDB (QwParityDB *db, TString datatype)
Bool_t Compare (VQwSubsystem *source)
void PrintValue () const
 Print values of all channels. More...
void PrintInfo () const
 Print some information about the subsystem. More...
void WritePromptSummary (QwPromptSummary *ps, TString type)
VQwDataElementGetElement (QwBeamDetectorID det_id)
VQwDataElementGetElement (EQwBeamInstrumentType TypeID, TString name)
VQwDataElementGetElement (EQwBeamInstrumentType TypeID, Int_t index)
const VQwDataElementGetElement (EQwBeamInstrumentType TypeID, Int_t index) const
const VQwHardwareChannelGetChannel (EQwBeamInstrumentType TypeID, Int_t index, TString device_prop) const
VQwBPMGetBPMStripline (const TString name)
VQwBCMGetBCM (const TString name)
VQwClockGetClock (const TString name)
QwBPMCavityGetBPMCavity (const TString name)
VQwBCMGetCombinedBCM (const TString name)
VQwBPMGetCombinedBPM (const TString name)
QwEnergyCalculatorGetEnergyCalculator (const TString name)
QwHaloMonitorGetScalerChannel (const TString name)
const QwBPMCavityGetBPMCavity (const TString name) const
const VQwBPMGetBPMStripline (const TString name) const
const VQwBCMGetBCM (const TString name) const
const VQwClockGetClock (const TString name) const
const VQwBCMGetCombinedBCM (const TString name) const
const VQwBPMGetCombinedBPM (const TString name) const
const QwEnergyCalculatorGetEnergyCalculator (const TString name) const
const QwHaloMonitorGetScalerChannel (const TString name) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from VQwSubsystemParity
 VQwSubsystemParity (const TString &name)
 Constructor with name. More...
 VQwSubsystemParity (const VQwSubsystemParity &source)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual ~VQwSubsystemParity ()
 Default destructor. More...
virtual void FillDB_MPS (QwParityDB *db, TString type)
 Fill the database with MPS-based variables Note that most subsystems don't need to do this. More...
virtual void Blind (const QwBlinder *blinder)
 Blind the asymmetry of this subsystem. More...
virtual void Blind (const QwBlinder *blinder, const VQwSubsystemParity *subsys)
 Blind the difference of this subsystem. More...
virtual Bool_t CheckForEndOfBurst () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from VQwSubsystem
 VQwSubsystem (const TString &name)
 Constructor with name. More...
 VQwSubsystem (const VQwSubsystem &orig)
 Copy constructor by object. More...
virtual ~VQwSubsystem ()
 Default destructor. More...
TString GetSubsystemName () const
Bool_t HasDataLoaded () const
void SetParent (QwSubsystemArray *parent)
 Set the parent of this subsystem to the specified array. More...
QwSubsystemArrayGetParent (const unsigned int parent=0) const
 Get the parent of this subsystem. More...
VQwSubsystemGetSibling (const std::string &name) const
 Get the sibling with specified name. More...
Bool_t PublishInternalValue (const TString &name, const TString &desc, const VQwHardwareChannel *value) const
 Publish a variable name to the parent subsystem array. More...
Bool_t RequestExternalValue (const TString &name, VQwHardwareChannel *value) const
 Request a named value which is owned by an external subsystem; the request will be handled by the parent subsystem array. More...
virtual const VQwHardwareChannelReturnInternalValue (const TString &name) const
 Return a pointer to a varialbe to the parent subsystem array to be delivered to a different subsystem. More...
virtual Bool_t ReturnInternalValue (const TString &name, VQwHardwareChannel *value) const
 Return a named value to the parent subsystem array to be delivered to a different subsystem. More...
virtual std::vector< TString > GetParamFileNameList ()
virtual std::map< TString,
TString > 
GetDetectorMaps ()
virtual Int_t LoadDetectorMaps (QwParameterFile &file)
 Parse parameter file to find the map files. More...
virtual Int_t LoadCrosstalkDefinition (TString mapfile)
 Optional crosstalk definition. More...
void SetEventTypeMask (const UInt_t mask)
 Set event type mask. More...
UInt_t GetEventTypeMask () const
 Get event type mask. More...
virtual Int_t ProcessEvBuffer (const UInt_t event_type, const UInt_t roc_id, const UInt_t bank_id, UInt_t *buffer, UInt_t num_words)
virtual void ExchangeProcessedData ()
 Request processed data from other subsystems for internal use in the second event processing stage. Not all derived classes will require data from other subsystems. More...
virtual void ProcessEvent_2 ()
 Process the event data again, including data from other subsystems. Not all derived classes will require a second stage of event data processing. More...
virtual void AtEndOfEventLoop ()
 Perform actions at the end of the event loop. More...
virtual void PrintDetectorMaps (Bool_t status) const
virtual void ConstructHistograms ()
 Construct the histograms for this subsystem. More...
virtual void ConstructHistograms (TDirectory *folder)
 Construct the histograms for this subsystem in a folder. More...
virtual void ConstructHistograms (TString &prefix)
 Construct the histograms for this subsystem with a prefix. More...
virtual void ConstructBranchAndVector (TTree *tree, std::vector< Double_t > &values)
 Construct the branch and tree vector. More...
virtual void ConstructTree ()
 Construct the tree for this subsystem. More...
virtual void ConstructTree (TDirectory *folder)
 Construct the tree for this subsystem in a folder. More...
virtual void ConstructTree (TString &prefix)
 Construct the tree for this subsystem with a prefix. More...
virtual void ConstructTree (TDirectory *folder, TString &prefix)
 Construct the tree for this subsystem in a folder with a prefix. More...
virtual void FillTree ()
 Fill the tree for this subsystem. More...
virtual void DeleteTree ()
 Delete the tree for this subsystem. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MQwHistograms
void ShareHistograms (const MQwHistograms *source)
 Share histogram pointers between objects. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MQwCloneable< VQwSubsystem, QwBeamLine >
virtual ~MQwCloneable ()
 Virtual destructor. More...
virtual VQwSubsystemClone () const
 Concrete clone method. More...
const VQwFactory< VQwSubsystem > * Factory () const
 Factory getter. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from VQwCloneable< VQwSubsystem >
virtual ~VQwCloneable ()
 Virtual destructor. More...
std::string GetClassName () const
 Get demangled name of this class. More...

Protected Member Functions

template<typename TT >
Int_t AddToElementList (std::vector< TT > &elementlist, QwBeamDetectorID &detector_id)
 Adds a new element to a vector of data elements, and returns the index of that element within the array. More...
Int_t GetDetectorIndex (EQwBeamInstrumentType TypeID, TString name) const
Int_t AddToElementList (std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > &elementlist, QwBeamDetectorID &detector_id)
Int_t AddToElementList (std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > &elementlist, QwBeamDetectorID &detector_id)
Int_t AddToElementList (std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > &elementlist, QwBeamDetectorID &detector_id)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from VQwSubsystem
void UpdatePublishedValue (const TString &name, VQwHardwareChannel *data_channel)
void ClearAllBankRegistrations ()
 Clear all registration of ROC and Bank IDs for this subsystem. More...
virtual Int_t RegisterROCNumber (const UInt_t roc_id, const UInt_t bank_id=0)
 Tell the object that it will decode data from this ROC and sub-bank. More...
Int_t RegisterSubbank (const UInt_t bank_id)
 Tell the object that it will decode data from this sub-bank in the ROC currently open for registration. More...
Int_t GetSubbankIndex () const
Int_t GetSubbankIndex (const UInt_t roc_id, const UInt_t bank_id) const
void SetDataLoaded (Bool_t flag)
Int_t FindIndex (const std::vector< UInt_t > &myvec, const UInt_t value) const
Bool_t Compare (VQwSubsystem *source)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MQwHistograms
 MQwHistograms ()
 Default constructor. More...
 MQwHistograms (const MQwHistograms &source)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual ~MQwHistograms ()
 Virtual destructor. More...
virtual MQwHistogramsoperator= (const MQwHistograms &value)
void Fill_Pointer (TH1_ptr hist_ptr, Double_t value)
void AddHistogram (TH1 *h)
 Register a histogram. More...

Protected Attributes

std::vector< VQwBPM_ptrfStripline
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptrfBPMCombo
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptrfBCM
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptrfBCMCombo
std::vector< VQwClock_ptrfClock
std::vector< QwQPDfQPD
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArrayfLinearArray
std::vector< QwBPMCavityfCavity
std::vector< QwHaloMonitorfHaloMonitor
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculatorfECalculator
std::vector< QwBeamDetectorIDfBeamDetectorID
- Protected Attributes inherited from VQwSubsystem
std::map< TString,
VQwHardwareChannel * > 
 Map of published internal values. More...
std::vector< std::vector
< TString > > 
 List of parameters to be published (loaded at the channel map) More...
TString fSystemName
 Name of this subsystem. More...
UInt_t fEventTypeMask
 Mask of event types. More...
Bool_t fIsDataLoaded
 Has this subsystem gotten data to be processed? More...
std::vector< TString > fDetectorMapsNames
std::map< TString, TString > fDetectorMaps
Int_t fCurrentROC_ID
 ROC ID that is currently being processed. More...
Int_t fCurrentBank_ID
 Bank ID that is currently being processed. More...
std::vector< UInt_t > fROC_IDs
 Vector of ROC IDs associated with this subsystem. More...
std::vector< std::vector
< UInt_t > > 
 Vector of Bank IDs per ROC ID associated with this subsystem. More...
std::vector< QwSubsystemArray * > fArrays
 Vector of pointers to subsystem arrays that contain this subsystem. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from MQwHistograms
std::vector< TH1_ptrfHistograms
 Histograms associated with this data element. More...

Private Member Functions

 QwBeamLine ()
 Private default constructor (not implemented, will throw linker error on use) More...

Private Attributes

Int_t fQwBeamLineErrorCount

Static Private Attributes

static const Bool_t bDEBUG =kFALSE

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from VQwSubsystem
static void DefineOptions ()
 Define options function (note: no virtual static functions in C++) More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MQwCloneable< VQwSubsystem, QwBeamLine >
static VQwSubsystemCreate (const std::string &name)
 Object creation. More...
static QwBeamLineCast (QwBeamLine *type)
 Object dynamic cast. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 38 of file QwBeamLine.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QwBeamLine::QwBeamLine ( )

Private default constructor (not implemented, will throw linker error on use)

QwBeamLine::QwBeamLine ( const TString &  name)

Constructor with name.

Definition at line 46 of file QwBeamLine.h.

47  : VQwSubsystem(name),VQwSubsystemParity(name)
48  { };
Private default constructor (not implemented, will throw linker error on use)
QwBeamLine::QwBeamLine ( const QwBeamLine source)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 50 of file QwBeamLine.h.

References CopyTemplatedDataElements().

51  : VQwSubsystem(source),VQwSubsystemParity(source),
52  fQPD(source.fQPD),
53  fLinearArray(source.fLinearArray),
54  fCavity(source.fCavity),
55  fHaloMonitor(source.fHaloMonitor),
56  fECalculator(source.fECalculator),
58  { this->CopyTemplatedDataElements(&source); }
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< QwBeamDetectorID > fBeamDetectorID
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:184
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
void CopyTemplatedDataElements(const VQwSubsystem *source)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2566
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177
Private default constructor (not implemented, will throw linker error on use)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

virtual QwBeamLine::~QwBeamLine ( )

Virtual destructor.

Definition at line 60 of file QwBeamLine.h.

60 { };

Member Function Documentation

void QwBeamLine::AccumulateRunningSum ( VQwSubsystem value)

Update the running sums for devices.

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 2173 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References Compare(), fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, and fStripline.

2174 {
2175  if (Compare(value1)) {
2176  QwBeamLine* value = dynamic_cast<QwBeamLine*>(value1);
2178  for (size_t i = 0; i < fClock.size(); i++)
2179  fClock[i].get()->AccumulateRunningSum(*(value->fClock[i].get()));
2180  for (size_t i = 0; i < fStripline.size(); i++)
2181  fStripline[i].get()->AccumulateRunningSum(*(value->fStripline[i].get()));
2182  for (size_t i = 0; i < fCavity.size(); i++)
2183  fCavity[i].AccumulateRunningSum(value->fCavity[i]);
2184  for (size_t i = 0; i < fBCM.size(); i++)
2185  fBCM[i].get()->AccumulateRunningSum(*(value->fBCM[i].get()));
2186  for (size_t i = 0; i < fBCMCombo.size(); i++)
2187  fBCMCombo[i].get()->AccumulateRunningSum(*(value->fBCMCombo[i].get()));
2188  for (size_t i = 0; i < fBPMCombo.size(); i++)
2189  fBPMCombo[i].get()->AccumulateRunningSum(*(value->fBPMCombo[i].get()));
2190  for (size_t i = 0; i < fECalculator.size(); i++)
2192  for (size_t i = 0; i < fQPD.size(); i++)
2193  fQPD[i].AccumulateRunningSum(value->fQPD[i]);
2194  for (size_t i = 0; i < fLinearArray.size(); i++)
2196  for (size_t i = 0; i <fHaloMonitor.size(); i++)
2199  }
2200 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
void AccumulateRunningSum(VQwSubsystem *value)
Update the running sums for devices.
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2173
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
Bool_t Compare(VQwSubsystem *source)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2233
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Int_t QwBeamLine::AddToElementList ( std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > &  elementlist,
QwBeamDetectorID detector_id 

Definition at line 36 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References VQwClock::Create(), and kQwClock.

38 {
39  if (detector_id.fTypeID == kQwClock){
40  VQwClock_ptr element(
42  detector_id.fdetectorname,
43  detector_id.fmoduletype) );
44  elementlist.push_back(element);
45  }
46  detector_id.fIndex = elementlist.size()-1;
47  return detector_id.fIndex;
48 }
static VQwClock * Create(TString subsystemname, TString type, TString name)
A fast way of creating a Clock of specified type.
Definition: VQwClock.cc:26
boost::shared_ptr< VQwClock > VQwClock_ptr
Definition: VQwClock.h:94
EQwBeamInstrumentType fTypeID
TString GetSubsystemName() const
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:93

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Int_t QwBeamLine::AddToElementList ( std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > &  elementlist,
QwBeamDetectorID detector_id 

Definition at line 51 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References VQwBCM::Create(), and kQwBCM.

53 {
54  if (detector_id.fTypeID == kQwBCM){
55  VQwBCM_ptr element(
57  detector_id.fdetectorname,
58  detector_id.fmoduletype) );
59  elementlist.push_back(element);
60  }
61  detector_id.fIndex = elementlist.size()-1;
62  return detector_id.fIndex;
63 }
boost::shared_ptr< VQwBCM > VQwBCM_ptr
Definition: VQwBCM.h:122
static VQwBCM * Create(TString subsystemname, TString type, TString name, TString clock="")
A fast way of creating a BCM of specified type.
Definition: VQwBCM.cc:27
EQwBeamInstrumentType fTypeID
TString GetSubsystemName() const
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:93

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Int_t QwBeamLine::AddToElementList ( std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > &  elementlist,
QwBeamDetectorID detector_id 

Definition at line 66 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References VQwBPM::CreateStripline(), and kQwBPMStripline.

68 {
69  if (detector_id.fTypeID == kQwBPMStripline){
70  VQwBPM_ptr element(
72  detector_id.fdetectorname,
73  detector_id.fmoduletype) );
74  elementlist.push_back(element);
75  }
76  detector_id.fIndex = elementlist.size()-1;
77  return detector_id.fIndex;
78 }
EQwBeamInstrumentType fTypeID
static VQwBPM * CreateStripline(TString subsystemname, TString type, TString name)
A fast way of creating a BPM stripline of specified type.
Definition: VQwBPM.cc:225
boost::shared_ptr< VQwBPM > VQwBPM_ptr
Definition: VQwBPM.h:279
TString GetSubsystemName() const
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:93

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<typename TT >
Int_t QwBeamLine::AddToElementList ( std::vector< TT > &  elementlist,
QwBeamDetectorID detector_id 

Adds a new element to a vector of data elements, and returns the index of that element within the array.

Definition at line 82 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References QwBeamDetectorID::fdetectorname, QwBeamDetectorID::fIndex, and VQwSubsystem::GetSubsystemName().

Referenced by LoadChannelMap().

84 {
85  TT element(GetSubsystemName(), detector_id.fdetectorname);
86  elementlist.push_back(element);
87  detector_id.fIndex = elementlist.size()-1;
88  return detector_id.fIndex;
89 }
TString GetSubsystemName() const
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:93

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool_t QwBeamLine::ApplySingleEventCuts ( )

Apply the single event cuts.

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 1172 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References bDEBUG, fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, fQwBeamLineErrorCount, and fStripline.

1172  {
1174  Bool_t status=kTRUE;
1176  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCM.size();i++){
1177  status &= fBCM[i].get()->ApplySingleEventCuts();
1178  if(!status && bDEBUG) std::cout<<"******* QwBeamLine::SingleEventCuts()->BCM[ "<<i
1179  <<" , "<<fBCM[i].get()->GetElementName()<<" ] ******\n";
1180  }
1182  for(size_t i=0;i<fClock.size();i++){
1183  status &= fClock[i].get()->ApplySingleEventCuts();
1184  if(!status && bDEBUG) std::cout<<"******* QwBeamLine::SingleEventCuts()->Clock[ "<<i
1185  <<" , "<<fClock[i].get()->GetElementName()<<" ] ******\n";
1186  }
1188  for(size_t i=0;i<fHaloMonitor.size();i++){
1189  status &= fHaloMonitor[i].ApplySingleEventCuts();
1190  if(!status && bDEBUG) std::cout<<"******* QwBeamLine::SingleEventCuts()->HaloMonitor[ "<<i
1191  <<" , "<<fHaloMonitor[i].GetElementName()<<" ] ******\n";
1192  }
1194  for(size_t i=0;i<fStripline.size();i++){
1195  status &= fStripline[i].get()->ApplySingleEventCuts();
1196  if(!status && bDEBUG) std::cout<<"******** QwBeamLine::SingleEventCuts()->BPMStripline[ "<<i
1197  <<" , "<<fStripline[i].get()->GetElementName()<<" ] *****\n";
1199  }
1201  for(size_t i=0;i<fQPD.size();i++){
1202  status &= fQPD[i].ApplySingleEventCuts();
1203  if(!status && bDEBUG) std::cout<<"******** QwBeamLine::SingleEventCuts()->QPD[ "<<i
1204  <<" , "<<fQPD[i].GetElementName()<<" ] *****\n";
1205  }
1206  for(size_t i=0;i<fLinearArray.size();i++){
1207  status &= fLinearArray[i].ApplySingleEventCuts();
1208  if(!status && bDEBUG) std::cout<<"******** QwBeamLine::SingleEventCuts()->LinearArray[ "<<i
1209  <<" , "<<fLinearArray[i].GetElementName()<<" ] *****\n";
1210  }
1212  for(size_t i=0;i<fCavity.size();i++){
1213  status &= fCavity[i].ApplySingleEventCuts();
1214  if(!status && bDEBUG) std::cout<<"******** QwBeamLine::SingleEventCuts()->BPMCavity[ "<<i
1215  <<" , "<<fCavity[i].GetElementName()<<" ] *****\n";
1216  }
1218  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCMCombo.size();i++){
1219  status &= fBCMCombo[i].get()->ApplySingleEventCuts();
1220  if(!status && bDEBUG) std::cout<<"******* QwBeamLine::SingleEventCuts()->CombinedBCM[ "<<i
1221  <<" , "<<fBCMCombo[i].get()->GetElementName()<<" ] ******\n";
1222  }
1224  for(size_t i=0;i<fBPMCombo.size();i++){
1225  status &= fBPMCombo[i].get()->ApplySingleEventCuts();
1226  if(!status && bDEBUG) std::cout<<"******* QwBeamLine::SingleEventCuts()->CombinedBPM[ "<<i
1227  <<" , "<<fBPMCombo[i].get()->GetElementName()<<" ] ******\n";
1229  }
1230  for(size_t i=0;i<fECalculator.size();i++){
1231  status &= fECalculator[i].ApplySingleEventCuts();
1232  if(!status && bDEBUG) std::cout<<"******* QwBeamLine::SingleEventCuts()->EnergyCalculator[ "<<i
1233  <<" , "<<fECalculator[i].GetElementName()<<" ] ******\n";
1235  }
1238  //If at least one of the devices failed event cuts, increment error counter for QwBeamLine
1239  if (!status)
1243  return status;
1245 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
Int_t fQwBeamLineErrorCount
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:189
static const Bool_t bDEBUG
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:192
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177
void QwBeamLine::AssignGeometry ( QwParameterFile mapstr,
VQwBPM bpm 

Definition at line 776 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References QwParameterFile::GetTypedNextToken(), VQwBPM::SetGains(), VQwBPM::SetRotation(), and VQwBPM::SetRotationOff().

Referenced by LoadGeometryDefinition().

