28 #define BLACK "\033[30m"
29 #define RED "\033[31m"
30 #define GREEN "\033[32m"
31 #define BROWN "\033[33m"
32 #define BLUE "\033[34m"
33 #define MAGENTA "\033[35m"
34 #define CYAN "\033[36m"
35 #define WHITE "\033[37m"
37 #define BOLD "\033[1m"
47 #define BOLDRED "\033[31;1m"
48 #define BOLDGREEN "\033[32;1m"
49 #define BOLDBROWN "\033[33;1m"
50 #define BOLDBLUE "\033[34;1m"
51 #define BOLDMAGENTA "\033[35;1m"
52 #define BOLDCYAN "\033[36;1m"
53 #define BOLDWHITE "\033[37;1m"
55 #define BACKRED "\033[41m"
56 #define BACKGREEN "\033[42m"
57 #define BACKBLUE "\033[44m"
61 #define NORMAL "\033[0m"
Qw::EQwColor foreground
Foreground color.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const QwColor &color)
Output stream operator which uses the enum-to-escape-code mapping.
Qw::EQwColor background
Background color (not yet supported)
static QwColorMap kColorMap
static QwColorMap CreateColorMap()
A color changing class for the output stream.
QwColor(const Qw::EQwColor f=Qw::kDefaultForeground, const Qw::EQwColor b=Qw::kDefaultBackground)
Default constructor.
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const QwColor &color)
Output stream operator.
std::map< Qw::EQwColor, std::string > QwColorMap