23 stream <<
return stream;
50 stream <<
return stream;
81 stream <<
return stream;
105 stream <<
return stream;
202 return package = EQwDetectorPackage(package + 1);
class QwVQWK_Channel QwBeamPosition
static const UInt_t kBCMErrorFlag
static const UInt_t kErrorFlag_SW_HW
static const UInt_t kErrorFlag_ZeroHW
static const UInt_t kLocalCut
EQwPMTInstrumentType GetQwPMTInstrumentType(TString name)
static const UInt_t kBModErrorFlag
QwHelicityMap CreateHelicityMap()
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const QwColor &color)
Output stream operator which uses the enum-to-escape-code mapping.
EQwBeamInstrumentType GetQwBeamInstrumentType(TString name)
EQwDetectorPackage fPackage
which arm of the rotator or octant number
static const UInt_t kErrorFlag_sample
EQwDirectionID fDirection
direction of the wire plane X,Y,U,V etc - Rakitha (10/23/2008)
static const QwDirectionMap kQwDirectionMap
QwPackageMap CreatePackageMap()
static const UInt_t kErrorFlag_BlinderFail
static const UInt_t kErrorFlag_SameHW
EQwRegionID & operator++(EQwRegionID ®ion, int)
QwDirectionMap CreateDirectionMap()
Double Wien configuration.
EQwRegionID fRegion
region 1, 2, 3, triggg. scint or cerenkov
TString GetQwBeamInstrumentTypeName(EQwBeamInstrumentType type)
TString GetQwPMTInstrumentTypeName(EQwPMTInstrumentType type)
static const UInt_t kInvalidSubelementIndex
Int_t fElement
trace number for R1; wire number for R2 & R3; PMT number for others
static const QwPackageMap kQwPackageMap
QwDetectorID(const EQwRegionID region, const EQwDetectorPackage package, const Int_t octant, const Int_t plane, const EQwDirectionID direction, const Int_t wire)
std::map< char, EQwDetectorType > QwTypeMap
static const UInt_t kErrorFlag_Sequence
class QwVQWK_Channel QwBeamCharge
class QwVQWK_Channel QwBeamAngle
static const UInt_t kBeamTripError
Int_t fPlane
R or theta index for R1; plane index for R2 & R3.
std::map< char, EQwRegionID > QwRegionMap
static const UInt_t kPreserveError
QwDelayLineID(const int backplane, const int linenumber, const int side)
static const UInt_t kBeamStabilityError
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const QwDetectorID &detectorID)
std::map< char, EQwDetectorPackage > QwPackageMap
std::map< EQwHelicity, int > QwHelicityMap
Int_t fOctant
octant of this detector
static const UInt_t kPMTErrorFlag
Helicity enumerator (don't use this as a signed int)
static const UInt_t kEventCutMode3
static const QwHelicityMap kMapHelicity
static const UInt_t kErrorFlag_EventCut_L
static const UInt_t kGlobalCut
static const UInt_t kBModFFBErrorFlag
static const QwRegionMap kQwRegionMap
EQwWienMode WienModeIndex(TString name)
static const UInt_t kBPMErrorFlag
class QwVQWK_Channel QwBeamEnergy
std::map< char, EQwDirectionID > QwDirectionMap
QwTypeMap CreateTypeMap()
static const UInt_t kStabilityCut
static const UInt_t kErrorFlag_VQWK_Sat
QwElectronicsID(const int slot, const int chan)
static const UInt_t kErrorFlag_EventCut_U
static const QwTypeMap kQwTypeMap
std::string WienModeName(EQwWienMode type)
QwRegionMap CreateRegionMap()
UInt_t GetGlobalErrorFlag(TString evtype, Int_t evMode, Double_t stabilitycut)