777 {
779  Bool_t ldebug = kFALSE;
781  TString token = "0";
782  TString angle,xgain,ygain;
783  Double_t rotation_angle = 0;
785  while(token!=""){
786  token= mapstr->GetTypedNextToken<TString>();
787  token.Remove(TString::kBoth,'\0');
789  if(token.Contains("unrotated")){
790  if(ldebug) std::cout<<" unrotated "<<std::endl;
791  bpm->SetRotationOff();
792  }
793  else if(token.Contains("rotation")){
794  // If the status is 'rotated'
796  // If a specific rotation angle is given read that
797  if(token.Contains("=")){
798  angle = token.Remove(0,9);
799  rotation_angle = atof(angle);
800  if(ldebug) std::cout<<"Rotation angle = "<<rotation_angle<<std::endl;
801  bpm->SetRotation(rotation_angle);
802  }
803  }
804  // If nothing is specified for rotation, a default rotation of 45 degrees is implied.
806  if(token.Contains("xgain")){
807  xgain = token.Remove(0,6);
808  if(ldebug) std::cout<<" xgain ="<<xgain<<std::endl;
809  bpm->SetGains("X", atof(xgain));
810  }
812  if(token.Contains("ygain")){
813  ygain = token.Remove(0,6);
814  if(ldebug) std::cout<<" ygain ="<<ygain<<std::endl;
815  bpm->SetGains("Y", atof(ygain));
816  }
817  }
818 }
void SetRotationOff()
Definition: VQwBPM.cc:85
void SetRotation(Double_t)
Definition: VQwBPM.cc:68
T GetTypedNextToken()
Get next token into specific type.
void SetGains(TString pos, Double_t value)
Definition: VQwBPM.cc:92

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwBeamLine::CalculateRunningAverage ( )

Calculate the average for all good events.

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 2131 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, and fStripline.

2132 {
2133  for (size_t i = 0; i < fClock.size(); i++) fClock[i].get()->CalculateRunningAverage();
2134  for (size_t i = 0; i < fStripline.size(); i++) fStripline[i].get()->CalculateRunningAverage();
2135  for (size_t i = 0; i < fCavity.size(); i++) fCavity[i].CalculateRunningAverage();
2136  for (size_t i = 0; i < fQPD.size(); i++) fQPD[i].CalculateRunningAverage();
2137  for (size_t i = 0; i < fLinearArray.size(); i++) fLinearArray[i].CalculateRunningAverage();
2138  for (size_t i = 0; i < fBCM.size(); i++) fBCM[i].get()->CalculateRunningAverage();
2139  for (size_t i = 0; i < fHaloMonitor.size(); i++) fHaloMonitor[i].CalculateRunningAverage();
2140  for (size_t i = 0; i < fBCMCombo.size(); i++) fBCMCombo[i].get()->CalculateRunningAverage();
2141  for (size_t i = 0; i < fBPMCombo.size(); i++) fBPMCombo[i].get()->CalculateRunningAverage();
2142  for (size_t i = 0; i < fECalculator.size(); i++) fECalculator[i].CalculateRunningAverage();
2143 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
void CalculateRunningAverage()
Calculate the average for all good events.
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2131
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177
void QwBeamLine::ClearEventData ( )

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 1593 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, and fStripline.

1594 {
1595  for(size_t i=0;i<fClock.size();i++)
1596  fClock[i].get()->ClearEventData();
1597  for(size_t i=0;i<fStripline.size();i++)
1598  fStripline[i].get()->ClearEventData();
1599  for(size_t i=0;i<fCavity.size();i++)
1600  fCavity[i].ClearEventData();
1601  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCM.size();i++)
1602  fBCM[i]->ClearEventData();
1603  for(size_t i=0;i<fQPD.size();i++)
1604  fQPD[i].ClearEventData();
1605  for(size_t i=0;i<fLinearArray.size();i++)
1607  for(size_t i=0;i<fHaloMonitor.size();i++)
1610  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCMCombo.size();i++)
1611  fBCMCombo[i].get()->ClearEventData();
1612  for(size_t i=0;i<fBPMCombo.size();i++)
1613  fBPMCombo[i].get()->ClearEventData();
1614  for(size_t i=0;i<fECalculator.size();i++)
1616  return;
1617 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
void ClearEventData()
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1593
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177
Bool_t QwBeamLine::Compare ( VQwSubsystem source)

Definition at line 2233 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, and fStripline.

Referenced by AccumulateRunningSum(), DeaccumulateRunningSum(), Difference(), operator+=(), operator-=(), operator=(), Ratio(), Sum(), and UpdateErrorFlag().

2234 {
2235  // std::cout<<" Here in QwBeamLine::Compare \n";
2237  Bool_t res=kTRUE;
2238  if(typeid(*value)!=typeid(*this))
2239  {
2240  res=kFALSE;
2241  // std::cout<<" types are not ok \n";
2242  // std::cout<<" this is bypassed just for now but should be fixed eventually \n";
2243  }
2244  else
2245  {
2246  QwBeamLine* input = dynamic_cast<QwBeamLine*>(value);
2247  if(input->fStripline.size()!=fStripline.size())
2248  {
2249  // std::cout<<" not the same number of striplines \n";
2250  res=kFALSE;
2251  }
2252  else if(input->fBCM.size()!=fBCM.size())
2253  {
2254  res=kFALSE;
2255  // std::cout<<" not the same number of bcms \n";
2256  }
2257  else if(input->fHaloMonitor.size()!=fHaloMonitor.size())
2258  {
2259  res=kFALSE;
2260  // std::cout<<" not the same number of halomonitors \n";
2261  }
2262  else if(input->fClock.size()!=fClock.size()){
2263  res=kFALSE;
2264  // std::cout<<" not the same number of halomonitors \n";
2265  }else if(input->fBCMCombo.size()!=fBCMCombo.size()){
2266  res=kFALSE;
2267  }else if(input->fBPMCombo.size()!=fBPMCombo.size()){
2268  res=kFALSE;
2269  }else if(input->fLinearArray.size()!=fLinearArray.size()){
2270  res=kFALSE;
2271  }else if(input->fECalculator.size()!=fECalculator.size()){
2272  res=kFALSE;
2273  }else if(input->fCavity.size()!=fCavity.size()){
2274  res=kFALSE;
2275  }else if(input->fQPD.size()!=fQPD.size()){
2276  res=kFALSE;
2277  }
2279  }
2280  return res;
2281 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwBeamLine::ConstructBranch ( TTree *  tree,
TString &  prefix 

Construct the branch and tree vector.

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 2378 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, and fStripline.

Referenced by ConstructBranch().

2379 {
2380  for(size_t i = 0; i < fClock.size(); i++)
2381  fClock[i].get()->ConstructBranch(tree, prefix);
2382  for(size_t i = 0; i < fStripline.size(); i++)
2383  fStripline[i].get()->ConstructBranch(tree, prefix);
2384  for(size_t i = 0; i < fQPD.size(); i++)
2385  fQPD[i].ConstructBranch(tree, prefix);
2386  for(size_t i = 0; i < fLinearArray.size(); i++)
2387  fLinearArray[i].ConstructBranch(tree, prefix);
2388  for(size_t i = 0; i < fBCM.size(); i++)
2389  fBCM[i].get()->ConstructBranch(tree, prefix);
2390  for(size_t i = 0; i <fCavity.size(); i++)
2391  fStripline[i].get()->ConstructBranch(tree, prefix);
2392  for(size_t i = 0; i < fHaloMonitor.size(); i++)
2393  fHaloMonitor[i].ConstructBranch(tree, prefix);
2394  for(size_t i = 0; i <fBCMCombo.size();i++)
2395  fBCMCombo[i].get()->ConstructBranch(tree, prefix);
2396  for(size_t i = 0; i <fBPMCombo.size();i++)
2397  fBPMCombo[i].get()->ConstructBranch(tree, prefix);
2398  for(size_t i = 0; i <fECalculator.size();i++)
2399  fECalculator[i].ConstructBranch(tree, prefix);
2402  return;
2403 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
void ConstructBranch(TTree *tree, TString &prefix)
Construct the branch and tree vector.
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2378
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwBeamLine::ConstructBranch ( TTree *  tree,
TString &  prefix,
QwParameterFile trim_file 

Construct the branch and tree vector based on the trim file.

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 2406 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References ConstructBranch(), fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, QwParameterFile::FileHasModuleHeader(), fLinearArray, fQPD, fStripline, QwParameterFile::ReadUntilNextModule(), and QwParameterFile::RewindToFileStart().

2407 {
2408  TString tmp,varname,varvalue;
2409  tmp="QwBCM";
2410  QwParameterFile* nextmodule;
2411  trim_file.RewindToFileStart();
2414  tmp="QwBPMStripline";
2415  trim_file.RewindToFileStart();
2416  if (trim_file.FileHasModuleHeader(tmp)){
2417  nextmodule=trim_file.ReadUntilNextModule();//This section contains sub modules and or channels to be included in the tree
2418  for(size_t i = 0; i < fStripline.size(); i++)
2419  fStripline[i].get()->ConstructBranch(tree, prefix,*nextmodule);
2421  }
2423  tmp="QwQPD";
2424  trim_file.RewindToFileStart();
2425  if (trim_file.FileHasModuleHeader(tmp)){
2426  nextmodule=trim_file.ReadUntilNextModule();//This section contains sub modules and or channels to be included in the tree
2427  for(size_t i = 0; i < fQPD.size(); i++)
2428  fQPD[i].ConstructBranch(tree, prefix,*nextmodule);
2429  }
2431  tmp="QwLinearDiodeArray";
2432  trim_file.RewindToFileStart();
2433  if (trim_file.FileHasModuleHeader(tmp)){
2434  nextmodule=trim_file.ReadUntilNextModule();//This section contains sub modules and or channels to be included in the tree
2435  for(size_t i = 0; i < fLinearArray.size(); i++)
2436  fLinearArray[i].ConstructBranch(tree, prefix,*nextmodule);
2437  }
2439  tmp="QwBPMCavity";
2440  trim_file.RewindToFileStart();
2441  if (trim_file.FileHasModuleHeader(tmp)){
2442  nextmodule=trim_file.ReadUntilNextModule();//This section contains sub modules and or channels to be included in the tree
2443  for(size_t i = 0; i < fCavity.size(); i++)
2444  fCavity[i].ConstructBranch(tree, prefix,*nextmodule);
2446  }
2448  tmp="QwBCM";
2449  trim_file.RewindToFileStart();
2450  if (trim_file.FileHasModuleHeader(tmp)){
2451  nextmodule=trim_file.ReadUntilNextModule();//This section contains sub modules and or channels to be included in the tree
2452  for(size_t i = 0; i < fBCM.size(); i++)
2453  fBCM[i].get()->ConstructBranch(tree, prefix,*nextmodule);
2454  }
2456  tmp="QwClock";
2457  trim_file.RewindToFileStart();
2458  if (trim_file.FileHasModuleHeader(tmp)){
2459  nextmodule=trim_file.ReadUntilNextModule();//This section contains sub modules and or channels to be included in the tree
2460  for(size_t i = 0; i < fClock.size(); i++)
2461  fClock[i].get()->ConstructBranch(tree, prefix,*nextmodule);
2462  }
2464  tmp="QwHaloMonitor";
2465  trim_file.RewindToFileStart();
2466  if (trim_file.FileHasModuleHeader(tmp)){
2467  nextmodule=trim_file.ReadUntilNextModule();//This section contains sub modules and or channels to be included in the tree
2468  for(size_t i = 0; i < fHaloMonitor.size(); i++)
2469  fHaloMonitor[i].ConstructBranch(tree, prefix,*nextmodule);
2470  }
2473  tmp="QwCombinedBCM";
2474  trim_file.RewindToFileStart();
2475  if (trim_file.FileHasModuleHeader(tmp)){
2476  nextmodule=trim_file.ReadUntilNextModule();//This section contains sub modules and or channels to be included in the tree
2477  for(size_t i = 0; i <fBCMCombo.size();i++)
2478  fBCMCombo[i].get()->ConstructBranch(tree, prefix,*nextmodule);
2479  }
2482  tmp="QwCombinedBPM";
2483  trim_file.RewindToFileStart();
2484  if (trim_file.FileHasModuleHeader(tmp)){
2485  nextmodule=trim_file.ReadUntilNextModule();//This section contains sub modules and or channels to be included in the tree
2486  for(size_t i = 0; i <fBPMCombo.size();i++)
2487  fBPMCombo[i].get()->ConstructBranch(tree, prefix,*nextmodule);
2488  }
2490  tmp="QwEnergyCalculator";
2491  trim_file.RewindToFileStart();
2492  if (trim_file.FileHasModuleHeader(tmp)){
2493  nextmodule=trim_file.ReadUntilNextModule();//This section contains sub modules and or channels to be included in the tree
2494  for(size_t i = 0; i <fECalculator.size();i++)
2495  fECalculator[i].ConstructBranch(tree, prefix,*nextmodule);
2496  }
2498  return;
2499 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
Bool_t FileHasModuleHeader(const std::string &secname)
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
void ConstructBranch(TTree *tree, TString &prefix)
Construct the branch and tree vector.
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2378
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177
QwParameterFile * ReadUntilNextModule(const bool add_current_line=false)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwBeamLine::ConstructBranchAndVector ( TTree *  tree,
TString &  prefix,
std::vector< Double_t > &  values 

Construct the branch and tree vector.

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 2350 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, and fStripline.

2351 {
2353  for(size_t i = 0; i < fClock.size(); i++)
2354  fClock[i].get()->ConstructBranchAndVector(tree, prefix, values);
2355  for(size_t i = 0; i < fStripline.size(); i++)
2356  fStripline[i].get()->ConstructBranchAndVector(tree, prefix, values);
2357  for(size_t i = 0; i < fQPD.size(); i++)
2358  fQPD[i].ConstructBranchAndVector(tree, prefix, values);
2359  for(size_t i = 0; i < fLinearArray.size(); i++)
2360  fLinearArray[i].ConstructBranchAndVector(tree, prefix, values);
2361  for(size_t i = 0; i < fCavity.size(); i++)
2362  fCavity[i].ConstructBranchAndVector(tree, prefix, values);
2363  for(size_t i = 0; i < fBCM.size(); i++)
2364  fBCM[i].get()->ConstructBranchAndVector(tree, prefix, values);
2365  for(size_t i = 0; i < fHaloMonitor.size(); i++)
2366  fHaloMonitor[i].ConstructBranchAndVector(tree, prefix, values);
2367  for(size_t i = 0; i <fBCMCombo.size();i++)
2368  fBCMCombo[i].get()->ConstructBranchAndVector(tree, prefix, values);
2369  for(size_t i = 0; i <fBPMCombo.size();i++)
2370  fBPMCombo[i].get()->ConstructBranchAndVector(tree, prefix, values);
2371  for(size_t i = 0; i <fECalculator.size();i++)
2372  fECalculator[i].ConstructBranchAndVector(tree, prefix, values);
2374  return;
2375 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
void ConstructBranchAndVector(TTree *tree, TString &prefix, std::vector< Double_t > &values)
Construct the branch and tree vector.
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2350
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177
void QwBeamLine::ConstructHistograms ( TDirectory *  folder,
TString &  prefix 

Construct the histograms for this subsystem in a folder with a prefix.

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 2285 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References VQwSubsystem::ConstructHistograms(), fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, and fStripline.

2286 {
2288  // std::cout<<" here is QwBeamLine::ConstructHistogram with prefix ="<<prefix<<"\n";
2289  for(size_t i=0;i<fClock.size();i++)
2290  fClock[i].get()->ConstructHistograms(folder,prefix);
2292  for(size_t i=0;i<fStripline.size();i++)
2293  fStripline[i].get()->ConstructHistograms(folder,prefix);
2295  for(size_t i=0;i<fQPD.size();i++)
2296  fQPD[i].ConstructHistograms(folder,prefix);
2298  for(size_t i=0;i<fLinearArray.size();i++)
2299  fLinearArray[i].ConstructHistograms(folder,prefix);
2301  for(size_t i=0;i<fCavity.size();i++)
2302  fCavity[i].ConstructHistograms(folder,prefix);
2304  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCM.size();i++)
2305  fBCM[i].get()->ConstructHistograms(folder,prefix);
2307  for(size_t i=0;i<fHaloMonitor.size();i++)
2308  fHaloMonitor[i].ConstructHistograms(folder,prefix);
2310  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCMCombo.size();i++)
2311  fBCMCombo[i].get()->ConstructHistograms(folder,prefix);
2313  for(size_t i=0;i<fBPMCombo.size();i++)
2314  fBPMCombo[i].get()->ConstructHistograms(folder,prefix);
2316  for(size_t i=0;i<fECalculator.size();i++)
2317  fECalculator[i].ConstructHistograms(folder,prefix);
2318  return;
2319 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
virtual void ConstructHistograms()
Construct the histograms for this subsystem.
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:209
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwBeamLine::CopyTemplatedDataElements ( const VQwSubsystem source)

Definition at line 2566 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References VQwClock::Create(), VQwBCM::Create(), VQwBCM::CreateCombo(), VQwBPM::CreateCombo(), VQwBPM::CreateStripline(), fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fClock, and fStripline.

Referenced by QwBeamLine().

2567 {
2568  const QwBeamLine* input = dynamic_cast<const QwBeamLine*>(source);
2570  this->fClock.reserve(input->fClock.size());
2571  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fClock.size();i++) {
2572  this->fClock.push_back(VQwClock_ptr(VQwClock::Create(*(input->fClock[i].get()))));
2573  }
2575  this->fStripline.reserve(input->fStripline.size());
2576  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fStripline.size();i++) {
2577  this->fStripline.push_back(VQwBPM_ptr(
2578  VQwBPM::CreateStripline(*(input->fStripline[i].get()))));
2579  }
2581  this->fBCM.reserve(input->fBCM.size());
2582  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fBCM.size();i++) {
2583  this->fBCM.push_back(VQwBCM_ptr(
2584  VQwBCM::Create(*(input->fBCM[i].get()))));
2585  }
2587  this->fBCMCombo.reserve(input->fBCMCombo.size());
2588  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fBCMCombo.size();i++) {
2589  this->fBCMCombo.push_back(VQwBCM_ptr(
2591  input->fBCMCombo[i].get()))));
2592  }
2594  this->fBPMCombo.reserve(input->fBPMCombo.size());
2595  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fBPMCombo.size();i++){
2596  this->fBPMCombo.push_back(VQwBPM_ptr(
2597  VQwBPM::CreateCombo(*(input->fBPMCombo[i].get()))));
2598  }
2599 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
boost::shared_ptr< VQwBCM > VQwBCM_ptr
Definition: VQwBCM.h:122
static VQwBCM * Create(TString subsystemname, TString type, TString name, TString clock="")
A fast way of creating a BCM of specified type.
Definition: VQwBCM.cc:27
static VQwClock * Create(TString subsystemname, TString type, TString name)
A fast way of creating a Clock of specified type.
Definition: VQwClock.cc:26
boost::shared_ptr< VQwClock > VQwClock_ptr
Definition: VQwClock.h:94
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
static VQwBPM * CreateCombo(TString subsystemname, TString type, TString name)
A fast way of creating a BPM stripline of specified type.
Definition: VQwBPM.cc:268
static VQwBPM * CreateStripline(TString subsystemname, TString type, TString name)
A fast way of creating a BPM stripline of specified type.
Definition: VQwBPM.cc:225
boost::shared_ptr< VQwBPM > VQwBPM_ptr
Definition: VQwBPM.h:279
static VQwBCM * CreateCombo(TString subsystemname, TString type, TString name)
A fast way of creating a combo BCM of specified type.
Definition: VQwBCM.cc:70

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwBeamLine::DeaccumulateRunningSum ( VQwSubsystem value)

remove one entry from the running sums for devices

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 2203 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References Compare(), fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, and fStripline.

2203  {
2204  if (Compare(value1)) {
2205  QwBeamLine* value = dynamic_cast<QwBeamLine*>(value1);
2206  /*
2207  for (size_t i = 0; i < fClock.size(); i++)
2208  fClock[i].get()->DeaccumulateRunningSum(*(value->fClock[i].get()));
2209  */
2210  for (size_t i = 0; i < fStripline.size(); i++)
2211  fStripline[i].get()->DeaccumulateRunningSum(*(value->fStripline[i].get()));
2212  for (size_t i = 0; i < fCavity.size(); i++)
2213  fCavity[i].DeaccumulateRunningSum(value->fCavity[i]);
2214  for (size_t i = 0; i < fBCM.size(); i++)
2215  fBCM[i].get()->DeaccumulateRunningSum(*(value->fBCM[i].get()));
2216  for (size_t i = 0; i < fBCMCombo.size(); i++)
2217  fBCMCombo[i].get()->DeaccumulateRunningSum(*(value->fBCMCombo[i].get()));
2218  for (size_t i = 0; i < fBPMCombo.size(); i++)
2219  fBPMCombo[i].get()->DeaccumulateRunningSum(*(value->fBPMCombo[i].get()));
2220  for (size_t i = 0; i < fQPD.size(); i++)
2221  fQPD[i].DeaccumulateRunningSum(value->fQPD[i]);
2222  for (size_t i = 0; i < fLinearArray.size(); i++)
2224  for (size_t i = 0; i < fECalculator.size(); i++)
2226  for (size_t i = 0; i <fHaloMonitor.size(); i++)
2229  }
2230 };
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
Bool_t Compare(VQwSubsystem *source)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2233
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
void DeaccumulateRunningSum(VQwSubsystem *value)
remove one entry from the running sums for devices
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2203
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwBeamLine::Difference ( VQwSubsystem value1,
VQwSubsystem value2 

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 2062 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References Compare().

2063 {
2064  if(Compare(value1)&&Compare(value2))
2065  {
2066  *this = value1;
2067  *this -= value2;
2068  }
2069 }
Bool_t Compare(VQwSubsystem *source)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2233

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwBeamLine::EncodeEventData ( std::vector< UInt_t > &  buffer)

Reimplemented from VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 1006 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCM, fBeamDetectorID, VQwSubsystem::fCurrentBank_ID, VQwSubsystem::fCurrentROC_ID, fStripline, kQwBCM, and kQwBPMStripline.

1007 {
1008  std::vector<UInt_t> elements;
1009  elements.clear();
1011  // Get all buffers in the order they are defined in the map file
1012  for (size_t i = 0; i < fBeamDetectorID.size(); i++) {
1013  // This is a QwBCM
1014  if (fBeamDetectorID.at(i).fTypeID == kQwBCM)
1015  fBCM[fBeamDetectorID.at(i).fIndex].get()->EncodeEventData(elements);
1016  // This is a QwBPMStripline (which has 4 entries, only process the first one)
1017  if (fBeamDetectorID.at(i).fTypeID == kQwBPMStripline
1018  && fBeamDetectorID.at(i).fSubelement == 0)
1019  fStripline[fBeamDetectorID.at(i).fIndex].get()->EncodeEventData(elements);
1020  }
1022  // If there is element data, generate the subbank header
1023  std::vector<UInt_t> subbankheader;
1024  std::vector<UInt_t> rocheader;
1025  if (elements.size() > 0) {
1027  // Form CODA subbank header
1028  subbankheader.clear();
1029  subbankheader.push_back(elements.size() + 1); // subbank size
1030  subbankheader.push_back((fCurrentBank_ID << 16) | (0x01 << 8) | (1 & 0xff));
1031  // subbank tag | subbank type | event number
1033  // Form CODA bank/roc header
1034  rocheader.clear();
1035  rocheader.push_back(subbankheader.size() + elements.size() + 1); // bank/roc size
1036  rocheader.push_back((fCurrentROC_ID << 16) | (0x10 << 8) | (1 & 0xff));
1037  // bank tag == ROC | bank type | event number
1039  // Add bank header, subbank header and element data to output buffer
1040  buffer.insert(buffer.end(), rocheader.begin(), rocheader.end());
1041  buffer.insert(buffer.end(), subbankheader.begin(), subbankheader.end());
1042  buffer.insert(buffer.end(), elements.begin(), elements.end());
1043  }
1044 }
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
Int_t fCurrentROC_ID
ROC ID that is currently being processed.
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:325
std::vector< QwBeamDetectorID > fBeamDetectorID
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:184
Int_t fCurrentBank_ID
Bank ID that is currently being processed.
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:326
void QwBeamLine::FillDB ( QwParityDB db,
TString  type 

Fill the database.

try to access BPM mean and its error

try to access CombinedBPM means and errors

try to access CombinedBCM means and errors

try to access Energy Calculator mean and its error

try to access QPD mean and its error

try to access LinearArray mean and its error

try to access cavity bpm mean and its error

Reimplemented from VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 2602 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References QwDatabase::Connect(), QwDBInterface::DetermineMeasurementTypeID(), QwDatabase::Disconnect(), QwLog::endl(), fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, fStripline, QwParityDB::GetAnalysisID(), Qw::kBoldRed, Qw::kGreen, Qw::kNormal, QwDatabase::Query(), and QwMessage.

2603 {
2605  Bool_t local_print_flag = false;
2607  if(local_print_flag) {
2608  QwMessage << " --------------------------------------------------------------- " << QwLog::endl;
2609  QwMessage << " QwBeamLine::FillDB " << QwLog::endl;
2610  QwMessage << " --------------------------------------------------------------- " << QwLog::endl;
2611  }
2613  std::vector<QwDBInterface> interface;
2614  std::vector<QwParitySSQLS::beam> entrylist;
2616  UInt_t analysis_id = db->GetAnalysisID();
2618  TString measurement_type_bcm;
2619  TString measurement_type_bpm;
2620  TString measurement_type_halo;
2622  measurement_type_bcm =
2624  measurement_type_bpm =
2625  QwDBInterface::DetermineMeasurementTypeID(datatype,"p",kTRUE);
2626  measurement_type_halo =
2629  UInt_t i,j;
2630  i = j = 0;
2631  // try to access BCM mean and its error
2632  // there are 2 different types BCM data we have at the moment
2633  // Yield and Asymmetry
2634  if(local_print_flag) QwMessage << QwColor(Qw::kGreen) << "Beam Current Monitors" <<QwLog::endl;
2636  for(i=0; i< fBCM.size(); i++) {
2637  interface.clear();
2638  interface = fBCM[i].get()->GetDBEntry();
2639  for (j=0; j<interface.size(); j++){
2640  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id );
2641  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2642  interface.at(j).SetMeasurementTypeID( measurement_type_bcm );
2643  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag );
2644  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2645  }
2646  }
2648  /// try to access BPM mean and its error
2649  if(local_print_flag) QwMessage << QwColor(Qw::kGreen) << "Beam Position Monitors" <<QwLog::endl;
2650  for(i=0; i< fStripline.size(); i++) {
2651  // fStripline[i].MakeBPMList();
2652  interface.clear();
2653  interface = fStripline[i].get()->GetDBEntry();
2654  for (j=0; j<interface.size()-5; j++){
2655  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id ) ;
2656  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2657  interface.at(j).SetMeasurementTypeID( measurement_type_bpm );
2658  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag);
2659  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2660  }
2661  // effective charge (last 4 elements) need to be saved as measurement_type_bcm
2662  for (j=interface.size()-5; j<interface.size(); j++){
2663  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id ) ;
2664  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2665  interface.at(j).SetMeasurementTypeID( measurement_type_bcm );
2666  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag);
2667  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2668  }
2669  }
2672  /// try to access CombinedBPM means and errors
2673  if(local_print_flag) QwMessage << QwColor(Qw::kGreen) << "Combined Beam Position Monitors" <<QwLog::endl;
2674  for(i=0; i< fBPMCombo.size(); i++) {
2675  // fBPMCombo[i].MakeBPMComboList();
2676  interface.clear();
2677  interface = fBPMCombo[i].get()->GetDBEntry();
2678  for (j=0; j<interface.size()-5; j++){
2679  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id ) ;
2680  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2681  interface.at(j).SetMeasurementTypeID( measurement_type_bpm );
2682  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag);
2683  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2684  }
2685  // effective charge (last element) need to be saved as measurement_type_bcm
2686  for (j=interface.size()-5; j<interface.size(); j++){
2687  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id ) ;
2688  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2689  interface.at(j).SetMeasurementTypeID( measurement_type_bcm );
2690  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag);
2691  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2692  }
2693  }
2695  /// try to access CombinedBCM means and errors
2696  if(local_print_flag) QwMessage << QwColor(Qw::kGreen) << "Combined Beam Current Monitors" <<QwLog::endl;
2698  for(i=0; i< fBCMCombo.size(); i++) {
2699  interface.clear();
2700  interface = fBCMCombo[i].get()->GetDBEntry();
2701  for (j=0; j<interface.size(); j++){
2702  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id );
2703  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2704  interface.at(j).SetMeasurementTypeID( measurement_type_bcm );
2705  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag );
2706  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2707  }
2708  }
2710  /// try to access Energy Calculator mean and its error
2711  if(local_print_flag) QwMessage << QwColor(Qw::kGreen) << "Energy Calculator" <<QwLog::endl;
2713  for(i=0; i< fECalculator.size(); i++) {
2714  interface.clear();
2715  interface = fECalculator[i].GetDBEntry();
2716  for (j=0; j<interface.size(); j++){
2717  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id );
2718  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2719  interface.at(j).SetMeasurementTypeID( measurement_type_bpm );
2720  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag );
2721  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2722  }
2723  }
2726  /// try to access QPD mean and its error
2727  if(local_print_flag) QwMessage << QwColor(Qw::kGreen) << "Quadrant PhotoDiodes" <<QwLog::endl;
2728  for(i=0; i< fQPD.size(); i++) {
2729  // fQPD[i].MakeQPDList();
2730  interface.clear();
2731  interface = fQPD[i].GetDBEntry();
2732  for (j=0; j<interface.size()-5; j++){
2733  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id ) ;
2734  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2735  interface.at(j).SetMeasurementTypeID( measurement_type_bpm );
2736  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag);
2737  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2738  }
2739  // effective charge need (last element) to be saved as measurement_type_bcm
2740  for (j=interface.size()-5; j<interface.size(); j++){
2741  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id ) ;
2742  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2743  interface.at(j).SetMeasurementTypeID( measurement_type_bcm );
2744  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag);
2745  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2746  }
2747  }
2749  /// try to access LinearArray mean and its error
2750  if(local_print_flag) QwMessage << QwColor(Qw::kGreen) << "Linear PhotoDiode Array" <<QwLog::endl;
2751  for(i=0; i< fLinearArray.size(); i++) {
2752  // fLinearArray[i].MakeLinearArrayList();
2753  interface.clear();
2754  interface = fLinearArray[i].GetDBEntry();
2755  for (j=0; j<interface.size()-5; j++){
2756  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id ) ;
2757  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2758  interface.at(j).SetMeasurementTypeID( measurement_type_bpm );
2759  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag);
2760  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2761  }
2762  for (j=interface.size()-5; j<interface.size(); j++){
2763  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id ) ;
2764  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2765  interface.at(j).SetMeasurementTypeID( measurement_type_bcm );
2766  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag);
2767  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2768  }
2769  }
2771  /// try to access cavity bpm mean and its error
2772  if(local_print_flag) QwMessage << QwColor(Qw::kGreen) << "Cavity Monitors" <<QwLog::endl;
2773  for(i=0; i< fCavity.size(); i++) {
2774  // fCavity[i].MakeBPMCavityList();
2775  interface.clear();
2776  interface = fCavity[i].GetDBEntry();
2777  for (j=0; j<interface.size()-5; j++){
2778  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id ) ;
2779  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2780  interface.at(j).SetMeasurementTypeID( measurement_type_bpm );
2781  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag);
2782  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2783  }
2784  for (j=interface.size()-5; j<interface.size(); j++){
2785  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id ) ;
2786  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2787  interface.at(j).SetMeasurementTypeID( measurement_type_bcm );
2788  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag);
2789  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2790  }
2791  }
2793  // try to access halo mean and its error
2794  if(local_print_flag) QwMessage << QwColor(Qw::kGreen) << "Halo Monitors" <<QwLog::endl;
2796  for(i=0; i< fHaloMonitor.size(); i++) {
2797  interface.clear();
2798  interface = fHaloMonitor[i].GetDBEntry();
2799  for (j=0; j<interface.size(); j++){
2800  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id );
2801  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2802  interface.at(j).SetMeasurementTypeID( measurement_type_halo );
2803  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag );
2804  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2805  }
2806  }
2808  if(local_print_flag){
2809  QwMessage << QwColor(Qw::kGreen) << "Entrylist Size : "
2810  << QwColor(Qw::kBoldRed) << entrylist.size()
2812  }
2814  db->Connect();
2815  // Check the entrylist size, if it isn't zero, start to query..
2816  if( entrylist.size() ) {
2817  mysqlpp::Query query= db->Query();
2818  query.insert(entrylist.begin(), entrylist.end());
2819  query.execute();
2820  }
2821  else {
2822  QwMessage << "QwBeamLine::FillDB :: This is the case when the entrlylist contains nothing in "<< datatype.Data() << QwLog::endl;
2823  }
2824  db->Disconnect();
2826  return;
2827 }
#define QwMessage
Predefined log drain for regular messages.
Definition: QwLog.h:50
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
void Disconnect()
Definition: QwDatabase.h:59
Bool_t Connect()
Open a connection to the database using the predefined parameters.
Definition: QwDatabase.cc:175
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
UInt_t GetAnalysisID()
Definition: QwParityDB.h:71
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
mysqlpp::Query Query(const char *qstr=0)
Definition: QwDatabase.h:66
A color changing class for the output stream.
Definition: QwColor.h:98
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
static TString DetermineMeasurementTypeID(TString type, TString suffix="", Bool_t forcediffs=kFALSE)
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwBeamLine::FillErrDB ( QwParityDB db,
TString  datatype 

try to access BPM mean and its error

try to access CombinedBCM means and errors

try to access Energy Calculator mean and its error

try to access QPD mean and its error

try to access LinearArray mean and its error

try to access cavity bpm mean and its error

Reimplemented from VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 2830 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References QwDatabase::Connect(), QwDatabase::Disconnect(), QwLog::endl(), fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, fStripline, QwParityDB::GetAnalysisID(), Qw::kBoldRed, Qw::kGreen, Qw::kNormal, QwDatabase::Query(), and QwMessage.

2831 {
2833  Bool_t local_print_flag = false;
2835  if(local_print_flag) {
2836  QwMessage << " --------------------------------------------------------------- " << QwLog::endl;
2837  QwMessage << " QwBeamLine::FillErrDB " << QwLog::endl;
2838  QwMessage << " --------------------------------------------------------------- " << QwLog::endl;
2839  }
2841  std::vector<QwErrDBInterface> interface;
2842  std::vector<QwParitySSQLS::beam_errors> entrylist;
2844  UInt_t analysis_id = db->GetAnalysisID();
2846  UInt_t i,j;
2847  i = j = 0;
2849  if(local_print_flag) QwMessage << QwColor(Qw::kGreen) << "Beam Current Monitors" <<QwLog::endl;
2850  for(i=0; i< fBCM.size(); i++) {
2851  interface.clear();
2852  interface = fBCM[i].get()->GetErrDBEntry();
2853  for (j=0; j<interface.size(); j++){
2854  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id );
2855  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2856  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag );
2857  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2858  }
2859  if(local_print_flag) printf("\n");
2860  }
2862  /// try to access BPM mean and its error
2863  if(local_print_flag) QwMessage << QwColor(Qw::kGreen) << "Beam Position Monitors" <<QwLog::endl;
2864  for(i=0; i< fStripline.size(); i++) {
2865  interface.clear();
2866  interface = fStripline[i].get()->GetErrDBEntry();
2867  for (j=0; j<interface.size(); j++){
2868  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id ) ;
2869  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2870  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag );
2871  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2872  }
2873  if(local_print_flag) printf("\n");
2874  }
2876  if(local_print_flag) QwMessage << QwColor(Qw::kGreen) << "Combined Beam Position Monitors" <<QwLog::endl;
2877  for(i=0; i< fBPMCombo.size(); i++) {
2878  interface.clear();
2879  interface = fBPMCombo[i].get()->GetErrDBEntry();
2880  for (j=0; j<interface.size(); j++){
2881  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id ) ;
2882  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2883  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag );
2884  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2885  }
2886  if(local_print_flag) printf("\n");
2887  }
2889  /// try to access CombinedBCM means and errors
2890  if(local_print_flag) QwMessage << QwColor(Qw::kGreen) << "Combined Beam Current Monitors" <<QwLog::endl;
2891  for(i=0; i< fBCMCombo.size(); i++) {
2892  interface.clear();
2893  interface = fBCMCombo[i].get()->GetErrDBEntry();
2894  for (j=0; j<interface.size(); j++){
2895  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id ) ;
2896  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2897  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag );
2898  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2899  }
2900  if(local_print_flag) printf("\n");
2901  }
2903  /// try to access Energy Calculator mean and its error
2904  if(local_print_flag) QwMessage << QwColor(Qw::kGreen) << "Energy Calculator" <<QwLog::endl;
2905  for(i=0; i< fECalculator.size(); i++) {
2906  interface.clear();
2907  interface = fECalculator[i].GetErrDBEntry();
2908  for (j=0; j<interface.size(); j++){
2909  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id ) ;
2910  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2911  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag );
2912  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2913  }
2914  if(local_print_flag) printf("\n");
2915  }
2917  /// try to access QPD mean and its error
2918  if(local_print_flag) QwMessage << QwColor(Qw::kGreen) << "Quadrant PhotoDiodes" <<QwLog::endl;
2919  for(i=0; i< fQPD.size(); i++) {
2920  interface.clear();
2921  interface = fQPD[i].GetErrDBEntry();
2922  for (j=0; j<interface.size(); j++){
2923  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id ) ;
2924  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2925  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag );
2926  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2927  }
2928  if(local_print_flag) printf("\n");
2929  }
2931  /// try to access LinearArray mean and its error
2932  if(local_print_flag) QwMessage << QwColor(Qw::kGreen) << "Linear PhotoDiode Array" <<QwLog::endl;
2933  for(i=0; i< fLinearArray.size(); i++) {
2934  interface.clear();
2935  interface = fLinearArray[i].GetErrDBEntry();
2936  for (j=0; j<interface.size(); j++){
2937  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id ) ;
2938  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2939  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag );
2940  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2941  }
2942  if(local_print_flag) printf("\n");
2943  }
2945  /// try to access cavity bpm mean and its error
2946  if(local_print_flag) QwMessage << QwColor(Qw::kGreen) << "Cavity Monitors" <<QwLog::endl;
2947  for(i=0; i< fCavity.size(); i++) {
2948  interface.clear();
2949  interface = fCavity[i].GetErrDBEntry();
2950  for (j=0; j<interface.size(); j++){
2951  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id ) ;
2952  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2953  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag );
2954  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2955  }
2956  if(local_print_flag) printf("\n");
2957  }
2959  // try to access halo mean and its error
2960  if(local_print_flag) QwMessage << QwColor(Qw::kGreen) << "Halo Monitors" <<QwLog::endl;
2961  for(i=0; i< fHaloMonitor.size(); i++) {
2962  interface.clear();
2963  interface = fHaloMonitor[i].GetErrDBEntry();
2964  for (j=0; j<interface.size(); j++){
2965  interface.at(j).SetAnalysisID( analysis_id ) ;
2966  interface.at(j).SetMonitorID( db );
2967  interface.at(j).PrintStatus( local_print_flag );
2968  interface.at(j).AddThisEntryToList( entrylist );
2969  }
2970  if(local_print_flag) printf("\n");
2971  }
2974  if(local_print_flag){
2975  QwMessage << QwColor(Qw::kGreen) << "Entrylist Size : "
2976  << QwColor(Qw::kBoldRed) << entrylist.size()
2978  }
2980  db->Connect();
2981  // Check the entrylist size, if it isn't zero, start to query..
2982  if( entrylist.size() ) {
2983  mysqlpp::Query query= db->Query();
2984  query.insert(entrylist.begin(), entrylist.end());
2985  query.execute();
2986  }
2987  else {
2988  QwMessage << "QwBeamLine::FillErrDB :: This is the case when the entrlylist contains nothing in "<< datatype.Data() << QwLog::endl;
2989  }
2990  db->Disconnect();
2991  return;
2992 }
#define QwMessage
Predefined log drain for regular messages.
Definition: QwLog.h:50
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
void Disconnect()
Definition: QwDatabase.h:59
Bool_t Connect()
Open a connection to the database using the predefined parameters.
Definition: QwDatabase.cc:175
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
UInt_t GetAnalysisID()
Definition: QwParityDB.h:71
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
mysqlpp::Query Query(const char *qstr=0)
Definition: QwDatabase.h:66
A color changing class for the output stream.
Definition: QwColor.h:98
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwBeamLine::FillHistograms ( )

Fill the histograms for this subsystem.

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 2322 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, and fStripline.

2323 {
2324  for(size_t i=0;i<fClock.size();i++)
2325  fClock[i].get()->FillHistograms();
2326  for(size_t i=0;i<fStripline.size();i++)
2327  fStripline[i].get()->FillHistograms();
2328  for(size_t i=0;i<fQPD.size();i++)
2329  fQPD[i].FillHistograms();
2330  for(size_t i=0;i<fLinearArray.size();i++)
2332  for(size_t i=0;i<fCavity.size();i++)
2333  fCavity[i].FillHistograms();
2334  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCM.size();i++)
2335  fBCM[i].get()->FillHistograms();
2336  for(size_t i=0;i<fHaloMonitor.size();i++)
2338  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCMCombo.size();i++)
2339  fBCMCombo[i].get()->FillHistograms();
2340  for(size_t i=0;i<fBPMCombo.size();i++)
2341  fBPMCombo[i].get()->FillHistograms();
2342  for(size_t i=0;i<fECalculator.size();i++)
2345  return;
2346 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
void FillHistograms()
Fill the histograms for this subsystem.
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2322
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177
void QwBeamLine::FillTreeVector ( std::vector< Double_t > &  values) const

Fill the tree vector.

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 2502 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, and fStripline.

2503 {
2504  for(size_t i = 0; i < fClock.size(); i++)
2505  fClock[i].get()->FillTreeVector(values);
2506  for(size_t i = 0; i < fStripline.size(); i++)
2507  fStripline[i].get()->FillTreeVector(values);
2508  for(size_t i = 0; i < fQPD.size(); i++)
2509  fQPD[i].FillTreeVector(values);
2510  for(size_t i = 0; i < fLinearArray.size(); i++)
2511  fLinearArray[i].FillTreeVector(values);
2512  for(size_t i = 0; i < fCavity.size(); i++)
2513  fCavity[i].FillTreeVector(values);
2514  for(size_t i = 0; i < fBCM.size(); i++)
2515  fBCM[i].get()->FillTreeVector(values);
2516  for(size_t i = 0; i < fHaloMonitor.size(); i++)
2517  fHaloMonitor[i].FillTreeVector(values);
2518  for(size_t i = 0; i < fBCMCombo.size(); i++)
2519  fBCMCombo[i].get()->FillTreeVector(values);
2520  for(size_t i = 0; i < fBPMCombo.size(); i++)
2521  fBPMCombo[i].get()->FillTreeVector(values);
2522  for(size_t i = 0; i < fECalculator.size(); i++){
2523  fECalculator[i].FillTreeVector(values);}
2524  return;
2525 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
void FillTreeVector(std::vector< Double_t > &values) const
Fill the tree vector.
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2502
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177
VQwBCM * QwBeamLine::GetBCM ( const TString  name)

Definition at line 1776 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCM.

Referenced by GetBCM(), and main().

1777 {
1778  //QwWarning << "QwBeamLine::GetBCM" << QwLog::endl;
1779  if (! fBCM.empty()) {
1780  for (std::vector<VQwBCM_ptr >::iterator bcm = fBCM.begin(); bcm != fBCM.end(); ++bcm) {
1781  if ((*bcm).get()->GetElementName() == name) {
1782  return (*bcm).get();
1783  }
1784  }
1786  //QwWarning << "BCM Found" << QwLog::endl;
1787  return 0;
1788  }
1789  return 0;
1790 }
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const VQwBCM * QwBeamLine::GetBCM ( const TString  name) const

Definition at line 1886 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References GetBCM().

1887 {
1888  return const_cast<QwBeamLine*>(this)->GetBCM(name);
1889 }
VQwBCM * GetBCM(const TString name)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1776

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

QwBPMCavity * QwBeamLine::GetBPMCavity ( const TString  name)

Definition at line 1762 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fCavity.

Referenced by GetBPMCavity().

1763 {
1764  if (! fCavity.empty()) {
1765  for (std::vector<QwBPMCavity>::iterator cavity = fCavity.begin(); cavity != fCavity.end(); ++cavity) {
1766  if (cavity->GetElementName() == name) {
1767  return &(*cavity);
1768  }
1769  }
1770  }
1771  return 0;
1772 }
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const QwBPMCavity * QwBeamLine::GetBPMCavity ( const TString  name) const

Definition at line 1880 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References GetBPMCavity().

1881 {
1882  return const_cast<QwBeamLine*>(this)->GetBPMCavity(name);
1883 }
QwBPMCavity * GetBPMCavity(const TString name)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1762

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

VQwBPM * QwBeamLine::GetBPMStripline ( const TString  name)

Definition at line 1748 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fStripline.

Referenced by GetBPMStripline(), and main().

1749 {
1750  if (! fStripline.empty()) {
1751  for (std::vector<VQwBPM_ptr >::iterator stripline = fStripline.begin(); stripline != fStripline.end(); ++stripline) {
1752  if ((*stripline).get()->GetElementName() == name) {
1753  return (*stripline).get();
1754  }
1755  }
1756  }
1757  return 0;
1758 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const VQwBPM * QwBeamLine::GetBPMStripline ( const TString  name) const

Definition at line 1860 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References GetBPMStripline().

1861 {
1862  return const_cast<QwBeamLine*>(this)->GetBPMStripline(name);
1863 }
VQwBPM * GetBPMStripline(const TString name)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1748

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

const VQwHardwareChannel * QwBeamLine::GetChannel ( EQwBeamInstrumentType  TypeID,
Int_t  index,
TString  device_prop 
) const

TODO: QwBeamLine::GetChannel How do we access linear array channel outputs?

Definition at line 1703 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBPMCombo, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, VQwBPM::GetEffectiveCharge(), GetElement(), VQwBPM::GetPosition(), GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(), VQwSubsystem::GetSubsystemName(), kQwBCM, kQwBPMCavity, kQwBPMStripline, kQwClock, kQwCombinedBCM, kQwCombinedBPM, kQwEnergyCalculator, kQwHaloMonitor, kQwLinearArray, kQwQPD, VQwBPM::kXAxis, and VQwBPM::kYAxis.

Referenced by PublishByRequest(), and PublishInternalValues().

1704 {
1705  const VQwHardwareChannel* tmp_channel = 0;
1707  if (TypeID==kQwBPMStripline || TypeID==kQwBPMCavity || TypeID==kQwQPD){
1708  const VQwBPM* tmp_ptr = dynamic_cast<const VQwBPM*>(GetElement(TypeID, index));
1709  if (device_prop == "x")
1710  tmp_channel = tmp_ptr->GetPosition(VQwBPM::kXAxis);
1711  else if (device_prop == "y")
1712  tmp_channel = tmp_ptr->GetPosition(VQwBPM::kYAxis);
1713  else if (device_prop == "ef")
1714  tmp_channel = tmp_ptr->GetEffectiveCharge();
1715  } else if (TypeID==kQwCombinedBPM){
1716  if (device_prop == "x")
1717  tmp_channel = fBPMCombo.at(index)->GetPosition(VQwBPM::kXAxis);
1718  else if (device_prop == "y")
1719  tmp_channel = fBPMCombo.at(index)->GetPosition(VQwBPM::kYAxis);
1720  else if (device_prop == "ef")
1721  tmp_channel = fBPMCombo.at(index)->GetEffectiveCharge();
1722  else if (device_prop == "xp")
1723  tmp_channel = fBPMCombo.at(index)->GetAngleX();
1724  else if (device_prop == "yp")
1725  tmp_channel = fBPMCombo.at(index)->GetAngleY();
1726  } else if (TypeID==kQwLinearArray){
1727  /// TODO: QwBeamLine::GetChannel
1728  /// How do we access linear array channel outputs?
1729  } else if (TypeID==kQwBCM || TypeID==kQwCombinedBCM){
1730  tmp_channel = dynamic_cast<const VQwBCM*>(GetElement(TypeID,index))->GetCharge();
1731  } else if (TypeID==kQwEnergyCalculator){
1732  tmp_channel = fECalculator.at(index).GetEnergy();
1733  } else if (TypeID==kQwHaloMonitor){
1734  tmp_channel = fHaloMonitor.at(index).GetScaler();
1735  } else if (TypeID==kQwClock){
1736  tmp_channel = fClock.at(index)->GetTime();
1737  } else {
1738  TString loc="QwBeamLine::GetChannel called by "
1739  +this->GetSubsystemName()+" with invalid arguements: "
1740  +GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(TypeID)+" "
1741  +Form("%d",index);
1742  throw std::invalid_argument(loc.Data());
1743  }
1744  return tmp_channel;
1745 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
Definition: VQwBCM.h:32
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
virtual const VQwHardwareChannel * GetEffectiveCharge() const =0
TString GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(EQwBeamInstrumentType type)
Definition: QwTypes.cc:95
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
virtual const VQwHardwareChannel * GetPosition(EBeamPositionMonitorAxis axis) const =0
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
Definition: VQwBPM.h:34
VQwDataElement * GetElement(QwBeamDetectorID det_id)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1643
TString GetSubsystemName() const
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:93

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

VQwClock * QwBeamLine::GetClock ( const TString  name)

Definition at line 1794 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fClock.

Referenced by GetClock().

1795 {
1796  //QwWarning << "QwBeamLine::GetClock" << QwLog::endl;
1797  if (! fClock.empty()) {
1798  for (std::vector<VQwClock_ptr >::iterator clock = fClock.begin(); clock != fClock.end(); ++clock) {
1799  if ((*clock).get()->GetElementName() == name) {
1800  return (*clock).get();
1801  }
1802  }
1804  //QwWarning << "Clock Found" << QwLog::endl;
1805  return 0;
1806  }
1807  return 0;
1808 }
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const VQwClock * QwBeamLine::GetClock ( const TString  name) const

Definition at line 1892 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References GetClock().

1893 {
1894  return const_cast<QwBeamLine*>(this)->GetClock(name);
1895 }
VQwClock * GetClock(const TString name)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1794

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

VQwBCM * QwBeamLine::GetCombinedBCM ( const TString  name)

Definition at line 1811 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCMCombo.

Referenced by GetCombinedBCM().

1812 {
1813  //QwWarning << "QwBeamLine::GetCombinedBCM" << QwLog::endl;
1814  if (! fBCMCombo.empty()) {
1816  for (std::vector<VQwBCM_ptr>::iterator cbcm = fBCMCombo.begin(); cbcm != fBCMCombo.end(); ++cbcm) {
1817  if ((*cbcm).get()->GetElementName() == name) {
1818  return (*cbcm).get();
1819  }
1820  }
1823  }
1824  return 0;
1825 }
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const VQwBCM * QwBeamLine::GetCombinedBCM ( const TString  name) const

Definition at line 1898 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References GetCombinedBCM().

1898  {
1899  return const_cast<QwBeamLine*>(this)->GetCombinedBCM(name);
1900 }
VQwBCM * GetCombinedBCM(const TString name)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1811

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

VQwBPM * QwBeamLine::GetCombinedBPM ( const TString  name)

Definition at line 1828 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBPMCombo.

Referenced by GetCombinedBPM().

1829 {
1830  //QwWarning << "QwBeamLine::GetCombinedBPM" << QwLog::endl;
1831  if (! fBPMCombo.empty()) {
1833  for (std::vector<VQwBPM_ptr>::iterator cbpm = fBPMCombo.begin(); cbpm != fBPMCombo.end(); ++cbpm) {
1834  if ((*cbpm).get()->GetElementName() == name) {
1835  return (*cbpm).get();
1836  }
1837  }
1840  }
1841  return 0;
1842 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const VQwBPM * QwBeamLine::GetCombinedBPM ( const TString  name) const

Definition at line 1903 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References GetCombinedBPM().

1903  {
1904  return const_cast<QwBeamLine*>(this)->GetCombinedBPM(name);
1905 }
VQwBPM * GetCombinedBPM(const TString name)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1828

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Int_t QwBeamLine::GetDetectorIndex ( EQwBeamInstrumentType  TypeID,
TString  name 
) const

Definition at line 1620 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBeamDetectorID.

Referenced by GetElement(), LoadChannelMap(), LoadEventCuts(), LoadGeometryDefinition(), and PublishInternalValues().

1621 {
1622  Bool_t ldebug=kFALSE;
1623  Int_t result=-1;
1624  if(ldebug) {
1625  std::cout<<"QwBeamLine::GetDetectorIndex\n";
1626  std::cout<<"type_id=="<<type_id<<" name="<<name<<"\n";
1627  std::cout<<fBeamDetectorID.size()<<" already registered detector\n";
1628  }
1629  for(size_t i=0;i<fBeamDetectorID.size();i++) {
1630  if(ldebug){
1631  std::cout<<"testing against ("<<fBeamDetectorID[i].fTypeID
1632  <<","<<fBeamDetectorID[i].fdetectorname<<")=>"<<result<<"\n";
1633  }
1634  if(fBeamDetectorID[i].fTypeID==type_id
1635  && fBeamDetectorID[i].fdetectorname==name){
1636  result=fBeamDetectorID[i].fIndex;
1637  break;
1638  }
1639  }
1640  return result;
1641 }
std::vector< QwBeamDetectorID > fBeamDetectorID
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:184

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

VQwDataElement * QwBeamLine::GetElement ( QwBeamDetectorID  det_id)

Definition at line 1643 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References QwBeamDetectorID::fIndex, and QwBeamDetectorID::fTypeID.

Referenced by GetChannel(), GetElement(), and LoadChannelMap().

1644 {
1645  return GetElement(det_id.fTypeID, det_id.fIndex);
1646 };
EQwBeamInstrumentType fTypeID
VQwDataElement * GetElement(QwBeamDetectorID det_id)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1643

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

VQwDataElement * QwBeamLine::GetElement ( EQwBeamInstrumentType  TypeID,
TString  name 

Definition at line 1648 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References GetDetectorIndex(), and GetElement().

1649 {
1650  Int_t index = GetDetectorIndex(TypeID,name);
1651  return GetElement(TypeID,index);
1652 };
Int_t GetDetectorIndex(EQwBeamInstrumentType TypeID, TString name) const
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1620
VQwDataElement * GetElement(QwBeamDetectorID det_id)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1643

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

VQwDataElement * QwBeamLine::GetElement ( EQwBeamInstrumentType  TypeID,
Int_t  index 

Definition at line 1654 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, fStripline, GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(), VQwSubsystem::GetSubsystemName(), kQwBCM, kQwBPMCavity, kQwBPMStripline, kQwClock, kQwCombinedBCM, kQwCombinedBPM, kQwEnergyCalculator, kQwHaloMonitor, kQwLinearArray, and kQwQPD.

1655 {
1656  VQwDataElement* tmp_ptr;
1657  switch (TypeID){
1658  case kQwBPMStripline:
1659  tmp_ptr = fStripline.at(index).get();
1660  break;
1661  case kQwQPD:
1662  tmp_ptr = &(fQPD.at(index));
1663  break;
1664  case kQwLinearArray:
1665  tmp_ptr = &(fLinearArray.at(index));
1666  break;
1667  case kQwBCM:
1668  tmp_ptr = fBCM.at(index).get();
1669  break;
1670  case kQwCombinedBCM:
1671  tmp_ptr = fBCMCombo.at(index).get();
1672  break;
1673  case kQwCombinedBPM:
1674  tmp_ptr = fBPMCombo.at(index).get();
1675  break;
1676  case kQwEnergyCalculator:
1677  tmp_ptr = &(fECalculator.at(index));
1678  break;
1679  case kQwHaloMonitor:
1680  tmp_ptr = &(fHaloMonitor.at(index));
1681  break;
1682  case kQwBPMCavity:
1683  tmp_ptr = &(fCavity.at(index));
1684  break;
1685  case kQwClock:
1686  tmp_ptr = fClock.at(index).get();
1687  break;
1688  default:
1689  TString loc="QwBeamLine::GetElement called by "
1690  +this->GetSubsystemName()+" with invalid arguements: "
1691  +GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(TypeID)+" "
1692  +Form("%d",index);
1693  throw std::invalid_argument(loc.Data());
1694  }
1695  return tmp_ptr;
1696 };
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
TString GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(EQwBeamInstrumentType type)
Definition: QwTypes.cc:95
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
The pure virtual base class of all data elements.
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177
TString GetSubsystemName() const
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:93

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

const VQwDataElement * QwBeamLine::GetElement ( EQwBeamInstrumentType  TypeID,
Int_t  index 
) const

Definition at line 1698 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References GetElement().

1699 {
1700  return const_cast<QwBeamLine*>(this)->GetElement(TypeID,index);
1701 }
VQwDataElement * GetElement(QwBeamDetectorID det_id)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1643

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

QwEnergyCalculator * QwBeamLine::GetEnergyCalculator ( const TString  name)

Definition at line 1845 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fECalculator.

Referenced by GetEnergyCalculator().

1845  {
1846  if (! fECalculator.empty()) {
1848  for (std::vector<QwEnergyCalculator>::iterator ecal = fECalculator.begin(); ecal != fECalculator.end(); ++ecal) {
1849  if (ecal->GetElementName() == name) {
1850  return &(*ecal);
1851  }
1852  }
1855  }
1856  return 0;
1857 }
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const QwEnergyCalculator * QwBeamLine::GetEnergyCalculator ( const TString  name) const

Definition at line 1908 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References GetEnergyCalculator().

1908  {
1909  return const_cast<QwBeamLine*>(this)->GetEnergyCalculator(name);
1910 }
QwEnergyCalculator * GetEnergyCalculator(const TString name)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1845

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

UInt_t QwBeamLine::GetEventcutErrorFlag ( )

Return the error flag to the top level routines related to stability checks and ErrorFlag updates.

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 1332 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fECalculator, fLinearArray, fQPD, and fStripline.

1332  {//return the error flag
1333  UInt_t ErrorFlag;
1334  UInt_t ErrorFlagtmp;
1335  ErrorFlag=0;
1336  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCM.size();i++){
1337  ErrorFlagtmp = fBCM[i].get()->GetEventcutErrorFlag();
1338  ErrorFlag |=ErrorFlagtmp;
1339  }
1340  for(size_t i=0;i<fStripline.size();i++){
1341  ErrorFlag |= fStripline[i].get()->GetEventcutErrorFlag();
1342  }
1343  for(size_t i=0;i<fQPD.size();i++){
1344  ErrorFlag |= fQPD[i].GetEventcutErrorFlag();
1345  }
1346  for(size_t i=0;i<fLinearArray.size();i++){
1347  ErrorFlag |= fLinearArray[i].GetEventcutErrorFlag();
1348  }
1349  for(size_t i=0;i<fCavity.size();i++){
1350  ErrorFlag |= fCavity[i].GetEventcutErrorFlag();
1351  }
1352  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCMCombo.size();i++){
1353  ErrorFlag |= fBCMCombo[i].get()->GetEventcutErrorFlag();
1354  }
1355  for(size_t i=0;i<fBPMCombo.size();i++){
1356  ErrorFlag |= fBPMCombo[i].get()->GetEventcutErrorFlag();
1357  }
1358  for(size_t i=0;i<fECalculator.size();i++){
1359  ErrorFlag |= fECalculator[i].GetEventcutErrorFlag();
1360  }
1362  return ErrorFlag;
1364 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177
QwHaloMonitor * QwBeamLine::GetScalerChannel ( const TString  name)

Definition at line 1865 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fHaloMonitor.

Referenced by GetScalerChannel().

1865  {
1866  if (! fHaloMonitor.empty()) {
1868  for (std::vector<QwHaloMonitor>::iterator halo = fHaloMonitor.begin(); halo != fHaloMonitor.end(); ++halo) {
1869  if (halo->GetElementName() == name) {
1870  return &(*halo);
1871  }
1872  }
1875  }
1876  return 0;
1877 };
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const QwHaloMonitor * QwBeamLine::GetScalerChannel ( const TString  name) const

Definition at line 1913 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References GetScalerChannel().

1913  {
1914  return const_cast<QwBeamLine*>(this)->GetScalerChannel(name);
1915 };
QwHaloMonitor * GetScalerChannel(const TString name)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1865

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwBeamLine::IncrementErrorCounters ( )

Increment the error counters.

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 1297 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, and fStripline.

1298 {
1299  for(size_t i=0;i<fClock.size();i++){
1300  fClock[i].get()->IncrementErrorCounters();
1301  }
1302  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCM.size();i++){
1303  fBCM[i].get()->IncrementErrorCounters();
1304  }
1305  for(size_t i=0;i<fHaloMonitor.size();i++){
1306  fHaloMonitor[i].IncrementErrorCounters();
1307  }
1308  for(size_t i=0;i<fStripline.size();i++){
1309  fStripline[i].get()->IncrementErrorCounters();
1310  }
1311  for(size_t i=0;i<fQPD.size();i++){
1312  fQPD[i].IncrementErrorCounters();
1313  }
1314  for(size_t i=0;i<fLinearArray.size();i++){
1315  fLinearArray[i].IncrementErrorCounters();
1316  }
1317  for(size_t i=0;i<fCavity.size();i++){
1318  fCavity[i].IncrementErrorCounters();
1319  }
1320  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCMCombo.size();i++){
1321  fBCMCombo[i].get()->IncrementErrorCounters();
1322  }
1323  for(size_t i=0;i<fBPMCombo.size();i++){
1324  fBPMCombo[i].get()->IncrementErrorCounters();
1325  }
1326  for(size_t i=0;i<fECalculator.size();i++){
1327  fECalculator[i].IncrementErrorCounters();
1328  }
1329 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177
Int_t QwBeamLine::LoadChannelMap ( TString  mapfile)

Mandatory map file definition.

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 94 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References AddToElementList(), VQwBCM::CreateCombo(), VQwBPM::CreateCombo(), QwLog::endl(), fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBeamDetectorID, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, VQwSubsystem::fDetectorMaps, QwBeamDetectorID::fdetectorname, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, QwBeamDetectorID::fIndex, fLinearArray, VQwSubsystem::fPublishList, fQPD, fStripline, QwBeamDetectorID::fTypeID, GetDetectorIndex(), GetElement(), VQwDataElement::GetElementName(), VQwDataElement::GetExternalClockName(), GetQwBeamInstrumentType(), VQwSubsystem::GetSubbankIndex(), VQwSubsystem::GetSubsystemName(), QwParameterFile::GetTypedNextToken(), kQwBCM, kQwBPMCavity, kQwBPMStripline, kQwClock, kQwCombinedBCM, kQwCombinedBPM, kQwEnergyCalculator, kQwHaloMonitor, kQwLinearArray, kQwQPD, kQwUnknownDeviceType, VQwDataElement::LoadChannelParameters(), VQwDataElement::NeedsExternalClock(), QwDebug, QwError, QwMessage, QwWarning, QwParameterFile::ReadNextLine(), QwParameterFile::ReadNextSection(), VQwSubsystem::RegisterROCNumber(), VQwSubsystem::RegisterSubbank(), QwBeamDetectorID::ReportInitErrors(), VQwDataElement::SetExternalClockPtr(), QwParameterFile::TrimComment(), and QwParameterFile::TrimWhitespace().

95 {
96  Bool_t ldebug=kFALSE;
98  TString varname, varvalue;
100  TString combotype, comboname, dev_name;
102  Int_t index = 0;
103  Bool_t combolistdecoded;
104  Bool_t deviceok;
106  std::vector<TString> fDeviceName;
107  std::vector<TString> fProperty;
108  std::vector<TString> fType;
109  std::vector<Double_t> fQWeight;
110  std::vector<Double_t> fXWeight;
111  std::vector<Double_t> fYWeight;
112  Double_t sumQweights = 0.0;
114  std::vector<QwBeamDetectorID> clock_needed_list;
116  QwParameterFile mapstr(mapfile.Data()); //Open the file
117  fDetectorMaps.insert(mapstr.GetParamFileNameContents());
118  mapstr.EnableGreediness();
119  mapstr.SetCommentChars("!");
120  mapstr.AddBreakpointKeyword("begin");
121  mapstr.AddBreakpointKeyword("end");
123  while (mapstr.ReadNextLine()
124  && mapstr.SkipSection("PUBLISH") ){
125  UInt_t value = 0;
126  if (mapstr.PopValue("roc",value)){
127  // currentrocread=value;
128  RegisterROCNumber(value,0);
129  }
130  if (mapstr.PopValue("bank",value)){
131  // currentbankread=value;
132  RegisterSubbank(value);
133  }
135  if (mapstr.HasVariablePair("=",varname,varvalue)){ // This is a declaration line. Decode it.
136  varname.ToLower();
138  if (varname=="begin"){
140  // Start to decode derived beamline devices combined+energy
141  deviceok = kTRUE;
142  combotype = varvalue;
143  combolistdecoded = kFALSE;
145  TString dettype;
147  while(mapstr.ReadNextLine()&&!combolistdecoded){
148  if (mapstr.HasVariablePair("=",varname,varvalue)){
149  varname.ToLower();
150  if (varname=="end"){
151  // calculate the total weights of the charge
152  sumQweights = 0.0;
153  for(size_t i=0;i<fDeviceName.size();i++)
154  sumQweights+=fQWeight[i];
155  combolistdecoded = kTRUE;
156  break;
157  }
158  }
160  if (mapstr.PopValue("name",varvalue)){
161  comboname = varvalue;
162  }
164  dev_name = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();
165  dev_name.ToLower();
166  dettype = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();
167  dettype.ToLower();
169  // Check to see if the device being read is a valid physical device.
170  // If not, discard the combination.
171  index=GetDetectorIndex(GetQwBeamInstrumentType(dettype),dev_name);
173  if (index == -1) {
174  QwError << "QwBeamLine::LoadChannelMap: Unknown device: "
175  << dev_name <<" used in "<< comboname
176  <<". This combination will not be decoded!"
177  << QwLog::endl;
178  deviceok = kFALSE;
179  combolistdecoded = kTRUE;
180  }else{
181  // Found the device
182  // Add to the array of names
183  fDeviceName.push_back(dev_name);
185  // Read in the weights.
186  // For combined bpms and combined bcms these are charge weights.
187  // For the energy calculator these are the ratios of the transport matrix elements.
188  fQWeight.push_back(mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>());
190  // For combined BPMs,in addition, there are weights for the X & Y positions.
191  if(combotype == "combinedbpm"){
192  fXWeight.push_back(mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>());
193  fYWeight.push_back(mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>());
194  }
196  // For the enrgy calculator there are device type and the specified beam parameters.
197  if(combotype == "energycalculator"){
198  fType.push_back(dettype);
199  fProperty.push_back(mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>());
200  }
201  }
202  }
204  // Now create the combined device
205  QwBeamDetectorID localComboID(-1, -1, comboname, combotype,
206  fBeamDetectorID.at(index).fmoduletype );
208  localComboID.fdetectorname=comboname(0,comboname.Sizeof()-1);
209  localComboID.fIndex = GetDetectorIndex(localComboID.fTypeID,localComboID.fdetectorname);
211  if(localComboID.fTypeID==kQwUnknownDeviceType){
212  QwError << "QwBeamLine::LoadChannelMap: Unknown detector type: "
213  << combotype <<", the detector "<<comboname<<" will not be decoded "
214  << QwLog::endl;
215  deviceok = kFALSE;
216  continue;
217  }
219  if((localComboID.fIndex==-1) && deviceok) {
221  // Decoding combined BCM array
222  if (localComboID.fTypeID == kQwCombinedBCM){
224  VQwBCM_ptr localbcmcombo(
226  localComboID.fdetectorname,localComboID.fmoduletype));
227  fBCMCombo.push_back(localbcmcombo);
229  for(size_t i=0;i<fDeviceName.size();i++){
230  index=GetDetectorIndex(GetQwBeamInstrumentType(dettype),fDeviceName[i]);
231  fBCMCombo[fBCMCombo.size()-1].get()->SetBCMForCombo(fBCM.at(index).get(),
232  fQWeight[i],sumQweights );
233  }
234  fDeviceName.clear();
235  fQWeight.clear();
236  localComboID.fIndex=fBCMCombo.size()-1;
237  }
239  // Decoding combined BPM array.
240  if(localComboID.fTypeID== kQwCombinedBPM){
241  VQwBPM_ptr localbpmcombo(
243  localComboID.fdetectorname,localComboID.fmoduletype));
244  fBPMCombo.push_back(localbpmcombo);
246  for(size_t i=0;i<fDeviceName.size();i++){
247  index=GetDetectorIndex(GetQwBeamInstrumentType(dettype),fDeviceName[i]);
248  fBPMCombo[fBPMCombo.size()-1].get()->SetBPMForCombo(
249  fStripline.at(index).get(), fQWeight[i],fXWeight[i],
250  fYWeight[i],sumQweights );
252  }
253  fDeviceName.clear();
254  fQWeight.clear();
255  fXWeight.clear();
256  fYWeight.clear();
257  localComboID.fIndex=fBPMCombo.size()-1;
258  }
260  // Decoding energy calculator.
261  if(localComboID.fTypeID== kQwEnergyCalculator){
263  QwEnergyCalculator localecalculator(GetSubsystemName(), localComboID.fdetectorname);
264  fECalculator.push_back(localecalculator);
266  for(size_t i=0;i<fDeviceName.size();i++){
267  index=GetDetectorIndex(GetQwBeamInstrumentType(fType[i]),fDeviceName[i]);
269  if ( GetQwBeamInstrumentType(fType[i]) == kQwBPMStripline)
270  fECalculator[fECalculator.size()-1].Set(fStripline.at(index).get(),fType[i],fProperty[i],fQWeight[i]);
272  if ( GetQwBeamInstrumentType(fType[i]) == kQwCombinedBPM)
273  fECalculator[fECalculator.size()-1].Set(fBPMCombo.at(index).get(),fType[i],fProperty[i],fQWeight[i]);
275  }
277  fDeviceName.clear();
278  fQWeight.clear();
280  fProperty.clear();
281  fType.clear();
282  localComboID.fIndex=fECalculator.size()-1;
283  }
284  }
285  // Use only the combinations that are of known type and has known physical devices.
286  if(deviceok)
287  fBeamDetectorID.push_back(localComboID);
288  }
290  QwError << "At end of processing the combined device " << QwLog::endl;
292  } else{
293  // Start to decode the physical beamline devices
294  QwBeamDetectorID localBeamDetectorID(GetSubbankIndex(), mapstr);
295  Bool_t lineok = localBeamDetectorID.ReportInitErrors();
296  if (! lineok) continue;
298  localBeamDetectorID.fIndex=
299  GetDetectorIndex(localBeamDetectorID.fTypeID,
300  localBeamDetectorID.fdetectorname);
302  if(localBeamDetectorID.fIndex==-1){
303  Int_t index;
304  VQwDataElement* local_element = NULL;
306  if(localBeamDetectorID.fTypeID == kQwHaloMonitor){
307  index = AddToElementList(fHaloMonitor, localBeamDetectorID);
308  local_element = &(fHaloMonitor.at(index));
309  }
310  if(localBeamDetectorID.fTypeID==kQwBPMCavity){
311  index = AddToElementList(fCavity, localBeamDetectorID);
312  local_element = &(fCavity.at(index));
313  }
314  if(localBeamDetectorID.fTypeID== kQwBPMStripline){
315  index = AddToElementList(fStripline, localBeamDetectorID);
316  local_element = fStripline.at(index).get();
317  }
318  if(localBeamDetectorID.fTypeID== kQwBCM){
319  index = AddToElementList(fBCM, localBeamDetectorID);
320  local_element = fBCM.at(index).get();
321  }
322  if(localBeamDetectorID.fTypeID== kQwClock ) {
323  index = AddToElementList(fClock, localBeamDetectorID);
324  local_element = fClock.at(index).get();
325  }
326  if(localBeamDetectorID.fTypeID== kQwQPD){
327  index = AddToElementList(fQPD, localBeamDetectorID);
328  local_element = &(fQPD.at(index));
329  }
330  if(localBeamDetectorID.fTypeID== kQwLinearArray){
331  index = AddToElementList(fLinearArray, localBeamDetectorID);
332  local_element = &(fLinearArray.at(index));
333  }
335  local_element->LoadChannelParameters(mapstr);
336  if (local_element->NeedsExternalClock()){
337  QwDebug << "Try to push device "
338  << local_element->GetElementName()
339  << " (address=" << std::hex << local_element
340  << ") onto the clock_needed_list"
341  << QwLog::endl;
342  clock_needed_list.push_back(localBeamDetectorID);
343  }
344  }
348  fBeamDetectorID.push_back(localBeamDetectorID);
349  }
350  }
352  // Now load the variables to publish
353  mapstr.RewindToFileStart();
354  QwParameterFile *section;
355  std::vector<TString> publishinfo;
356  while ((section=mapstr.ReadNextSection(varvalue))) {
357  if (varvalue == "PUBLISH") {
358  fPublishList.clear();
359  while (section->ReadNextLine()) {
360  section->TrimComment(); // Remove everything after a comment character
361  section->TrimWhitespace(); // Get rid of leading and trailing spaces
362  for (int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++) {
363  varvalue = section->GetTypedNextToken<TString>();
364  if (varvalue.Length()) {
365  publishinfo.push_back(varvalue);
366  }
367  }
368  if (publishinfo.size() == 4)
369  fPublishList.push_back(publishinfo);
370  publishinfo.clear();
371  }
372  }
373  delete section;
374  }
375  // Print list of variables to publish
376  QwMessage << "Variables to publish:" << QwLog::endl;
377  for (size_t jj = 0; jj < fPublishList.size(); jj++)
378  QwMessage << fPublishList.at(jj).at(0) << " " << fPublishList.at(jj).at(1) << " "
379  << fPublishList.at(jj).at(2) << " " << fPublishList.at(jj).at(3) << QwLog::endl;
382  if(ldebug){
383  std::cout<<"QwBeamLine::Done with Load map channel \n";
384  for(size_t i=0;i<fBeamDetectorID.size();i++)
385  fBeamDetectorID[i].Print();
386  }
388  // Now propagate clock pointers to those channels that need it
389  index = 0;
390  VQwDataElement* local_element;
391  std::string clockname;
392  for (size_t i=0; i<clock_needed_list.size();i++ ) {
393  local_element = GetElement(clock_needed_list[i]);
394  clockname = local_element->GetExternalClockName();
395  if (clockname.empty()){
396  QwWarning << "QwBeamLine::LoadChannelMap "
397  << "Device, " << local_element->GetElementName()
398  << " needs a reference clock, but the reference clock name is empty"
399  << QwLog::endl;
400  } else {
401  index = GetDetectorIndex(kQwClock,clockname);
402  if( index >= 0 ){
403  QwMessage << "QwBeamLine::LoadChannelMap "
404  << "Setting " << fClock.at(index).get()->GetElementName()
405  << " as the reference clock for channel "
406  << local_element->GetElementName()
407  << QwLog::endl;
408  local_element->SetExternalClockPtr(fClock.at(index).get()->GetTime());
409  } else {
410  QwWarning << "QwBeamLine::LoadChannelMap "
411  << "Cannot find clock, " << local_element->GetExternalClockName()
412  << ", needed by device, " << local_element->GetElementName()
413  << QwLog::endl;
414  }
415  }
416  }
417  ldebug=kFALSE;
419  mapstr.Close(); // Close the file (ifstream)
420  return 0;
421 }
Int_t GetSubbankIndex() const
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:303
#define QwMessage
Predefined log drain for regular messages.
Definition: QwLog.h:50
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
boost::shared_ptr< VQwBCM > VQwBCM_ptr
Definition: VQwBCM.h:122
std::map< TString, TString > fDetectorMaps
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:322
virtual Bool_t NeedsExternalClock()
EQwBeamInstrumentType GetQwBeamInstrumentType(TString name)
Definition: QwTypes.cc:29
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
void TrimComment(const char commentchar)
virtual void LoadChannelParameters(QwParameterFile &paramfile)
QwParameterFile * ReadNextSection(std::string &secname, const bool keep_header=false)
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
Int_t AddToElementList(std::vector< TT > &elementlist, QwBeamDetectorID &detector_id)
Adds a new element to a vector of data elements, and returns the index of that element within the arr...
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:82
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
The pure virtual base class of all data elements.
Int_t GetDetectorIndex(EQwBeamInstrumentType TypeID, TString name) const
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1620
#define QwDebug
Predefined log drain for debugging output.
Definition: QwLog.h:60
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
Bool_t ReadNextLine()
std::vector< std::vector< TString > > fPublishList
List of parameters to be published (loaded at the channel map)
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:144
virtual std::string GetExternalClockName()
virtual void SetExternalClockPtr(const VQwHardwareChannel *clock)
Int_t RegisterSubbank(const UInt_t bank_id)
Tell the object that it will decode data from this sub-bank in the ROC currently open for registratio...
virtual Int_t RegisterROCNumber(const UInt_t roc_id, const UInt_t bank_id=0)
Tell the object that it will decode data from this ROC and sub-bank.
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
std::vector< QwBeamDetectorID > fBeamDetectorID
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:184
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
virtual const TString & GetElementName() const
Get the name of this element.
VQwDataElement * GetElement(QwBeamDetectorID det_id)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1643
static VQwBPM * CreateCombo(TString subsystemname, TString type, TString name)
A fast way of creating a BPM stripline of specified type.
Definition: VQwBPM.cc:268
T GetTypedNextToken()
Get next token into specific type.
void TrimWhitespace(TString::EStripType head_tail=TString::kBoth)
#define QwWarning
Predefined log drain for warnings.
Definition: QwLog.h:45
boost::shared_ptr< VQwBPM > VQwBPM_ptr
Definition: VQwBPM.h:279
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177
static VQwBCM * CreateCombo(TString subsystemname, TString type, TString name)
A fast way of creating a combo BCM of specified type.
Definition: VQwBCM.cc:70
#define QwError
Predefined log drain for errors.
Definition: QwLog.h:40
TString GetSubsystemName() const
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:93

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Int_t QwBeamLine::LoadEventCuts ( TString  filename)

Load the event cuts file.

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 425 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, VQwSubsystem::fDetectorMaps, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, fQwBeamLineErrorCount, fStripline, GetDetectorIndex(), GetGlobalErrorFlag(), GetQwBeamInstrumentType(), GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(), QwParameterFile::GetUInt(), kQwBCM, kQwBPMCavity, kQwBPMStripline, kQwCombinedBCM, kQwCombinedBPM, kQwEnergyCalculator, kQwHaloMonitor, kQwLinearArray, kQwQPD, QwMessage, and QwWarning.

426 {
427  Int_t eventcut_flag = 1;
429  // Open the file
430  QwParameterFile mapstr(filename.Data());
431  fDetectorMaps.insert(mapstr.GetParamFileNameContents());
432  while (mapstr.ReadNextLine()){
433  mapstr.TrimComment('!'); // Remove everything after a '!' character.
434  mapstr.TrimWhitespace(); // Get rid of leading and trailing spaces.
435  if (mapstr.LineIsEmpty()) continue;
437  TString varname, varvalue;
438  if (mapstr.HasVariablePair("=",varname,varvalue)){
439  if (varname == "EVENTCUTS"){
440  eventcut_flag = QwParameterFile::GetUInt(varvalue);
441  }
442  }
443  else{
444  TString device_type = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();
445  device_type.ToLower();
446  TString device_name = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();
447  device_name.ToLower();
449  Int_t det_index = GetDetectorIndex(GetQwBeamInstrumentType(device_type),device_name);
450  if (det_index == -1) {
451  QwWarning << " Device not found " << device_name << " of type " << device_type << QwLog::endl;
452  continue;
453  }
455  if (device_type == GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(kQwBCM)){
456  Double_t LLX = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); //lower limit for BCM value
457  Double_t ULX = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); //upper limit for BCM value
458  varvalue = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();//global/loacal
459  Double_t stabilitycut = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>();
460  varvalue.ToLower();
461  QwMessage<<"QwBeamLine Error Code passing to QwBCM "<<GetGlobalErrorFlag(varvalue,eventcut_flag,stabilitycut)<<QwLog::endl;
462  fBCM[det_index].get()->SetSingleEventCuts(GetGlobalErrorFlag(varvalue,eventcut_flag,stabilitycut),LLX,ULX,stabilitycut);//(fBCMEventCuts);
463  }
464  else if (device_type == GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(kQwHaloMonitor)){
465  Double_t LLX = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); //lower limit for HaloMonitor value
466  Double_t ULX = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); //upper limit for HaloMonitor value
467  varvalue = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();//global/loacal
468  Double_t stabilitycut = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>();
469  varvalue.ToLower();
470  QwMessage<<"QwBeamLine Error Code passing to QwHaloMonitor "<<GetGlobalErrorFlag(varvalue,eventcut_flag,stabilitycut)<<QwLog::endl;
471  fHaloMonitor[det_index].SetSingleEventCuts(GetGlobalErrorFlag(varvalue,eventcut_flag,stabilitycut),LLX,ULX,stabilitycut);//(fBCMEventCuts);
472  }
473  else if (device_type ==GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(kQwEnergyCalculator)){
474  Double_t LLX = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); //lower limit for energy
475  Double_t ULX = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); //upper limit for energy
476  varvalue = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();//global/loacal
477  Double_t stabilitycut = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>();
478  varvalue.ToLower();
479  QwMessage<<"QwBeamLine Error Code passing to QwEnergyCalculator "<<GetGlobalErrorFlag(varvalue,eventcut_flag,stabilitycut)<<QwLog::endl;
480  fECalculator[det_index].SetSingleEventCuts(GetGlobalErrorFlag(varvalue,eventcut_flag,stabilitycut),LLX,ULX,stabilitycut);//(fEnergyEventCuts);
481  }
482  else if (device_type == GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(kQwBPMStripline)){
483  TString channel_name = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();
484  channel_name.ToLower();
485  Double_t LLX = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); //lower limit for BPMStripline X
486  Double_t ULX = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); //upper limit for BPMStripline X
487  varvalue = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();//global/loacal
488  Double_t stabilitycut = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>();
489  varvalue.ToLower();
490  //QwMessage<<"QwBeamLine:QwBPMStripline "<<channel_name<<" "<<varvalue<<" "<<stabilitycut<<QwLog::endl;
491  QwMessage<<"QwBeamLine Error Code passing to QwBPMStripline "<<GetGlobalErrorFlag(varvalue,eventcut_flag,stabilitycut)<<" stability "<<stabilitycut <<QwLog::endl;
492  fStripline[det_index].get()->SetSingleEventCuts(channel_name, GetGlobalErrorFlag(varvalue,eventcut_flag,stabilitycut), LLX, ULX, stabilitycut);
493  }
494  else if (device_type == GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(kQwQPD)){
495  TString channel_name = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();
496  channel_name.ToLower();
497  Double_t LLX = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); //lower limit for QPD X
498  Double_t ULX = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); //upper limit for QPD X
499  varvalue = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();//global/loacal
500  Double_t stabilitycut = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>();
501  varvalue.ToLower();
502  QwMessage<<"QwBeamLine Error Code passing to QwQPD "<<GetGlobalErrorFlag(varvalue,eventcut_flag,stabilitycut)<<QwLog::endl;
503  fQPD[det_index].SetSingleEventCuts(channel_name, GetGlobalErrorFlag(varvalue,eventcut_flag,stabilitycut), LLX, ULX, stabilitycut);
504  }
505  else if (device_type == GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(kQwLinearArray)){
506  TString channel_name = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();
507  channel_name.ToLower();
508  Double_t LLX = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); //lower limit for LinearArray X
509  Double_t ULX = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); //upper limit for LinearArray X
510  varvalue = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();//global/loacal
511  Double_t stabilitycut = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>();
512  varvalue.ToLower();
513  QwMessage<<"QwBeamLine Error Code passing to QwLinearArray "<<GetGlobalErrorFlag(varvalue,eventcut_flag,stabilitycut)<<QwLog::endl;
514  fLinearArray[det_index].SetSingleEventCuts(channel_name, GetGlobalErrorFlag(varvalue,eventcut_flag,stabilitycut), LLX, ULX, stabilitycut);
515  }
516  else if (device_type == GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(kQwBPMCavity)){
517  TString channel_name = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();
518  channel_name.ToLower();
519  Double_t LLX = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); //lower limit for cavity bpm X
520  Double_t ULX = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); //upper limit for cavity bpm X
521  varvalue = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();//global/loacal
522  Double_t stabilitycut = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>();
523  varvalue.ToLower();
524  QwMessage<<"QwBeamLine Error Code passing to QwBPMCavity "<<GetGlobalErrorFlag(varvalue,eventcut_flag,stabilitycut)<<" "<<det_index<<QwLog::endl;
525  fCavity[det_index].SetSingleEventCuts(channel_name, GetGlobalErrorFlag(varvalue,eventcut_flag,stabilitycut), LLX, ULX, stabilitycut);
526  }
527  else if (device_type == GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(kQwCombinedBCM)){
528  Double_t LLX = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); //lower limit for BCM value
529  Double_t ULX = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); //upper limit for BCM value
530  varvalue = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();//global/loacal
531  Double_t stabilitycut = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>();
532  varvalue.ToLower();
533  QwMessage<<"QwBeamLine Error Code passing to QwCombinedBCM "<<GetGlobalErrorFlag(varvalue,eventcut_flag,stabilitycut)<<QwLog::endl;
534  fBCMCombo[det_index].get()->PrintInfo();
535  fBCMCombo[det_index].get()->SetSingleEventCuts(GetGlobalErrorFlag(varvalue,eventcut_flag,stabilitycut), LLX, ULX, stabilitycut);
537  }
538  else if (device_type == GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(kQwCombinedBPM)){
539  TString channel_name = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();
540  channel_name.ToLower();
542  Double_t LLX = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); //lower limit for combined bpm X
543  Double_t ULX = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); //upper limit for combined bpm X
544  varvalue = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();//global/loacal
545  Double_t stabilitycut = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>();
546  varvalue.ToLower();
547  QwMessage<<"QwBeamLine Error Code passing to QwCombinedBPM "<<GetGlobalErrorFlag(varvalue,eventcut_flag,stabilitycut)<<QwLog::endl;
548  fBPMCombo[det_index].get()->SetSingleEventCuts(channel_name, GetGlobalErrorFlag(varvalue,eventcut_flag,stabilitycut), LLX, ULX, stabilitycut);
549  }
551  }
553  }
556  //update the event cut ON/OFF for all the devices
557  //std::cout<<"EVENT CUT FLAG"<<eventcut_flag<<std::endl;
558  for (size_t i=0;i<fStripline.size();i++)
559  fStripline[i].get()->SetEventCutMode(eventcut_flag);
561  for (size_t i=0;i<fQPD.size();i++)
562  fQPD[i].SetEventCutMode(eventcut_flag);
564  for (size_t i=0;i<fLinearArray.size();i++)
565  fLinearArray[i].SetEventCutMode(eventcut_flag);
567  for (size_t i=0;i<fCavity.size();i++)
568  fCavity[i].SetEventCutMode(eventcut_flag);
570  for (size_t i=0;i<fBCM.size();i++)
571  fBCM[i].get()->SetEventCutMode(eventcut_flag);
573  for (size_t i=0;i<fClock.size();i++)
574  fClock[i].get()->SetEventCutMode(eventcut_flag);
576  for (size_t i=0;i<fHaloMonitor.size();i++){
577  fHaloMonitor[i].SetEventCutMode(eventcut_flag);
578  }
580  for (size_t i=0;i<fBCMCombo.size();i++)
581  fBCMCombo[i].get()->SetEventCutMode(eventcut_flag);
583  for (size_t i=0;i<fBPMCombo.size();i++)
584  fBPMCombo[i].get()->SetEventCutMode(eventcut_flag);
586  for (size_t i=0;i<fECalculator.size();i++)
587  fECalculator[i].SetEventCutMode(eventcut_flag);
589  fQwBeamLineErrorCount=0; //set the error counter to zero
591  mapstr.Close(); // Close the file (ifstream)
592  return 0;
593 }
#define QwMessage
Predefined log drain for regular messages.
Definition: QwLog.h:50
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::map< TString, TString > fDetectorMaps
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:322
Int_t fQwBeamLineErrorCount
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:189
EQwBeamInstrumentType GetQwBeamInstrumentType(TString name)
Definition: QwTypes.cc:29
static UInt_t GetUInt(const TString &varvalue)
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
TString GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(EQwBeamInstrumentType type)
Definition: QwTypes.cc:95
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
Int_t GetDetectorIndex(EQwBeamInstrumentType TypeID, TString name) const
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1620
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
#define QwWarning
Predefined log drain for warnings.
Definition: QwLog.h:45
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177
UInt_t GetGlobalErrorFlag(TString evtype, Int_t evMode, Double_t stabilitycut)
Definition: QwTypes.cc:127

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Int_t QwBeamLine::LoadGeometryDefinition ( TString  mapfile)

Optional geometry definition.

Reimplemented from VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 597 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References AssignGeometry(), QwLog::endl(), fBPMCombo, fCavity, VQwSubsystem::fDetectorMaps, fQPD, fStripline, GetDetectorIndex(), VQwBPM::GetElectronicFactors(), GetQwBeamInstrumentType(), VQwBPM::GetSurveyOffsets(), kQwBPMCavity, kQwBPMStripline, kQwCombinedBPM, kQwQPD, kQwUnknownDeviceType, QwError, and QwWarning.

597  {
598  Bool_t ldebug=kFALSE;
599  TString varname, varvalue;
600  Int_t lineread=1;
601  Int_t index = 0;
602  TString devname,devtype;
603  TString melement;
604  Double_t devOffsetX = 0,devOffsetY = 0, devOffsetZ = 0;
605  Double_t devSENfactor = 0, devAlphaX = 0, devAlphaY = 0;
606  TString rotation_stat;
607  VQwBPM * bpm = NULL;
609  if(ldebug)std::cout<<"QwBeamLine::LoadGeometryParameters("<< mapfile<<")\n";
611  QwParameterFile mapstr(mapfile.Data()); //Open the file
612  fDetectorMaps.insert(mapstr.GetParamFileNameContents());
613  while (mapstr.ReadNextLine()){
614  lineread+=1;
615  if(ldebug)std::cout<<" line read so far ="<<lineread<<"\n";
616  mapstr.TrimComment('!');
617  mapstr.TrimWhitespace();
619  if (mapstr.LineIsEmpty()) continue;
621  Bool_t notfound=kTRUE;
623  devtype = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();
624  devtype.ToLower();
625  devtype.Remove(TString::kBoth,' ');
626  devname = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();
627  devname.ToLower();
628  devname.Remove(TString::kBoth,' ');
631  QwError << "Error! Unknown detector type '"<<devtype
632  << "' in Geometry file!"<<QwLog::endl;
633  /*If the device type is unknown there is no point in going through the rest of the specs for that device*/
634  continue;
635  }
637  index=GetDetectorIndex(GetQwBeamInstrumentType(devtype),devname);
638  if( index<0 ) {
639  /*Detector name isn't recognized. Ignore it!*/
640  QwWarning << "Unrecognized detector name '" << devname
641  << "' in Geometry file. This may not be a problem, "
642  << "if we're using a reduced channel map."
643  << QwLog::endl;
644  }
645  else {
646  devOffsetX = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); // X offset
647  devOffsetY = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); // Y offset
648  devOffsetZ = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); // Z offset
649  devSENfactor = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); // sensivity scaling factor
650  devAlphaX = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); // alpha X
651  devAlphaY = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); // alpha Y
654  /*If the device is a bpm stripline, assign the rotations and gains*/
656  bpm = fStripline.at(index).get();
657  AssignGeometry(&mapstr,bpm);
658  }
661  if(ldebug==1){
662  std::cout<<"####################\n";
663  std::cout<<"! device type, device_name, Xoffset, Yoffset, Zoffset, BSEN scaling factor, AlpaX, AlpaY\n"<<std::endl;
664  std::cout<<GetQwBeamInstrumentType(devtype)<<" / "
665  <<devname <<" / "
666  <<devOffsetX <<" / "
667  <<devOffsetY <<" / "
668  <<devOffsetZ <<" / "
669  <<devSENfactor <<" / "
670  <<devAlphaX <<" / "
671  <<devAlphaY <<" / "
672  <<std::endl;
673  }
676  while(notfound){
678  //Load bpm offsets
679  if(index == -1){
680  QwWarning << "QwBeamLine::LoadGeometryDefinition: Unknown bpm in qweak_beamline_geometry.map: "
681  <<devname
682  <<QwLog::endl;
683  notfound=kFALSE;
684  continue;
685  }
687  TString localname = fStripline.at(index).get()->GetElementName();
688  localname.ToLower();
689  if(ldebug) std::cout<<"element name =="<<localname
690  <<"== to be compared to =="<<devname<<"== \n";
692  if(localname==devname){
693  if(ldebug) std::cout<<" I found the bpm !\n";
694  bpm->GetSurveyOffsets(devOffsetX,devOffsetY,devOffsetZ);
695  bpm->GetElectronicFactors(devSENfactor,devAlphaX, devAlphaY);
697  // If nothing is specified, a default rotation of 45 degrees is implied.
698  notfound=kFALSE;
699  }
700  }
701  else if (GetQwBeamInstrumentType(devtype)==kQwCombinedBPM){
702  //Load combined bpm offsets which are, ofcourse, target position in the beamline
703  if(index == -1){
704  QwError << "QwBeamLine::LoadGeometryDefinition: Unknown combined bpm in qweak_beamline_geometry.map: "
705  <<devname<<" Check the combined bpm names!\n "
706  << QwLog::endl;
707  notfound=kFALSE;
708  continue;
709  }
711  TString localname = fBPMCombo.at(index).get()->GetElementName();
712  localname.ToLower();
713  if(ldebug)
714  std::cout<<"element name =="<<localname<<"== to be compared to =="<<devname<<"== \n";
716  if(localname==devname){
717  if(ldebug) std::cout<<" I found the combinedbpm !\n";
718  fBPMCombo.at(index).get()->GetSurveyOffsets(devOffsetX,devOffsetY,devOffsetZ);
719  notfound=kFALSE;
720  }
721  }
722  else if(GetQwBeamInstrumentType(devtype)==kQwBPMCavity){
723  //Load cavity bpm offsets
724  if(index == -1){
725  QwError << "QwBeamLine::LoadGeometryDefinition: Unknown bpm : "
726  <<devname<<" will not be asigned with geometry parameters. \n"
727  <<QwLog::endl;
728  notfound=kFALSE;
729  continue;
730  }
731  TString localname = fCavity.at(index).GetElementName();
732  localname.ToLower();
733  if(ldebug) std::cout<<"element name =="<<localname
734  <<"== to be compared to =="<<devname<<"== \n";
736  if(localname==devname){
737  if(ldebug) std::cout<<" I found the cavity bpm !\n";
738  fCavity.at(index).GetSurveyOffsets(devOffsetX,devOffsetY,devOffsetZ);
739  notfound=kFALSE;
740  }
741  }
742  else if(GetQwBeamInstrumentType(devtype)==kQwQPD){
743  //Load QPD calibration factors
744  if(index == -1){
745  QwError << "QwBeamLine::LoadGeometryDefinition: Unknown QPD : "
746  <<devname<<" will not be asigned with calibration factors. \n"
747  <<QwLog::endl;
748  notfound=kFALSE;
749  continue;
750  }
751  TString localname = fQPD.at(index).GetElementName();
752  localname.ToLower();
753  if(ldebug) std::cout<<"element name =="<<localname
754  <<"== to be compared to =="<<devname<<"== \n";
756  if(localname==devname){
757  if(ldebug) std::cout<<" I found the QPD !\n";
758  fQPD.at(index).GetCalibrationFactors(devAlphaX, devAlphaY);
759  notfound=kFALSE;
760  }
761  }
762  else QwError<<" QwBeamLine::LoadGeometryDefinition: Unknown device type :"<<devtype<<". Are you sure we have this in the beamline? I am skipping this."<<QwLog::endl;
763  }
764  }
765  }
767  if(ldebug) std::cout<<" line read in the geometry file ="<<lineread<<" \n";
769  ldebug=kFALSE;
770  mapstr.Close(); // Close the file (ifstream)
771  return 0;
773 }
void AssignGeometry(QwParameterFile *mapstr, VQwBPM *bpm)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:776
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::map< TString, TString > fDetectorMaps
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:322
EQwBeamInstrumentType GetQwBeamInstrumentType(TString name)
Definition: QwTypes.cc:29
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
void GetSurveyOffsets(Double_t Xoffset, Double_t Yoffset, Double_t Zoffset)
Definition: VQwBPM.cc:36
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
Int_t GetDetectorIndex(EQwBeamInstrumentType TypeID, TString name) const
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1620
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
Definition: VQwBPM.h:34
#define QwWarning
Predefined log drain for warnings.
Definition: QwLog.h:45
void GetElectronicFactors(Double_t BSENfactor, Double_t AlphaX, Double_t AlphaY)
Definition: VQwBPM.cc:47
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177
#define QwError
Predefined log drain for errors.
Definition: QwLog.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Int_t QwBeamLine::LoadInputParameters ( TString  mapfile)

Mandatory parameter file definition.

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 821 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCM, fCavity, fClock, VQwSubsystem::fDetectorMaps, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, and fStripline.

822 {
823  Bool_t ldebug=kFALSE;
825  Int_t lineread=1;
827  if(ldebug)std::cout<<"QwBeamLine::LoadInputParameters("<< pedestalfile<<")\n";
829  QwParameterFile mapstr(pedestalfile.Data()); //Open the file
830  fDetectorMaps.insert(mapstr.GetParamFileNameContents());
832  while (mapstr.ReadNextLine())
833  {
834  lineread+=1;
835  if(ldebug)std::cout<<" line read so far ="<<lineread<<"\n";
836  mapstr.TrimComment('!'); // Remove everything after a '!' character.
837  mapstr.TrimWhitespace(); // Get rid of leading and trailing spaces.
838  if (mapstr.LineIsEmpty()) continue;
839  else
840  {
841  TString varname = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>(); //name of the channel
842  varname.ToLower();
843  varname.Remove(TString::kBoth,' ');
844  Double_t varped = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); // value of the pedestal
845  Double_t varcal = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); // value of the calibration factor
846  /*Double_t varweight = */ mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Double_t>(); // value of the statistical weight
848  //if(ldebug) std::cout<<"inputs for channel "<<varname
849  // <<": ped="<<varped<<": cal="<<varcal<<": weight="<<varweight<<"\n";
850  Bool_t notfound=kTRUE;
852  if(notfound) {
854  for(size_t i=0;i<fStripline.size();i++)
855  {
856  for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
857  {
858  TString localname = fStripline[i].get()->GetSubElementName(j);
859  localname.ToLower();
860  if(ldebug) std::cout<<"Stripline element name =="<<localname
861  <<"== to be compared to =="<<varname<<"== \n";
862  if(localname==varname)
863  {
864  if(ldebug) std::cout<<" I found it !\n";
865  fStripline[i].get()->SetSubElementPedestal(j,varped);
866  fStripline[i].get()->SetSubElementCalibrationFactor(j,varcal);
867  notfound=kFALSE;
868  j=5;
869  i=fStripline.size()+1;
870  }
871  }
872  }
874  for(size_t i=0;i<fQPD.size();i++)
875  {
876  for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
877  {
878  TString localname = fQPD[i].GetSubElementName(j);
879  localname.ToLower();
880  if(ldebug) std::cout<<"QPD element name =="<<localname
881  <<"== to be compared to =="<<varname<<"== \n";
882  if(localname==varname)
883  {
884  if(ldebug) std::cout<<" I found it !\n";
885  fQPD[i].SetSubElementPedestal(j,varped);
886  fQPD[i].SetSubElementCalibrationFactor(j,varcal);
887  notfound=kFALSE;
888  j=5;
889  i=fQPD.size()+1;
890  }
891  }
892  }
894  for(size_t i=0;i<fLinearArray.size();i++)
895  {
896  for(int j=0;j<8;j++)
897  {
898  TString localname = fLinearArray[i].GetSubElementName(j);
899  localname.ToLower();
900  if(ldebug) std::cout<<"LinearArray element name =="<<localname
901  <<"== to be compared to =="<<varname<<"== \n";
902  if(localname==varname)
903  {
904  if(ldebug) std::cout<<" I found it !\n";
905  fLinearArray[i].SetSubElementPedestal(j,varped);
906  fLinearArray[i].SetSubElementCalibrationFactor(j,varcal);
907  notfound=kFALSE;
908  j=9;
909  i=fLinearArray.size()+1;
910  }
911  }
912  }
914  for(size_t i=0;i<fCavity.size();i++)
915  {
916  for(int j=0;j<2;j++)
917  {
918  TString localname = fCavity[i].GetSubElementName(j);
919  localname.ToLower();
920  if(ldebug) std::cout<<"Cavity element name =="<<localname
921  <<"== to be compared to =="<<varname<<"== \n";
922  if(localname==varname)
923  {
924  if(ldebug) std::cout<<" I found it !\n";
925  fCavity[i].SetSubElementPedestal(j,varped);
926  fCavity[i].SetSubElementCalibrationFactor(j,varcal);
927  notfound=kFALSE;
928  j=3;
929  i=fCavity.size()+1;
930  }
931  }
932  }
934  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCM.size();i++) {
935  if(fBCM[i].get()->GetElementName()==varname)
936  {
937  fBCM[i].get()->SetPedestal(varped);
938  fBCM[i].get()->SetCalibrationFactor(varcal);
939  i=fBCM.size()+1;
940  notfound=kFALSE;
941  i=fBCM.size()+1;
942  }
943  }
944  for(size_t i=0;i<fClock.size();i++) {
945  if(fClock[i].get()->GetElementName()==varname)
946  {
947  fClock[i].get()->SetPedestal(varped);
948  fClock[i].get()->SetCalibrationFactor(varcal);
949  i=fClock.size()+1;
950  notfound=kFALSE;
951  i=fClock.size()+1;
952  }
953  }
957  for(size_t i=0;i<fHaloMonitor.size();i++) {
958  if(fHaloMonitor[i].GetElementName()==varname)
959  {
960  std::cout<<varname<<" I found it ! "<<varcal<<" ped. "<<varped<<"\n";
961  fHaloMonitor[i].SetPedestal(varped);
962  fHaloMonitor[i].SetCalibrationFactor(varcal);
963  i=fHaloMonitor.size()+1;
964  notfound=kFALSE;
965  i=fHaloMonitor.size()+1;
966  }
967  }
971  }
974  }
976  }
977  if(ldebug) std::cout<<" line read in the pedestal + cal file ="<<lineread<<" \n";
979  ldebug=kFALSE;
980  mapstr.Close(); // Close the file (ifstream)
981  return 0;
982 }
std::map< TString, TString > fDetectorMaps
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:322
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177
VQwSubsystem & QwBeamLine::operator+= ( VQwSubsystem value)

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 1964 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References Compare(), fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, VQwSubsystem::fPublishList, fQPD, and fStripline.

1965 {
1966  if(Compare(value))
1967  {
1968  //QwBeamLine* input= (QwBeamLine*)value ;
1969  QwBeamLine* input = dynamic_cast<QwBeamLine*>(value);
1971  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fClock.size();i++)
1972  *(this->fClock[i].get())+=*(input->fClock[i].get());
1973  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fStripline.size();i++)
1974  *(this->fStripline[i].get())+=*(input->fStripline[i].get());
1975  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fCavity.size();i++)
1976  this->fCavity[i]+=input->fCavity[i];
1977  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fQPD.size();i++)
1978  this->fQPD[i]+=input->fQPD[i];
1979  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fLinearArray.size();i++)
1980  this->fLinearArray[i]+=input->fLinearArray[i];
1981  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fBCM.size();i++)
1982  *(this->fBCM[i].get())+=*(input->fBCM[i].get());
1983  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fHaloMonitor.size();i++)
1984  this->fHaloMonitor[i]+=input->fHaloMonitor[i];
1985  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fBCMCombo.size();i++)
1986  *(this->fBCMCombo[i].get())+=*(input->fBCMCombo[i].get());
1987  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fBPMCombo.size();i++)
1988  *(this->fBPMCombo[i].get())+=*(input->fBPMCombo[i].get());
1989  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fECalculator.size();i++)
1990  this->fECalculator[i]+=input->fECalculator[i];
1992  if (input->fPublishList.size()>0){
1993  this->fPublishList.resize(input->fPublishList.size());
1994  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fPublishList.size();i++){
1995  this->fPublishList.at(i).resize(input->fPublishList.at(i).size());
1996  for(size_t j=0;j<input->fPublishList.at(i).size();j++){
1997  this->fPublishList.at(i).at(j)=input->fPublishList.at(i).at(j);
1998  }
1999  }
2000  }
2002  }
2003  return *this;
2004 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< std::vector< TString > > fPublishList
List of parameters to be published (loaded at the channel map)
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:144
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
Bool_t Compare(VQwSubsystem *source)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2233
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

VQwSubsystem & QwBeamLine::operator-= ( VQwSubsystem value)

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 2007 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References Compare(), fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, VQwSubsystem::fPublishList, fQPD, and fStripline.

2008 {
2010  if(Compare(value))
2011  {
2012  QwBeamLine* input = dynamic_cast<QwBeamLine*>(value);
2014  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fClock.size();i++)
2015  *(this->fClock[i].get())-=*(input->fClock[i].get());
2016  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fStripline.size();i++)
2017  *(this->fStripline[i].get())-=*(input->fStripline[i].get());
2018  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fCavity.size();i++)
2019  this->fCavity[i]-=input->fCavity[i];
2020  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fQPD.size();i++)
2021  this->fQPD[i]-=input->fQPD[i];
2022  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fLinearArray.size();i++)
2023  this->fLinearArray[i]-=input->fLinearArray[i];
2024  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fBCM.size();i++)
2025  *(this->fBCM[i].get())-=*(input->fBCM[i].get());
2026  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fHaloMonitor.size();i++)
2027  this->fHaloMonitor[i]-=input->fHaloMonitor[i];
2028  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fBCMCombo.size();i++)
2029  *(this->fBCMCombo[i].get())-=*(input->fBCMCombo[i].get());
2030  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fBPMCombo.size();i++)
2031  *(this->fBPMCombo[i].get())-=*(input->fBPMCombo[i].get());
2032  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fECalculator.size();i++)
2033  this->fECalculator[i]-=input->fECalculator[i];
2035  if (input->fPublishList.size()>0){
2036  this->fPublishList.resize(input->fPublishList.size());
2037  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fPublishList.size();i++){
2038  this->fPublishList.at(i).resize(input->fPublishList.at(i).size());
2039  for(size_t j=0;j<input->fPublishList.at(i).size();j++){
2040  this->fPublishList.at(i).at(j)=input->fPublishList.at(i).at(j);
2041  }
2042  }
2043  }
2045  }
2046  return *this;
2047 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< std::vector< TString > > fPublishList
List of parameters to be published (loaded at the channel map)
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:144
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
Bool_t Compare(VQwSubsystem *source)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2233
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

VQwSubsystem & QwBeamLine::operator= ( VQwSubsystem value)

Assignment Note: Must be called at the beginning of all subsystems routine call to operator=(VQwSubsystem *value) by VQwSubsystem::operator=(value)

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 1919 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References Compare(), fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, VQwSubsystem::fPublishList, fQPD, and fStripline.

1920 {
1921  // std::cout<<" here in QwBeamLine::operator= \n";
1922  if(Compare(value))
1923  {
1925  QwBeamLine* input = dynamic_cast<QwBeamLine*>(value);
1927  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fClock.size();i++)
1928  *(this->fClock[i].get())=*(input->fClock[i].get());
1929  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fStripline.size();i++)
1930  *(this->fStripline[i].get())=*(input->fStripline[i].get());
1931  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fQPD.size();i++)
1932  this->fQPD[i]=input->fQPD[i];
1933  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fLinearArray.size();i++)
1934  this->fLinearArray[i]=input->fLinearArray[i];
1935  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fCavity.size();i++)
1936  this->fCavity[i]=input->fCavity[i];
1937  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fBCM.size();i++)
1938  *(this->fBCM[i].get())=*(input->fBCM[i].get());
1939  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fHaloMonitor.size();i++)
1940  this->fHaloMonitor[i]=input->fHaloMonitor[i];
1941  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fBCMCombo.size();i++)
1942  *(this->fBCMCombo[i].get())=*(input->fBCMCombo[i].get());
1943  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fBPMCombo.size();i++)
1944  *(this->fBPMCombo[i].get())=*(input->fBPMCombo[i].get());
1945  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fECalculator.size();i++)
1946  this->fECalculator[i]=input->fECalculator[i];
1948  if (input->fPublishList.size()>0){
1949  this->fPublishList.resize(input->fPublishList.size());
1950  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fPublishList.size();i++){
1951  this->fPublishList.at(i).resize(input->fPublishList.at(i).size());
1952  for(size_t j=0;j<input->fPublishList.at(i).size();j++){
1953  this->fPublishList.at(i).at(j)=input->fPublishList.at(i).at(j);
1954  }
1955  }
1956  }
1958  }
1959  return *this;
1960 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< std::vector< TString > > fPublishList
List of parameters to be published (loaded at the channel map)
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:144
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
Bool_t Compare(VQwSubsystem *source)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2233
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwBeamLine::PrintDetectorID ( ) const

Definition at line 2552 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBeamDetectorID.

2553 {
2554  for (size_t i=0;i<fBeamDetectorID.size();i++)
2555  {
2556  std::cout<<"============================="<<std::endl;
2557  std::cout<<" Detector ID="<<i<<std::endl;
2558  fBeamDetectorID[i].Print();
2559  }
2560  return;
2561 }
std::vector< QwBeamDetectorID > fBeamDetectorID
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:184
void QwBeamLine::PrintErrorCounters ( ) const

Report the number of events failed due to HW and event cut failures.

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 1249 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, fStripline, QwVQWK_Channel::PrintErrorCounterHead(), QwVQWK_Channel::PrintErrorCounterTail(), and QwMessage.

1249  {//inherited from the VQwSubsystemParity; this will display the error summary
1251  QwMessage<<"*********QwBeamLine Error Summary****************"<<QwLog::endl;
1254  for(size_t i=0;i<fClock.size();i++){
1255  fClock[i].get()->PrintErrorCounters();
1256  }
1257  printf("\n");
1258  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCM.size();i++){
1259  fBCM[i].get()->PrintErrorCounters();
1260  }
1261  printf("\n");
1262  for(size_t i=0;i<fHaloMonitor.size();i++){
1263  fHaloMonitor[i].PrintErrorCounters();
1264  }
1265  printf("\n");
1266  for(size_t i=0;i<fStripline.size();i++){
1267  fStripline[i].get()->PrintErrorCounters();
1268  printf("\n");
1269  }
1270  for(size_t i=0;i<fQPD.size();i++){
1271  fQPD[i].PrintErrorCounters();
1272  }
1273  printf("\n");
1274  for(size_t i=0;i<fLinearArray.size();i++){
1275  fLinearArray[i].PrintErrorCounters();
1276  }
1277  printf("\n");
1278  for(size_t i=0;i<fCavity.size();i++){
1279  fCavity[i].PrintErrorCounters();
1280  }
1281  printf("\n");
1282  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCMCombo.size();i++){
1283  fBCMCombo[i].get()->PrintErrorCounters();
1284  }
1285  printf("\n");
1286  for(size_t i=0;i<fBPMCombo.size();i++){
1287  fBPMCombo[i].get()->PrintErrorCounters();
1288  }
1289  printf("\n");
1290  for(size_t i=0;i<fECalculator.size();i++){
1291  fECalculator[i].PrintErrorCounters();
1292  }
1294 }
#define QwMessage
Predefined log drain for regular messages.
Definition: QwLog.h:50
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
static void PrintErrorCounterHead()
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
static void PrintErrorCounterTail()
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwBeamLine::PrintInfo ( ) const

Print some information about the subsystem.

Reimplemented from VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 2529 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, fStripline, and VQwSubsystem::fSystemName.

2530 {
2531  std::cout<<"Name of the subsystem ="<<fSystemName<<"\n";
2532  std::cout<<"there are "<<fClock.size()<<" clock \n";
2533  std::cout<<"there are "<<fStripline.size()<<" striplines \n";
2534  std::cout<<"there are "<<fQPD.size()<<" QPDs \n";
2535  std::cout<<"there are "<<fLinearArray.size()<<" LinearArrays \n";
2536  std::cout<<"there are "<<fCavity.size()<<" cavities \n";
2537  std::cout<<"there are "<<fBCM.size()<<" bcm \n";
2538  std::cout<<"there are "<<fHaloMonitor.size()<<" halomonitors \n";
2539  std::cout<<"there are "<<fBCMCombo.size()<<" combined bcms \n";
2540  std::cout<<"there are "<<fBPMCombo.size()<<" combined bpms \n";
2541  std::cout<<"there are "<<fECalculator.size()<<" energy calculators \n";
2542  std::cout<<" Printing Running AVG and other channel info for BCMs"<<std::endl;
2543  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCM.size();i++)
2544  fBCM[i].get()->PrintInfo();
2545  for(size_t i=0;i<fHaloMonitor.size();i++)
2546  fHaloMonitor[i].PrintInfo();
2547  return;
2548 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
void PrintInfo() const
Print some information about the subsystem.
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2529
TString fSystemName
Name of this subsystem.
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:315
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177
void QwBeamLine::PrintValue ( ) const

Print values of all channels.

Reimplemented from VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 2146 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, fStripline, VQwSubsystem::GetSubsystemName(), and QwMessage.

2147 {
2148  QwMessage << "=== QwBeamLine: " << GetSubsystemName() << " ===" << QwLog::endl;
2149  QwMessage << "Clock" << QwLog::endl;
2150  for (size_t i = 0; i < fClock.size(); i++) fClock[i].get()->PrintValue();
2151  QwMessage << "BPM stripline" << QwLog::endl;
2152  for (size_t i = 0; i < fStripline.size(); i++) fStripline[i].get()->PrintValue();
2153  QwMessage << "QPD" << QwLog::endl;
2154  for (size_t i = 0; i < fQPD.size(); i++) fQPD[i].PrintValue();
2155  QwMessage << "LinearArray" << QwLog::endl;
2156  for (size_t i = 0; i < fLinearArray.size(); i++) fLinearArray[i].PrintValue();
2157  QwMessage << "BPM cavity" << QwLog::endl;
2158  for (size_t i = 0; i < fCavity.size(); i++) fCavity[i].PrintValue();
2159  QwMessage << "BCM" << QwLog::endl;
2160  for (size_t i = 0; i < fBCM.size(); i++) fBCM[i].get()->PrintValue();
2161  QwMessage << "HaloMonitor" << QwLog::endl;
2162  for (size_t i = 0; i < fHaloMonitor.size(); i++) fHaloMonitor[i].PrintValue();
2163  QwMessage << "BPM combo" << QwLog::endl;
2164  for (size_t i = 0; i < fBCMCombo.size(); i++) fBCMCombo[i].get()->PrintValue();
2165  QwMessage << "BPM combo" << QwLog::endl;
2166  for (size_t i = 0; i < fBPMCombo.size(); i++) fBPMCombo[i].get()->PrintValue();
2167  QwMessage << "Energy " << QwLog::endl;
2168  for (size_t i = 0; i < fECalculator.size(); i++) fECalculator[i].PrintValue();
2170 }
#define QwMessage
Predefined log drain for regular messages.
Definition: QwLog.h:50
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
void PrintValue() const
Print values of all channels.
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2146
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177
TString GetSubsystemName() const
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:93

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Int_t QwBeamLine::ProcessConfigurationBuffer ( const UInt_t  roc_id,
const UInt_t  bank_id,
UInt_t *  buffer,
UInt_t  num_words 

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 1480 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

1481 {
1483  return 0;
1484 }
Int_t QwBeamLine::ProcessEvBuffer ( const UInt_t  roc_id,
const UInt_t  bank_id,
UInt_t *  buffer,
UInt_t  num_words 

TODO: The non-event-type-aware ProcessEvBuffer routine should be replaced with the event-type-aware version.

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 1048 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCM, fBeamDetectorID, fCavity, fClock, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, fStripline, VQwSubsystem::GetSubbankIndex(), kQwBCM, kQwBPMCavity, kQwBPMStripline, kQwClock, kQwHaloMonitor, kQwLinearArray, and kQwQPD.

1049 {
1050  Bool_t lkDEBUG=kFALSE;
1052  Int_t index = GetSubbankIndex(roc_id,bank_id);
1053  if (index>=0 && num_words>0){
1054  // We want to process this ROC. Begin looping through the data.
1055  if (lkDEBUG)
1056  std::cout << "QwBeamLine::ProcessEvBuffer: "
1057  << "Begin processing ROC" << roc_id
1058  << " and subbank "<<bank_id
1059  << " number of words="<<num_words<<std::endl;
1060  if (buffer[0]==0xf0f0f0f0 && num_words%2==1){
1061  buffer++;
1062  if (lkDEBUG)
1063  std::cout << "QwBeamLine::ProcessEvBuffer: "
1064  << "Skipped padding word 0xf0f0f0f0 at beginning of buffer."
1065  << std::endl;
1066  }
1068  for(size_t i=0;i<fBeamDetectorID.size();i++)
1069  {
1070  if(fBeamDetectorID[i].fSubbankIndex==index)
1071  {
1073  if(fBeamDetectorID[i].fTypeID==kQwBPMStripline)
1074  {
1075  if (lkDEBUG)
1076  {
1077  std::cout<<"found stripline data for "<<fBeamDetectorID[i].fdetectorname<<std::endl;
1078  std::cout<<"word left to read in this buffer:"<<num_words-fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank<<std::endl;
1079  }
1080  fStripline[fBeamDetectorID[i].fIndex].get()->
1081  ProcessEvBuffer(&(buffer[fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank]),
1082  num_words-fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank,
1083  fBeamDetectorID[i].fSubelement);
1084  }
1086  if(fBeamDetectorID[i].fTypeID==kQwQPD)
1087  {
1088  if (lkDEBUG)
1089  {
1090  std::cout<<"found qpd data for "<<fBeamDetectorID[i].fdetectorname<<std::endl;
1091  std::cout<<"word left to read in this buffer:"<<num_words-fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank<<std::endl;
1092  }
1093  fQPD[fBeamDetectorID[i].fIndex].
1094  ProcessEvBuffer(&(buffer[fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank]),
1095  num_words-fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank,
1096  fBeamDetectorID[i].fSubelement);
1097  }
1099  if(fBeamDetectorID[i].fTypeID==kQwLinearArray)
1100  {
1101  if (lkDEBUG)
1102  {
1103  std::cout<<"found linear array data for "<<fBeamDetectorID[i].fdetectorname<<fBeamDetectorID[i].fIndex<<std::endl;
1104  std::cout<<"word left to read in this buffer:"<<num_words-fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank<<std::endl;
1105  }
1106  fLinearArray[fBeamDetectorID[i].fIndex].
1107  ProcessEvBuffer(&(buffer[fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank]),
1108  num_words-fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank,
1109  fBeamDetectorID[i].fSubelement);
1111  }
1113  if(fBeamDetectorID[i].fTypeID==kQwBPMCavity)
1114  {
1115  if (lkDEBUG)
1116  {
1117  std::cout<<"found stripline data for "<<fBeamDetectorID[i].fdetectorname<<std::endl;
1118  std::cout<<"word left to read in this buffer:"<<num_words-fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank<<std::endl;
1119  }
1120  fCavity[fBeamDetectorID[i].fIndex].
1121  ProcessEvBuffer(&(buffer[fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank]),
1122  num_words-fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank,
1123  fBeamDetectorID[i].fSubelement);
1124  }
1126  if(fBeamDetectorID[i].fTypeID==kQwBCM)
1127  {
1128  if (lkDEBUG)
1129  {
1130  std::cout<<"found bcm data for "<<fBeamDetectorID[i].fdetectorname<<std::endl;
1131  std::cout<<"word left to read in this buffer:"<<num_words-fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank<<std::endl;
1132  }
1133  fBCM[fBeamDetectorID[i].fIndex].get()->
1134  ProcessEvBuffer(&(buffer[fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank]),
1135  num_words-fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank);
1136  }
1138  if(fBeamDetectorID[i].fTypeID==kQwClock)
1139  {
1140  if (lkDEBUG)
1141  {
1142  std::cout<<"found clock data for "<<fBeamDetectorID[i].fdetectorname<<std::endl;
1143  std::cout<<"word left to read in this buffer:"<<num_words-fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank<<std::endl;
1144  }
1145  fClock[fBeamDetectorID[i].fIndex].get()->
1146  ProcessEvBuffer(&(buffer[fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank]),
1147  num_words-fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank);
1148  }
1150  if(fBeamDetectorID[i].fTypeID==kQwHaloMonitor)
1151  {
1152  if (lkDEBUG)
1153  {
1154  std::cout<<"found halo monitor data for "<<fBeamDetectorID[i].fdetectorname<<std::endl;
1155  std::cout<<"word left to read in this buffer:"<<num_words-fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank<<std::endl;
1156  }
1157  fHaloMonitor[fBeamDetectorID[i].fIndex].
1158  ProcessEvBuffer(&(buffer[fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank]),
1159  num_words-fBeamDetectorID[i].fWordInSubbank);
1160  }
1162  }
1163  }
1164  }
1166  return 0;
1167 }
Int_t GetSubbankIndex() const
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:303
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< QwBeamDetectorID > fBeamDetectorID
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:184
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
Int_t ProcessEvBuffer(const UInt_t roc_id, const UInt_t bank_id, UInt_t *buffer, UInt_t num_words)
TODO: The non-event-type-aware ProcessEvBuffer routine should be replaced with the event-type-aware v...
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1048
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwBeamLine::ProcessEvent ( )

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 1440 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, and fStripline.

1441 {
1442  // Make sure this one comes first! The clocks are needed by
1443  // other elements.
1444  for(size_t i=0;i<fClock.size();i++)
1445  fClock[i].get()->ProcessEvent();
1447  for(size_t i=0;i<fStripline.size();i++)
1448  fStripline[i].get()->ProcessEvent();
1450  for(size_t i=0;i<fCavity.size();i++)
1451  fCavity[i].ProcessEvent();
1453  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCM.size();i++)
1454  fBCM[i].get()->ProcessEvent();
1456  for(size_t i=0;i<fQPD.size();i++)
1457  fQPD[i].ProcessEvent();
1459  for(size_t i=0;i<fLinearArray.size();i++)
1462  for(size_t i=0;i<fHaloMonitor.size();i++){
1463  fHaloMonitor[i].ProcessEvent();
1464  }
1466  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCMCombo.size();i++)
1467  fBCMCombo[i].get()->ProcessEvent();
1469  for(size_t i=0;i<fBPMCombo.size();i++)
1470  fBPMCombo[i].get()->ProcessEvent();
1472  for(size_t i=0;i<fECalculator.size();i++)
1475  return;
1476 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
void ProcessEvent()
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1440
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177
void QwBeamLine::ProcessOptions ( QwOptions options)

Process the command line options.

Reimplemented from VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 30 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

30  {
31  //Handle command line options
32 }
Bool_t QwBeamLine::PublishByRequest ( TString  device_name)

Try to publish an internal variable matching the submitted name.

Reimplemented from VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 1538 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBeamDetectorID, VQwSubsystem::fPublishList, GetChannel(), GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(), and VQwSubsystem::PublishInternalValue().

1539 {
1540  Bool_t status = kFALSE;
1541  const VQwHardwareChannel* tmp_channel = 0;
1543  std::vector<TString> publishinfo(4,TString(""));
1544  publishinfo.at(0) = device_name;
1546  EQwBeamInstrumentType type_id;
1547  Int_t index=-1;
1549  TString name = device_name;
1550  TString device_prop = "value";
1551  if (device_name.EndsWith("_EffectiveCharge")){
1552  name = device_name(0,device_name.Length()-16);
1553  device_prop = "ef";
1554  } else if (device_name.EndsWith("XSlope")){
1555  name = device_name(0,device_name.Length()-6);
1556  device_prop = "xp";
1557  } else if (device_name.EndsWith("YSlope")){
1558  name = device_name(0,device_name.Length()-6);
1559  device_prop = "yp";
1560  } else if (device_name.EndsWith("X")){
1561  name = device_name(0,device_name.Length()-1);
1562  device_prop = "x";
1563  } else if (device_name.EndsWith("Y")){
1564  name = device_name(0,device_name.Length()-1);
1565  device_prop = "y";
1566  }
1568  for(size_t i=0;i<fBeamDetectorID.size();i++) {
1569  if(fBeamDetectorID[i].fdetectorname==name
1570  || fBeamDetectorID[i].fdetectorname==device_name){
1571  index = fBeamDetectorID[i].fIndex;
1572  type_id = fBeamDetectorID[i].fTypeID;
1574  publishinfo.at(1) = GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(type_id);
1575  publishinfo.at(2) = fBeamDetectorID[i].fdetectorname;
1576  publishinfo.at(3) = device_prop;
1577  break;
1578  }
1579  }
1581  if (index != -1){
1582  tmp_channel = GetChannel(type_id,index,publishinfo.at(3));
1583  fPublishList.push_back(publishinfo);
1584  status = PublishInternalValue(publishinfo.at(0), "published-by-request",
1585  tmp_channel);
1586  }
1588  return status;
1589 }
TString GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(EQwBeamInstrumentType type)
Definition: QwTypes.cc:95
const VQwHardwareChannel * GetChannel(EQwBeamInstrumentType TypeID, Int_t index, TString device_prop) const
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1703
std::vector< std::vector< TString > > fPublishList
List of parameters to be published (loaded at the channel map)
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:144
std::vector< QwBeamDetectorID > fBeamDetectorID
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:184
Definition: QwTypes.h:132
Bool_t PublishInternalValue(const TString &name, const TString &desc, const VQwHardwareChannel *value) const
Publish a variable name to the parent subsystem array.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Bool_t QwBeamLine::PublishInternalValues ( ) const

Publish all variables of the subsystem.

Reimplemented from VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 1487 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), VQwSubsystem::fPublishList, GetChannel(), GetDetectorIndex(), GetQwBeamInstrumentType(), kQwCombinedBCM, kQwCombinedBPM, kQwEnergyCalculator, kQwHaloMonitor, kQwUnknownDeviceType, VQwSubsystem::PublishInternalValue(), QwDebug, and QwError.

1488 {
1489  // Publish variables
1490  Bool_t status = kTRUE;
1492  // Publish variables through map file
1493  // This should work with bcm, bpmstripline, bpmcavity, combo bpm and combo bcm
1494  for (size_t pp = 0; pp < fPublishList.size(); pp++) {
1495  TString publish_name = fPublishList.at(pp).at(0);
1496  TString device_type = fPublishList.at(pp).at(1);
1497  TString device_name = fPublishList.at(pp).at(2);
1498  TString device_prop = fPublishList.at(pp).at(3);
1499  device_type.ToLower();
1500  device_prop.ToLower();
1502  const VQwHardwareChannel* tmp_channel = 0;
1504  EQwBeamInstrumentType type_id;
1505  if (device_type == "combobpm")
1506  type_id = kQwCombinedBPM;
1507  else if (device_type == "combobcm")
1508  type_id = kQwCombinedBCM;
1509  else if (device_type == "comboenergy")
1510  type_id = kQwEnergyCalculator;
1511  else if (device_type == "scaler")
1512  type_id = kQwHaloMonitor;
1513  else
1514  type_id = GetQwBeamInstrumentType(device_type);
1516  Int_t index = GetDetectorIndex(type_id,device_name);
1518  if (type_id != kQwUnknownDeviceType
1519  && index != -1){
1520  tmp_channel = GetChannel(type_id,index,device_prop);
1521  } else
1522  QwError << "QwBeamLine::PublishInternalValues() error "<< QwLog::endl;
1524  if (tmp_channel == NULL) {
1525  QwError << "QwBeamLine::PublishInternalValues(): " << publish_name << " not found" << QwLog::endl;
1526  status = kFALSE;
1527  } else {
1528  QwDebug << "QwBeamLine::PublishInternalValues(): " << publish_name << " found" << QwLog::endl;
1530  status = PublishInternalValue(publish_name, "published-value", tmp_channel);
1531  }
1532  }
1534  return status;
1535 }
EQwBeamInstrumentType GetQwBeamInstrumentType(TString name)
Definition: QwTypes.cc:29
const VQwHardwareChannel * GetChannel(EQwBeamInstrumentType TypeID, Int_t index, TString device_prop) const
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1703
Int_t GetDetectorIndex(EQwBeamInstrumentType TypeID, TString name) const
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1620
#define QwDebug
Predefined log drain for debugging output.
Definition: QwLog.h:60
std::vector< std::vector< TString > > fPublishList
List of parameters to be published (loaded at the channel map)
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:144
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
Definition: QwTypes.h:132
Bool_t PublishInternalValue(const TString &name, const TString &desc, const VQwHardwareChannel *value) const
Publish a variable name to the parent subsystem array.
#define QwError
Predefined log drain for errors.
Definition: QwLog.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwBeamLine::RandomizeEventData ( int  helicity = 0,
double  time = 0.0 

Reimplemented from VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 986 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCM, fCavity, and fStripline.

987 {
988  // Randomize all QwBPMStripline buffers
989  for (size_t i = 0; i < fStripline.size(); i++)
990  fStripline[i].get()->RandomizeEventData(helicity, time);
992  for (size_t i = 0; i < fCavity.size(); i++)
993  fCavity[i].RandomizeEventData(helicity, time);
995  // Randomize all QwBCM buffers
996  for (size_t i = 0; i < fBCM.size(); i++)
997  fBCM[i].get()->RandomizeEventData(helicity, time);
999  // Randomize all QwHaloMonitor buffers
1000  //for (size_t i = 0; i < fHaloMonitor.size(); i++)
1001  //fHaloMonitor[i].RandomizeEventData(helicity, time);
1002 }
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
void RandomizeEventData(int helicity=0, double time=0.0)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:986
void QwBeamLine::Ratio ( VQwSubsystem numer,
VQwSubsystem denom 

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 2073 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References Compare(), fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, and fStripline.

2074 {
2075  if(Compare(numer)&&Compare(denom))
2076  {
2077  QwBeamLine* innumer = dynamic_cast<QwBeamLine*>(numer);
2078  QwBeamLine* indenom = dynamic_cast<QwBeamLine*>(denom);
2080  for(size_t i=0;i<innumer->fClock.size();i++)
2081  this->fClock[i].get()->Ratio(*(innumer->fClock[i].get()),
2082  *(indenom->fClock[i].get()));
2083  for(size_t i=0;i<innumer->fStripline.size();i++)
2084  this->fStripline[i].get()->Ratio(*(innumer->fStripline[i].get()),
2085  *(indenom->fStripline[i].get()));
2086  for(size_t i=0;i<innumer->fCavity.size();i++)
2087  this->fCavity[i].Ratio(innumer->fCavity[i],indenom->fCavity[i]);
2088  for(size_t i=0;i<innumer->fQPD.size();i++)
2089  this->fQPD[i].Ratio(innumer->fQPD[i],indenom->fQPD[i]);
2090  for(size_t i=0;i<innumer->fLinearArray.size();i++)
2091  this->fLinearArray[i].Ratio(innumer->fLinearArray[i],indenom->fLinearArray[i]);
2092  for(size_t i=0;i<innumer->fBCM.size();i++)
2093  this->fBCM[i].get()->Ratio(*(innumer->fBCM[i].get()),
2094  *(indenom->fBCM[i].get()));
2095  for(size_t i=0;i<innumer->fHaloMonitor.size();i++)
2096  this->fHaloMonitor[i].Ratio(innumer->fHaloMonitor[i],indenom->fHaloMonitor[i]);
2097  for(size_t i=0;i<innumer->fBCMCombo.size();i++)
2098  this->fBCMCombo[i].get()->Ratio(*(innumer->fBCMCombo[i].get()),
2099  *(indenom->fBCMCombo[i]));
2100  for(size_t i=0;i<innumer->fBPMCombo.size();i++)
2101  this->fBPMCombo[i].get()->Ratio(*(innumer->fBPMCombo[i].get()),
2102  *(indenom->fBPMCombo[i].get()));
2103  for(size_t i=0;i<innumer->fECalculator.size();i++)
2104  this->fECalculator[i].Ratio(innumer->fECalculator[i],indenom->fECalculator[i]);
2106  // For the combined bcm, maybe we might want to think about getting
2107  // the asymmetry using the asymmetries of the individual bcms with a
2108  // weight. But right now it is unclear if really need to have that
2109  // option.
2110  }
2111  return;
2112 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
void Ratio(VQwSubsystem *numer, VQwSubsystem *denom)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2073
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
Bool_t Compare(VQwSubsystem *source)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2233
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwBeamLine::Scale ( Double_t  factor)

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 2115 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fClock, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, and fStripline.

2116 {
2117  for(size_t i=0;i<fClock.size();i++) fClock[i].get()->Scale(factor);
2118  for(size_t i=0;i<fStripline.size();i++) fStripline[i].get()->Scale(factor);
2119  for(size_t i=0;i<fCavity.size();i++) fCavity[i].Scale(factor);
2120  for(size_t i=0;i<fQPD.size();i++) fQPD[i].Scale(factor);
2121  for(size_t i=0;i<fLinearArray.size();i++) fLinearArray[i].Scale(factor);
2122  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCM.size();i++) fBCM[i].get()->Scale(factor);
2123  for(size_t i=0;i<fHaloMonitor.size();i++) fHaloMonitor[i].Scale(factor);
2124  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCMCombo.size();i++) fBCMCombo[i].get()->Scale(factor);
2125  for(size_t i=0;i<fBPMCombo.size();i++) fBPMCombo[i].get()->Scale(factor);
2126  for(size_t i=0;i<fECalculator.size();i++) fECalculator[i].Scale(factor);
2127  return;
2128 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
void Scale(Double_t factor)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2115
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< VQwClock_ptr > fClock
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:175
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177
void QwBeamLine::Sum ( VQwSubsystem value1,
VQwSubsystem value2 

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 2051 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References Compare().

2052 {
2053  if(Compare(value1)&&Compare(value2))
2054  {
2055  *this = value1;
2056  *this += value2;
2057  }
2058 }
Bool_t Compare(VQwSubsystem *source)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2233

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

UInt_t QwBeamLine::UpdateErrorFlag ( )

Uses the error flags of contained data elements to update Returns the error flag to the top level routines related to stability checks and ErrorFlag updates.

Reimplemented from VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 1367 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fECalculator, fLinearArray, fQPD, and fStripline.

Referenced by UpdateErrorFlag().

1367  {//return the error flag
1368  UInt_t ErrorFlag;
1369  UInt_t ErrorFlagtmp;
1370  ErrorFlag=0;
1371  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCM.size();i++){
1372  ErrorFlagtmp = fBCM[i].get()->UpdateErrorFlag();
1373  ErrorFlag |=ErrorFlagtmp;
1374  }
1375  for(size_t i=0;i<fStripline.size();i++){
1376  ErrorFlag |= fStripline[i].get()->UpdateErrorFlag();
1377  }
1378  for(size_t i=0;i<fQPD.size();i++){
1379  ErrorFlag |= fQPD[i].UpdateErrorFlag();
1380  }
1381  for(size_t i=0;i<fLinearArray.size();i++){
1382  ErrorFlag |= fLinearArray[i].UpdateErrorFlag();
1383  }
1384  for(size_t i=0;i<fCavity.size();i++){
1385  ErrorFlag |= fCavity[i].UpdateErrorFlag();
1386  }
1387  for(size_t i=0;i<fBCMCombo.size();i++){
1388  ErrorFlag |= fBCMCombo[i].get()->UpdateErrorFlag();
1389  }
1390  for(size_t i=0;i<fBPMCombo.size();i++){
1391  ErrorFlag |= fBPMCombo[i].get()->UpdateErrorFlag();
1392  }
1393  for(size_t i=0;i<fECalculator.size();i++){
1394  ErrorFlag |= fECalculator[i].UpdateErrorFlag();
1395  }
1397  return ErrorFlag;
1399 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwBeamLine::UpdateErrorFlag ( const VQwSubsystem ev_error)

update the error flag in the subsystem level from the top level routines related to stability checks. This will uniquely update the errorflag at each channel based on the error flag in the corresponding channel in the ev_error subsystem

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 1402 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References Compare(), fBCM, fBCMCombo, fBPMCombo, fCavity, fECalculator, fHaloMonitor, fLinearArray, fQPD, fStripline, and UpdateErrorFlag().

1402  {
1403  VQwSubsystem* tmp = const_cast<VQwSubsystem*>(ev_error);
1404  if(Compare(tmp))
1405  {
1407  const QwBeamLine* input = dynamic_cast<const QwBeamLine*>(ev_error);
1409  /*
1410  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fClock.size();i++)
1411  *(this->fClock[i].get())=*(input->fClock[i].get());
1412  */
1413  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fStripline.size();i++)
1414  (this->fStripline[i].get())->UpdateErrorFlag(input->fStripline[i].get());
1415  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fQPD.size();i++)
1416  (this->fQPD[i]).UpdateErrorFlag(&(input->fQPD[i]));
1417  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fLinearArray.size();i++)
1418  (this->fLinearArray[i]).UpdateErrorFlag(&(input->fLinearArray[i]));
1419  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fCavity.size();i++)
1420  (this->fCavity[i]).UpdateErrorFlag(&(input->fCavity[i]));
1421  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fBCM.size();i++){
1422  (this->fBCM[i].get())->UpdateErrorFlag(input->fBCM[i].get());
1423  }
1424  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fBCMCombo.size();i++)
1425  (this->fBCMCombo[i].get())->UpdateErrorFlag(input->fBCMCombo[i].get()); //*(this->fBCMCombo[i].get())=*(input->fBCMCombo[i].get());
1426  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fBPMCombo.size();i++)
1427  (this->fBPMCombo[i].get())->UpdateErrorFlag(input->fBPMCombo[i].get()); //=*(input->fBPMCombo[i].get());
1428  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fECalculator.size();i++)
1429  (this->fECalculator[i]).UpdateErrorFlag(&(input->fECalculator[i]));
1430  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fHaloMonitor.size();i++)
1431  (this->fHaloMonitor[i]).UpdateErrorFlag(&(input->fHaloMonitor[i]));
1435  }
1436 }
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fBPMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:170
std::vector< QwBPMCavity > fCavity
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:179
UInt_t UpdateErrorFlag()
Uses the error flags of contained data elements to update Returns the error flag to the top level rou...
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:1367
std::vector< QwEnergyCalculator > fECalculator
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:183
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
std::vector< VQwBPM_ptr > fStripline
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:169
std::vector< QwHaloMonitor > fHaloMonitor
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:180
The pure virtual base class of all subsystems.
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:59
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCMCombo
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:173
Bool_t Compare(VQwSubsystem *source)
Definition: QwBeamLine.cc:2233
std::vector< QwLinearDiodeArray > fLinearArray
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:178
std::vector< QwQPD > fQPD
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:177

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwBeamLine::WritePromptSummary ( QwPromptSummary ps,
TString  type 

Reimplemented from VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 2995 of file QwBeamLine.cc.

References fBCM, QwPromptSummary::FillDoubleDifference(), and PromptSummaryElement::Set().

2996 {
2997  Bool_t local_print_flag = true;
2999  if(local_print_flag) {
3000  printf("---------------------------------------------------------------\n");
3001  printf("QwBeamLine::WritePromptSummary() Type : %12s\n", type.Data());
3002  printf("---------------------------------------------------------------\n");
3003  }
3005  TString element_name = "";
3006  Double_t element_value = 0.0;
3007  Double_t element_value_err = 0.0;
3008  Double_t element_value_width = 0.0;
3010  PromptSummaryElement *local_ps_element = NULL;
3012  // Double_t asymmetry_ppm = 1e-6;
3014  for (size_t i = 0; i < fBCM.size(); i++)
3015  {
3016  element_name = fBCM[i].get()->GetElementName();
3017  element_value = 0.0;
3018  element_value_err = 0.0;
3019  element_value_width = 0.0;
3021  if (element_name.Contains("qwk_bcm1")) {
3022  local_ps_element = ps-> GetElementByName("bcm1");
3023  } else if (element_name.Contains("qwk_bcm2")) {
3024  local_ps_element = ps-> GetElementByName("bcm2");
3025  } else if (element_name.Contains("qwk_bcm5")) {
3026  local_ps_element = ps-> GetElementByName("bcm5");
3027  } else if (element_name.Contains("qwk_bcm6")) {
3028  local_ps_element = ps-> GetElementByName("bcm6");
3029  } else if (element_name.Contains("qwk_bcm7")) {
3030  local_ps_element = ps-> GetElementByName("bcm7");
3031  } else if (element_name.Contains("qwk_bcm8")) {
3032  local_ps_element = ps-> GetElementByName("bcm8");
3033  } else {
3034  local_ps_element = NULL;
3035  }
3037  if(local_ps_element) {
3038  element_value = fBCM[i].get()->GetValue();
3039  element_value_err = fBCM[i].get()->GetValueError();
3040  element_value_width = fBCM[i].get()->GetValueWidth();
3042  local_ps_element->Set(type, element_value, element_value_err, element_value_width);
3043  }
3045  if( local_print_flag && local_ps_element) {
3046  printf("Type %12s, Element %32s, value %12.4e error %8.4e width %12.4e\n",
3047  type.Data(), element_name.Data(), element_value, element_value_err, element_value_width);
3048  }
3049  }
3051  ps->FillDoubleDifference(type, "bcm1", "bcm2");
3052  ps->FillDoubleDifference(type, "bcm1", "bcm5");
3053  ps->FillDoubleDifference(type, "bcm1", "bcm6");
3054  ps->FillDoubleDifference(type, "bcm2", "bcm5");
3055  ps->FillDoubleDifference(type, "bcm2", "bcm6");
3056  ps->FillDoubleDifference(type, "bcm5", "bcm6");
3058  ps->FillDoubleDifference(type, "bcm1", "bcm7");
3059  ps->FillDoubleDifference(type, "bcm1", "bcm8");
3061  ps->FillDoubleDifference(type, "bcm5", "bcm7");
3062  ps->FillDoubleDifference(type, "bcm7", "bcm8");
3066  // for(size_t i=0; i< fStripline.size(); i++)
3067  // {
3068  // element_name = fStripline[i].get()->GetElementName();
3069  // element_value = 0.0;
3070  // element_value_err = 0.0;
3071  // element_value_width = 0.0;
3074  // printf("Strip BPM %d, name %s\n", (Int_t) i, element_name.Data());
3075  // // if (element_name.Contains("qwk_bcm1")) {
3076  // // local_ps_element = ps-> GetElementByName("bcm1");
3077  // // } else if (element_name.Contains("qwk_bcm2")) {
3078  // // local_ps_element = ps-> GetElementByName("bcm2");
3079  // // } else if (element_name.Contains("qwk_bcm5")) {
3080  // // local_ps_element = ps-> GetElementByName("bcm5");
3081  // // } else if (element_name.Contains("qwk_bcm6")) {
3082  // // local_ps_element = ps-> GetElementByName("bcm6");
3083  // // } else if (element_name.Contains("qwk_bcm7")) {
3084  // // local_ps_element = ps-> GetElementByName("bcm7");
3085  // // } else if (element_name.Contains("qwk_bcm8")) {
3086  // // local_ps_element = ps-> GetElementByName("bcm8");
3087  // // } else {
3088  // // local_ps_element = NULL;
3089  // // }
3091  // }
3093  // for(size_t i=0; i< fBPMCombo.size(); i++)
3094  // {
3095  // element_name = fBPMCombo[i].get()->GetElementName();
3096  // element_value = 0.0;
3097  // element_value_err = 0.0;
3098  // element_value_width = 0.0;
3099  // printf("Combo BPM %d, name %s\n", (Int_t) i, element_name.Data());
3100  // }
3102  return;
3103 };
void FillDoubleDifference(TString type, TString name1, TString name2)
std::vector< VQwBCM_ptr > fBCM
Definition: QwBeamLine.h:172
void Set(TString type, const Double_t a, const Double_t a_err, const Double_t a_width)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Field Documentation

const Bool_t QwBeamLine::bDEBUG =kFALSE

Definition at line 192 of file QwBeamLine.h.

Referenced by ApplySingleEventCuts().

std::vector<QwBeamDetectorID> QwBeamLine::fBeamDetectorID
Int_t QwBeamLine::fQwBeamLineErrorCount

Definition at line 189 of file QwBeamLine.h.

Referenced by ApplySingleEventCuts(), and LoadEventCuts().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: