QwHelicity Class Reference

#include <QwHelicity.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for QwHelicity:
+ Collaboration diagram for QwHelicity:

Public Member Functions

 QwHelicity (const TString &name)
 Constructor with name. More...
 QwHelicity (const QwHelicity &source)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual ~QwHelicity ()
 Virtual destructor. More...
void ProcessOptions (QwOptions &options)
 Process the command line options. More...
Int_t LoadChannelMap (TString mapfile)
 Mandatory map file definition. More...
Int_t LoadInputParameters (TString pedestalfile)
 Mandatory parameter file definition. More...
Int_t LoadEventCuts (TString filename)
 Load the event cuts file. More...
Bool_t ApplySingleEventCuts ()
 Apply the single event cuts. More...
void IncrementErrorCounters ()
 Increment the error counters. More...
void PrintErrorCounters () const
 Report the number of events failed due to HW and event cut failures. More...
UInt_t GetEventcutErrorFlag ()
 Return the error flag to the top level routines related to stability checks and ErrorFlag updates. More...
void UpdateErrorFlag (const VQwSubsystem *ev_error)
 update the error flag in the subsystem level from the top level routines related to stability checks. This will uniquely update the errorflag at each channel based on the error flag in the corresponding channel in the ev_error subsystem More...
Int_t ProcessConfigurationBuffer (const UInt_t roc_id, const UInt_t bank_id, UInt_t *buffer, UInt_t num_words)
Int_t ProcessEvBuffer (const UInt_t roc_id, const UInt_t bank_id, UInt_t *buffer, UInt_t num_words)
 TODO: The non-event-type-aware ProcessEvBuffer routine should be replaced with the event-type-aware version. More...
Int_t ProcessEvBuffer (UInt_t ev_type, const UInt_t roc_id, const UInt_t bank_id, UInt_t *buffer, UInt_t num_words)
void ProcessEventUserbitMode ()
void ProcessEventInputRegisterMode ()
void ProcessEventInputMollerMode ()
void EncodeEventData (std::vector< UInt_t > &buffer)
virtual void ClearEventData ()
virtual void ProcessEvent ()
UInt_t GetRandomSeedActual ()
UInt_t GetRandomSeedDelayed ()
void PredictHelicity ()
void RunPredictor ()
void SetHelicityDelay (Int_t delay)
void SetHelicityBitPattern (UInt_t bits)
Int_t GetHelicityReported ()
Int_t GetHelicityActual ()
Int_t GetHelicityDelayed ()
Long_t GetEventNumber ()
Long_t GetPatternNumber ()
Int_t GetPhaseNumber ()
Int_t GetMaxPatternPhase ()
Int_t GetMinPatternPhase ()
void SetFirstBits (UInt_t nbits, UInt_t firstbits)
void SetEventPatternPhase (Int_t event, Int_t pattern, Int_t phase)
VQwSubsystemoperator= (VQwSubsystem *value)
 Assignment Note: Must be called at the beginning of all subsystems routine call to operator=(VQwSubsystem *value) by VQwSubsystem::operator=(value) More...
VQwSubsystemoperator+= (VQwSubsystem *value)
void Sum (VQwSubsystem *value1, VQwSubsystem *value2)
VQwSubsystemoperator-= (VQwSubsystem *value)
void Scale (Double_t factor)
void Difference (VQwSubsystem *value1, VQwSubsystem *value2)
void Ratio (VQwSubsystem *numer, VQwSubsystem *denom)
void AccumulateRunningSum (VQwSubsystem *value)
 Update the running sums for devices. More...
void DeaccumulateRunningSum (VQwSubsystem *value)
 remove one entry from the running sums for devices More...
void CalculateRunningAverage ()
 Calculate the average for all good events. More...
void ConstructHistograms (TDirectory *folder, TString &prefix)
 Construct the histograms for this subsystem in a folder with a prefix. More...
void FillHistograms ()
 Fill the histograms for this subsystem. More...
void ConstructBranchAndVector (TTree *tree, TString &prefix, std::vector< Double_t > &values)
 Construct the branch and tree vector. More...
void ConstructBranch (TTree *tree, TString &prefix)
 Construct the branch and tree vector. More...
void ConstructBranch (TTree *tree, TString &prefix, QwParameterFile &trim_file)
 Construct the branch and tree vector based on the trim file. More...
void FillTreeVector (std::vector< Double_t > &values) const
 Fill the tree vector. More...
void FillDB (QwParityDB *db, TString type)
 Fill the database. More...
void FillErrDB (QwParityDB *db, TString datatype)
void Print () const
Bool_t IsHelicityIgnored ()
virtual Bool_t IsGoodHelicity ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from VQwSubsystemParity
 VQwSubsystemParity (const TString &name)
 Constructor with name. More...
 VQwSubsystemParity (const VQwSubsystemParity &source)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual ~VQwSubsystemParity ()
 Default destructor. More...
virtual void FillDB_MPS (QwParityDB *db, TString type)
 Fill the database with MPS-based variables Note that most subsystems don't need to do this. More...
virtual UInt_t UpdateErrorFlag ()
 Uses the error flags of contained data elements to update Returns the error flag to the top level routines related to stability checks and ErrorFlag updates. More...
virtual void Blind (const QwBlinder *blinder)
 Blind the asymmetry of this subsystem. More...
virtual void Blind (const QwBlinder *blinder, const VQwSubsystemParity *subsys)
 Blind the difference of this subsystem. More...
virtual void PrintValue () const
 Print values of all channels. More...
virtual void WritePromptSummary (QwPromptSummary *ps, TString type)
virtual Bool_t CheckForEndOfBurst () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from VQwSubsystem
 VQwSubsystem (const TString &name)
 Constructor with name. More...
 VQwSubsystem (const VQwSubsystem &orig)
 Copy constructor by object. More...
virtual ~VQwSubsystem ()
 Default destructor. More...
TString GetSubsystemName () const
Bool_t HasDataLoaded () const
void SetParent (QwSubsystemArray *parent)
 Set the parent of this subsystem to the specified array. More...
QwSubsystemArrayGetParent (const unsigned int parent=0) const
 Get the parent of this subsystem. More...
VQwSubsystemGetSibling (const std::string &name) const
 Get the sibling with specified name. More...
Bool_t PublishInternalValue (const TString &name, const TString &desc, const VQwHardwareChannel *value) const
 Publish a variable name to the parent subsystem array. More...
virtual Bool_t PublishInternalValues () const
 Publish all variables of the subsystem. More...
virtual Bool_t PublishByRequest (TString device_name)
 Try to publish an internal variable matching the submitted name. More...
Bool_t RequestExternalValue (const TString &name, VQwHardwareChannel *value) const
 Request a named value which is owned by an external subsystem; the request will be handled by the parent subsystem array. More...
virtual const VQwHardwareChannelReturnInternalValue (const TString &name) const
 Return a pointer to a varialbe to the parent subsystem array to be delivered to a different subsystem. More...
virtual Bool_t ReturnInternalValue (const TString &name, VQwHardwareChannel *value) const
 Return a named value to the parent subsystem array to be delivered to a different subsystem. More...
virtual std::vector< TString > GetParamFileNameList ()
virtual std::map< TString,
TString > 
GetDetectorMaps ()
virtual Int_t LoadDetectorMaps (QwParameterFile &file)
 Parse parameter file to find the map files. More...
virtual Int_t LoadGeometryDefinition (TString mapfile)
 Optional geometry definition. More...
virtual Int_t LoadCrosstalkDefinition (TString mapfile)
 Optional crosstalk definition. More...
void SetEventTypeMask (const UInt_t mask)
 Set event type mask. More...
UInt_t GetEventTypeMask () const
 Get event type mask. More...
virtual void ExchangeProcessedData ()
 Request processed data from other subsystems for internal use in the second event processing stage. Not all derived classes will require data from other subsystems. More...
virtual void ProcessEvent_2 ()
 Process the event data again, including data from other subsystems. Not all derived classes will require a second stage of event data processing. More...
virtual void AtEndOfEventLoop ()
 Perform actions at the end of the event loop. More...
virtual void RandomizeEventData (int helicity=0, double time=0.0)
virtual void PrintInfo () const
 Print some information about the subsystem. More...
virtual void PrintDetectorMaps (Bool_t status) const
virtual void ConstructHistograms ()
 Construct the histograms for this subsystem. More...
virtual void ConstructHistograms (TDirectory *folder)
 Construct the histograms for this subsystem in a folder. More...
virtual void ConstructHistograms (TString &prefix)
 Construct the histograms for this subsystem with a prefix. More...
virtual void ConstructBranchAndVector (TTree *tree, std::vector< Double_t > &values)
 Construct the branch and tree vector. More...
virtual void ConstructTree ()
 Construct the tree for this subsystem. More...
virtual void ConstructTree (TDirectory *folder)
 Construct the tree for this subsystem in a folder. More...
virtual void ConstructTree (TString &prefix)
 Construct the tree for this subsystem with a prefix. More...
virtual void ConstructTree (TDirectory *folder, TString &prefix)
 Construct the tree for this subsystem in a folder with a prefix. More...
virtual void FillTree ()
 Fill the tree for this subsystem. More...
virtual void DeleteTree ()
 Delete the tree for this subsystem. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MQwHistograms
void ShareHistograms (const MQwHistograms *source)
 Share histogram pointers between objects. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MQwCloneable< VQwSubsystem, QwHelicity >
virtual ~MQwCloneable ()
 Virtual destructor. More...
virtual VQwSubsystemClone () const
 Concrete clone method. More...
const VQwFactory< VQwSubsystem > * Factory () const
 Factory getter. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from VQwCloneable< VQwSubsystem >
virtual ~VQwCloneable ()
 Virtual destructor. More...
std::string GetClassName () const
 Get demangled name of this class. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void DefineOptions (QwOptions &options)
 Define options function. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from VQwSubsystem
static void DefineOptions ()
 Define options function (note: no virtual static functions in C++) More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MQwCloneable< VQwSubsystem, QwHelicity >
static VQwSubsystemCreate (const std::string &name)
 Object creation. More...
static QwHelicityCast (QwHelicity *type)
 Object dynamic cast. More...

Protected Types

enum  HelicityRootSavingType { kHelSaveMPS = 0, kHelSavePattern, kHelNoSave }
enum  HelicityEncodingType { kHelUserbitMode =0, kHelInputRegisterMode, kHelLocalyMadeUp, kHelInputMollerMode }
enum  InputRegisterBits { kInputReg_HelPlus = 0x1, kInputReg_HelMinus = 0x2, kInputReg_PatternSync = 0x4 }

Protected Member Functions

Bool_t CheckIORegisterMask (const UInt_t &ioregister, const UInt_t &mask) const
void SetHistoTreeSave (const TString &prefix)
Bool_t IsGoodPatternNumber ()
Bool_t IsGoodEventNumber ()
Bool_t MatchActualHelicity (Int_t actual)
Bool_t IsGoodPhaseNumber ()
Bool_t IsContinuous ()
virtual UInt_t GetRandbit (UInt_t &ranseed)
UInt_t GetRandbit24 (UInt_t &ranseed)
UInt_t GetRandbit30 (UInt_t &ranseed)
UInt_t GetRandomSeed (UShort_t *first24randbits)
virtual Bool_t CollectRandBits ()
Bool_t CollectRandBits24 ()
Bool_t CollectRandBits30 ()
void ResetPredictor ()
Bool_t Compare (VQwSubsystem *source)
void ClearErrorCounters ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from VQwSubsystem
void UpdatePublishedValue (const TString &name, VQwHardwareChannel *data_channel)
void ClearAllBankRegistrations ()
 Clear all registration of ROC and Bank IDs for this subsystem. More...
virtual Int_t RegisterROCNumber (const UInt_t roc_id, const UInt_t bank_id=0)
 Tell the object that it will decode data from this ROC and sub-bank. More...
Int_t RegisterSubbank (const UInt_t bank_id)
 Tell the object that it will decode data from this sub-bank in the ROC currently open for registration. More...
Int_t GetSubbankIndex () const
Int_t GetSubbankIndex (const UInt_t roc_id, const UInt_t bank_id) const
void SetDataLoaded (Bool_t flag)
Int_t FindIndex (const std::vector< UInt_t > &myvec, const UInt_t value) const
Bool_t Compare (VQwSubsystem *source)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MQwHistograms
 MQwHistograms ()
 Default constructor. More...
 MQwHistograms (const MQwHistograms &source)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual ~MQwHistograms ()
 Virtual destructor. More...
virtual MQwHistogramsoperator= (const MQwHistograms &value)
void Fill_Pointer (TH1_ptr hist_ptr, Double_t value)
void AddHistogram (TH1 *h)
 Register a histogram. More...

Protected Attributes

UInt_t fInputReg_FakeMPS
UInt_t fHelicityBitPattern
std::vector< QwWordfWord
std::vector< std::pair< Int_t,
Int_t > > 
Int_t fHelicityDecodingMode
Int_t kUserbit
Int_t kScalerCounter
Int_t kInputRegister
Int_t kPatternCounter
Int_t kMpsCounter
Int_t kPatternPhase
UInt_t kEventTypeHelPlus
UInt_t kEventTypeHelMinus
Int_t fEventNumberOld
Int_t fEventNumber
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumberOld
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Int_t fPatternNumberOld
Int_t fPatternNumber
Int_t fPatternSeed
Int_t fActualPatternPolarity
 True polarity of the current pattern. More...
Int_t fDelayedPatternPolarity
 Reported polarity of the current pattern. More...
Int_t fPreviousPatternPolarity
 True polarity of the previous pattern. More...
Int_t fHelicityReported
Int_t fHelicityActual
Int_t fHelicityDelayed
Bool_t fHelicityBitPlus
Bool_t fHelicityBitMinus
Bool_t fGoodHelicity
Bool_t fGoodPattern
Int_t fHistoType
size_t fTreeArrayIndex
size_t fTreeArrayNumEntries
UInt_t n_ranbits
UInt_t iseed_Actual
UInt_t iseed_Delayed
Int_t fHelicityDelay
Int_t fMaxPatternPhase
Int_t fMinPatternPhase
Int_t fRandBits
Bool_t fUsePredictor
Bool_t fHelicityInfoOK
Int_t fPatternPhaseOffset
Bool_t fIgnoreHelicity
UInt_t fEventType
Int_t fEventNumberFirst
Int_t fPatternNumberFirst
Int_t fNumMissedGates
Int_t fNumMissedEventBlocks
Int_t fNumMultSyncErrors
Int_t fNumHelicityErrors
Bool_t fSuppressMPSErrorMsgs
- Protected Attributes inherited from VQwSubsystem
std::map< TString,
VQwHardwareChannel * > 
 Map of published internal values. More...
std::vector< std::vector
< TString > > 
 List of parameters to be published (loaded at the channel map) More...
TString fSystemName
 Name of this subsystem. More...
UInt_t fEventTypeMask
 Mask of event types. More...
Bool_t fIsDataLoaded
 Has this subsystem gotten data to be processed? More...
std::vector< TString > fDetectorMapsNames
std::map< TString, TString > fDetectorMaps
Int_t fCurrentROC_ID
 ROC ID that is currently being processed. More...
Int_t fCurrentBank_ID
 Bank ID that is currently being processed. More...
std::vector< UInt_t > fROC_IDs
 Vector of ROC IDs associated with this subsystem. More...
std::vector< std::vector
< UInt_t > > 
 Vector of Bank IDs per ROC ID associated with this subsystem. More...
std::vector< QwSubsystemArray * > fArrays
 Vector of pointers to subsystem arrays that contain this subsystem. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from MQwHistograms
std::vector< TH1_ptrfHistograms
 Histograms associated with this data element. More...

Static Protected Attributes

static const UInt_t kInputReg_FakeMPS = 0x8000
 Default mask for fake MPS latch bit. More...
static const UInt_t kDefaultHelicityBitPattern = 0x69
static const Bool_t kDEBUG =kFALSE
static const Int_t kUndefinedHelicity = -9999

Private Member Functions

 QwHelicity ()
 Private default constructor (not implemented, will throw linker error on use) More...
UInt_t BuildHelicityBitPattern (Int_t patternsize)
unsigned int parity (unsigned int v)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 38 of file QwHelicity.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 155 of file QwHelicity.h.


Definition at line 151 of file QwHelicity.h.


Definition at line 161 of file QwHelicity.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QwHelicity::QwHelicity ( )

Private default constructor (not implemented, will throw linker error on use)

QwHelicity::QwHelicity ( const TString &  name)

Constructor with name.

Definition at line 40 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References ClearErrorCounters(), fActualPatternPolarity, fDelayedPatternPolarity, fEventNumber, fEventNumberOld, fGoodHelicity, fGoodPattern, fHelicityActual, fHelicityBitMinus, fHelicityBitPlus, fHelicityDecodingMode, fHelicityDelay, fHelicityDelayed, fHelicityReported, fInputReg_FakeMPS, fPatternNumber, fPatternNumberOld, fPatternPhaseNumber, fPatternPhaseNumberOld, kEventTypeHelMinus, kEventTypeHelPlus, kInputReg_FakeMPS, kUndefinedHelicity, and kUserbit.

41 : VQwSubsystem(name),
42  VQwSubsystemParity(name),
46  fSuppressMPSErrorMsgs(kFALSE)
47 {
49  // Default helicity delay to two patterns.
50  fHelicityDelay = 2;
51  // Default the EventType flags to HelPlus=1 and HelMinus=4
52  // These are only used in Moller decoding mode.
55  //
59  kUserbit=-1;
65  fHelicityBitPlus=kFALSE;
66  fHelicityBitMinus=kFALSE;
67  fGoodHelicity=kFALSE;
68  fGoodPattern=kFALSE;
72 }
Int_t fHelicityDelay
Definition: QwHelicity.h:233
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Bool_t fIgnoreHelicity
Definition: QwHelicity.h:262
static const UInt_t kInputReg_FakeMPS
Default mask for fake MPS latch bit.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:165
void ClearErrorCounters()
Definition: QwHelicity.h:270
Int_t fPatternNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
UInt_t kEventTypeHelMinus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:192
static const Int_t kUndefinedHelicity
Definition: QwHelicity.h:223
UInt_t fHelicityBitPattern
Definition: QwHelicity.h:170
Int_t fEventNumberFirst
Definition: QwHelicity.h:267
Int_t fHelicityReported
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fDelayedPatternPolarity
Reported polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:199
UInt_t fInputReg_FakeMPS
Definition: QwHelicity.h:166
Bool_t fUsePredictor
Definition: QwHelicity.h:258
Bool_t fGoodPattern
Definition: QwHelicity.h:210
Int_t fMinPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:237
Int_t fEventNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Int_t fActualPatternPolarity
True polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:198
Bool_t fSuppressMPSErrorMsgs
Definition: QwHelicity.h:286
Int_t fHelicityDelayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Bool_t fHelicityBitMinus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:208
Int_t fHelicityDecodingMode
Definition: QwHelicity.h:175
Bool_t fHelicityBitPlus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:207
Int_t kUserbit
Definition: QwHelicity.h:182
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
Int_t fHelicityActual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
static const UInt_t kDefaultHelicityBitPattern
Definition: QwHelicity.h:168
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
Bool_t fGoodHelicity
Definition: QwHelicity.h:209
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
Private default constructor (not implemented, will throw linker error on use)
UInt_t kEventTypeHelPlus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:192
Int_t fPatternNumberFirst
Definition: QwHelicity.h:268

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

QwHelicity::QwHelicity ( const QwHelicity source)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 79 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References ClearErrorCounters(), fActualPatternPolarity, fDelayedPatternPolarity, fEventNumber, fEventNumberFirst, fEventNumberOld, fEventType, fGoodHelicity, fGoodPattern, fHelicityActual, fHelicityBitMinus, fHelicityBitPlus, fHelicityDecodingMode, fHelicityDelay, fHelicityDelayed, fHelicityInfoOK, fHelicityReported, fIgnoreHelicity, fInputReg_FakeMPS, fMaxPatternPhase, fMinPatternPhase, fNumHelicityErrors, fNumMissedEventBlocks, fNumMissedGates, fNumMultSyncErrors, fPatternNumber, fPatternNumberFirst, fPatternNumberOld, fPatternPhaseNumber, fPatternPhaseNumberOld, fPatternPhaseOffset, fRandBits, fUsePredictor, fWord, iseed_Actual, iseed_Delayed, kEventTypeHelMinus, kEventTypeHelPlus, kUndefinedHelicity, kUserbit, and n_ranbits.

80 : VQwSubsystem(source.GetSubsystemName()),
85  fSuppressMPSErrorMsgs(kFALSE)
86 {
88  // Default helicity delay to two patterns.
89  fHelicityDelay = 2;
90  // Default the EventType flags to HelPlus=1 and HelMinus=4
91  // These are only used in Moller decoding mode.
94  //
98  kUserbit=-1;
104  fHelicityBitPlus=kFALSE;
105  fHelicityBitMinus=kFALSE;
106  fGoodHelicity=kFALSE;
107  fGoodPattern=kFALSE;
112  this->fWord.resize(source.fWord.size());
113  for(size_t i=0;i<this->fWord.size();i++)
114  {
115  this->fWord[i].fWordName=source.fWord[i].fWordName;
116  this->fWord[i].fModuleType=source.fWord[i].fModuleType;
117  this->fWord[i].fWordType=source.fWord[i].fWordType;
118  }
125  fEventType = source.fEventType;
127  fRandBits = source.fRandBits;
128  fUsePredictor = source.fUsePredictor;
134  iseed_Delayed = source.iseed_Delayed;
135  iseed_Actual = source.iseed_Actual;
136  n_ranbits = source.n_ranbits;
137  fEventNumber = source.fEventNumber;
144  this->kUserbit = source.kUserbit;
145  this->fIgnoreHelicity = source.fIgnoreHelicity;
146 }
Int_t fHelicityDelay
Definition: QwHelicity.h:233
Int_t fNumMissedGates
Definition: QwHelicity.h:275
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Int_t fNumHelicityErrors
Definition: QwHelicity.h:281
Bool_t fIgnoreHelicity
Definition: QwHelicity.h:262
void ClearErrorCounters()
Definition: QwHelicity.h:270
Int_t fPatternNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
UInt_t kEventTypeHelMinus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:192
static const Int_t kUndefinedHelicity
Definition: QwHelicity.h:223
UInt_t fHelicityBitPattern
Definition: QwHelicity.h:170
Int_t fEventNumberFirst
Definition: QwHelicity.h:267
Int_t fHelicityReported
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fPatternPhaseOffset
Definition: QwHelicity.h:260
Int_t fDelayedPatternPolarity
Reported polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:199
Int_t fNumMultSyncErrors
Definition: QwHelicity.h:280
Int_t fMaxPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:236
Int_t fRandBits
Definition: QwHelicity.h:257
UInt_t fInputReg_FakeMPS
Definition: QwHelicity.h:166
UInt_t n_ranbits
Definition: QwHelicity.h:229
Bool_t fHelicityInfoOK
Definition: QwHelicity.h:259
Bool_t fUsePredictor
Definition: QwHelicity.h:258
Bool_t fGoodPattern
Definition: QwHelicity.h:210
Int_t fMinPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:237
Int_t fEventNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Int_t fActualPatternPolarity
True polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:198
Int_t fNumMissedEventBlocks
Definition: QwHelicity.h:279
Bool_t fSuppressMPSErrorMsgs
Definition: QwHelicity.h:286
Int_t fHelicityDelayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Bool_t fHelicityBitMinus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:208
std::vector< QwWord > fWord
Definition: QwHelicity.h:172
UInt_t iseed_Delayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:231
Int_t fHelicityDecodingMode
Definition: QwHelicity.h:175
Bool_t fHelicityBitPlus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:207
Int_t kUserbit
Definition: QwHelicity.h:182
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
UInt_t iseed_Actual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:230
Int_t fHelicityActual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
static const UInt_t kDefaultHelicityBitPattern
Definition: QwHelicity.h:168
UInt_t fEventType
Definition: QwHelicity.h:264
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
Bool_t fGoodHelicity
Definition: QwHelicity.h:209
TString GetSubsystemName() const
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:93
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
Private default constructor (not implemented, will throw linker error on use)
UInt_t kEventTypeHelPlus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:192
Int_t fPatternNumberFirst
Definition: QwHelicity.h:268

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

virtual QwHelicity::~QwHelicity ( )

Virtual destructor.

Definition at line 50 of file QwHelicity.h.

50 { }

Member Function Documentation

void QwHelicity::AccumulateRunningSum ( VQwSubsystem value)

Update the running sums for devices.

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 120 of file QwHelicity.h.

120 { };
Bool_t QwHelicity::ApplySingleEventCuts ( )

Apply the single event cuts.

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 397 of file QwHelicity.cc.

397  {
398  //impose single event cuts //Paul's modifications
400  return kTRUE;
401 }
UInt_t QwHelicity::BuildHelicityBitPattern ( Int_t  patternsize)

Definition at line 2028 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), kDefaultHelicityBitPattern, QwDebug, QwError, and SetHelicityBitPattern().

Referenced by ProcessOptions().

2028  {
2029  UInt_t bitpattern = 0;
2030  // Standard helicity board patterns (last to first):
2031  // Pair, quad, octet: -++-+--+ : 0x69
2032  // Hexo-quad: -++--++--++-+--++--++--+ : 0x666999
2033  // Octo-quad: -++--++--++--++-+--++--++--++--+ : 0x66669999
2034  //
2035  if (patternsize<8){
2036  bitpattern = kDefaultHelicityBitPattern;
2037  } else if (patternsize%8==0){
2038  Int_t halfshift = patternsize/2;
2039  for (Int_t i=0; i<(patternsize/8); i++){
2040  bitpattern += (0x9<<(i*4));
2041  bitpattern += (0x6<<(halfshift+i*4));
2042  }
2043  } else {
2044  QwError << "QwHelicity::BuildHelicityBitPattern: "
2045  << "Unable to build standard bit pattern for pattern size of "
2046  << patternsize << ". Try a pattern of 0x69."
2047  << QwLog::endl;
2048  bitpattern = kDefaultHelicityBitPattern;
2049  }
2050  QwDebug << "QwHelicity::BuildHelicityBitPattern: "
2051  << "Built pattern 0x" << std::hex << bitpattern
2052  << std::dec << " for pattern size "
2053  << patternsize << "." << QwLog::endl;
2054  // Now set the bit pattern.
2055  SetHelicityBitPattern(bitpattern);
2056  return bitpattern;
2057 }
#define QwDebug
Predefined log drain for debugging output.
Definition: QwLog.h:60
void SetHelicityBitPattern(UInt_t bits)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1904
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
static const UInt_t kDefaultHelicityBitPattern
Definition: QwHelicity.h:168
#define QwError
Predefined log drain for errors.
Definition: QwLog.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::CalculateRunningAverage ( )

Calculate the average for all good events.

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 124 of file QwHelicity.h.

124 { };
Bool_t QwHelicity::CheckIORegisterMask ( const UInt_t &  ioregister,
const UInt_t &  mask 
) const

Definition at line 146 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by ProcessEventInputRegisterMode().

146  {
147  return ((ioregister & mask) == mask);
148  };

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::ClearErrorCounters ( )

Definition at line 270 of file QwHelicity.h.

References fNumHelicityErrors, fNumMissedEventBlocks, fNumMissedGates, and fNumMultSyncErrors.

Referenced by QwHelicity().

270  {
271  fNumMissedGates = 0;
273  fNumMultSyncErrors = 0;
274  fNumHelicityErrors = 0;
275  };
Int_t fNumMissedGates
Definition: QwHelicity.h:275
Int_t fNumHelicityErrors
Definition: QwHelicity.h:281
Int_t fNumMultSyncErrors
Definition: QwHelicity.h:280
Int_t fNumMissedEventBlocks
Definition: QwHelicity.h:279

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::ClearEventData ( )

Reset data by setting the old event number, pattern number and pattern phase to the values of the previous event.

Clear out helicity variables

Set the new event number and pattern number to -1. If we are not reading these correctly from the data stream, -1 will allow us to identify that.

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Reimplemented in QwFakeHelicity.

Definition at line 347 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References fEventNumber, fEventNumberFirst, fEventNumberOld, fHelicityActual, fHelicityBitMinus, fHelicityBitPlus, fHelicityDelayed, fHelicityReported, fPatternNumber, fPatternNumberFirst, fPatternNumberOld, fPatternPhaseNumber, fPatternPhaseNumberOld, fWord, kUndefinedHelicity, and VQwSubsystem::SetDataLoaded().

348 {
349  SetDataLoaded(kFALSE);
350  for (size_t i=0;i<fWord.size();i++)
351  fWord[i].ClearEventData();
353  /**Reset data by setting the old event number, pattern number and pattern phase
354  to the values of the previous event.*/
355  if (fEventNumberFirst==-1 && fEventNumberOld!= -1){
357  }
358  if (fPatternNumberFirst==-1 && fPatternNumberOld!=-1
361  }
367  //fIgnoreHelicity = kFALSE;
369  /**Clear out helicity variables */
373  fHelicityBitPlus = kFALSE;
374  fHelicityBitMinus = kFALSE;
375  // be careful: it is not that I forgot to reset fActualPatternPolarity
376  // or fDelayedPatternPolarity. One doesn't want to do that here.
377  /** Set the new event number and pattern number to -1. If we are not reading these correctly
378  from the data stream, -1 will allow us to identify that.*/
379  fEventNumber = -1;
380  fPatternPhaseNumber = -1;
381  return;
382 }
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Int_t fPatternNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
static const Int_t kUndefinedHelicity
Definition: QwHelicity.h:223
Int_t fEventNumberFirst
Definition: QwHelicity.h:267
Int_t fHelicityReported
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fEventNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
virtual void ClearEventData()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:347
Int_t fHelicityDelayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Bool_t fHelicityBitMinus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:208
std::vector< QwWord > fWord
Definition: QwHelicity.h:172
Bool_t fHelicityBitPlus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:207
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
Int_t fHelicityActual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
Int_t fPatternNumberFirst
Definition: QwHelicity.h:268
void SetDataLoaded(Bool_t flag)
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:305

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Bool_t QwHelicity::CollectRandBits ( )

Reimplemented in QwFakeHelicity.

Definition at line 1670 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References CollectRandBits24(), CollectRandBits30(), and fRandBits.

Referenced by PredictHelicity().

1671 {
1672  Bool_t status = false;
1674  if (fRandBits == 24)
1675  status = CollectRandBits24();
1676  if (fRandBits == 30)
1677  status = CollectRandBits30();
1679  return status;
1680 }
Bool_t CollectRandBits30()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1773
Int_t fRandBits
Definition: QwHelicity.h:257
Bool_t CollectRandBits24()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1684

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool_t QwHelicity::CollectRandBits24 ( )

Definition at line 1684 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), fActualPatternPolarity, fDelayedPatternPolarity, fEventNumber, fGoodHelicity, fHelicityActual, fHelicityDelay, fHelicityDelayed, fHelicityReported, fMinPatternPhase, fPatternNumber, fPatternPhaseNumber, fPreviousPatternPolarity, GetRandbit(), GetRandomSeed(), IsContinuous(), iseed_Actual, iseed_Delayed, n_ranbits, QwDebug, QwError, QwMessage, and ResetPredictor().

Referenced by CollectRandBits().

1685 {
1686  //routine to collect 24 random bits before getting the randseed for prediction
1687  Bool_t ldebug = kFALSE;
1688  const UInt_t ranbit_goal = 24;
1690  QwDebug << "QwHelicity::Entering CollectRandBits24...." << QwLog::endl;
1693  if (n_ranbits==ranbit_goal) return kTRUE;
1696  {
1697  QwMessage << "Collecting information from event #" << fEventNumber << " to generate helicity seed"
1698  << "(need 24 bit, so far got " << n_ranbits << " bits )" << QwLog::endl;
1699  }
1702  static UShort_t first24bits[25]; //array to store the first 24 bits
1704  fGoodHelicity = kFALSE; //reset before prediction begins
1705  if(IsContinuous())
1706  {
1708  {
1709  first24bits[n_ranbits+1] = fHelicityReported;
1710  n_ranbits ++;
1711  if(ldebug)
1712  {
1713  std::cout << " event number" << fEventNumber << ", fPatternNumber"
1714  << fPatternNumber << ", n_ranbit" << n_ranbits
1715  << ", fHelicityReported" << fHelicityReported << "\n";
1716  }
1718  if(n_ranbits == ranbit_goal ) //If its the 24th consecative random bit,
1719  {
1720  if(ldebug)
1721  {
1722  std::cout << "Collected 24 random bits. Get the random seed for the predictor." << "\n";
1723  for(UInt_t i=0;i<ranbit_goal;i++) std::cout << " i:bit =" << i << ":" << first24bits[i] << "\n";
1724  }
1725  iseed_Delayed = GetRandomSeed(first24bits);
1726  //This random seed will predict the helicity of the event (24+fHelicityDelay) patterns before;
1727  // run GetRandBit 24 times to get the delayed helicity for this event
1728  QwDebug << "The reported seed 24 patterns ago = " << iseed_Delayed << "\n";
1730  for(UInt_t i=0;i<ranbit_goal;i++) fDelayedPatternPolarity =GetRandbit(iseed_Delayed);
1732  //The helicity of the first phase in a pattern is
1733  //equal to the polarity of the pattern
1735  //Check whether the reported helicity is the same as the helicity predicted by the random seed
1737  if(fHelicityDelay >=0){
1739  for(Int_t i=0; i<fHelicityDelay; i++)
1740  {
1741  QwDebug << "Delaying helicity " << QwLog::endl;
1744  }
1745  }
1746  else
1747  {
1748  QwError << "QwHelicity::CollectRandBits We cannot handle negative delay(prediction) in the reported helicity. Exiting." << QwLog::endl;
1749  ResetPredictor();
1750  }
1753  }
1754  }
1755  }
1756  else // while collecting the seed, we encounter non continuous events.
1757  {
1758  ResetPredictor();
1759  QwError << "QwHelicity::CollectRandBits, while collecting the seed, we encountered non continuous events: need to reset the seed collecting " << QwLog::endl
1760  << " event number=" << fEventNumber << ", fPatternNumber="
1761  << fPatternNumber << ", fPatternPhaseNumber=" << fPatternPhaseNumber << QwLog::endl;
1762  }
1764  //else n randbits have been set to zero in the error checking routine
1765  //start over from the next pattern
1766  QwDebug << "QwHelicity::CollectRandBits24 => Done collecting ..." << QwLog::endl;
1768  return kFALSE;
1770 }
#define QwMessage
Predefined log drain for regular messages.
Definition: QwLog.h:50
Int_t fHelicityDelay
Definition: QwHelicity.h:233
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
virtual UInt_t GetRandbit(UInt_t &ranseed)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1473
Int_t fHelicityReported
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
#define QwDebug
Predefined log drain for debugging output.
Definition: QwLog.h:60
Int_t fDelayedPatternPolarity
Reported polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:199
UInt_t n_ranbits
Definition: QwHelicity.h:229
Int_t fMinPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:237
Int_t fActualPatternPolarity
True polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:198
Int_t fPreviousPatternPolarity
True polarity of the previous pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:200
Int_t fHelicityDelayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
void ResetPredictor()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1914
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
UInt_t GetRandomSeed(UShort_t *first24randbits)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1562
UInt_t iseed_Delayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:231
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
UInt_t iseed_Actual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:230
Bool_t IsContinuous()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:239
Int_t fHelicityActual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
Bool_t fGoodHelicity
Definition: QwHelicity.h:209
#define QwError
Predefined log drain for errors.
Definition: QwLog.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool_t QwHelicity::CollectRandBits30 ( )

Starting to collect 30 bits/helicity state to get the random seed for the 30 bit helicity predictor. These bits (1/0) are the reported helicity states of the first event of each new pattern ot the so called pattern polarity.

If we have finished collecting the bits then ignore the rest of this funciton and return true. No need to recollect!

If we are still collecting the bits, make sure we collect them from only the events with the minimum pattern phase.

If the events are continuous, start to make the ranseed for the helicity pattern we are getting which is the delayed helicity.

Make sure we are at the beging of a valid pattern.

If we got the 30th bit,

set the polarity of the current pattern to be equal to the reported helicity,

then use it as the delayed helicity,

if the helicity is delayed by a positive number of patterns then loop the delayed ranseed backward to get the ranseed for the actual helicity

, get the pattern polarity for the actual pattern using that actual ranseed.

If we have a negative delay. Reset the predictor.

If all is well so far, set the actual pattern polarity as the actual helicity.

while collecting the seed, we encounter non continuous events.Discard bit. Reset the predition

Definition at line 1773 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), fActualPatternPolarity, fDelayedPatternPolarity, fEventNumber, fGoodHelicity, fHelicityActual, fHelicityDelay, fHelicityDelayed, fHelicityReported, fMinPatternPhase, fPatternNumber, fPatternPhaseNumber, fPreviousPatternPolarity, GetRandbit(), IsContinuous(), iseed_Actual, iseed_Delayed, n_ranbits, QwDebug, QwError, QwMessage, QwWarning, and ResetPredictor().

Referenced by CollectRandBits().

1774 {
1775  /** Starting to collect 30 bits/helicity state to get the
1776  random seed for the 30 bit helicity predictor.
1777  These bits (1/0) are the reported helicity states of the first event
1778  of each new pattern ot the so called pattern polarity.*/
1780  // Bool_t ldebug = kFALSE;
1781  const UInt_t ranbit_goal = 30;
1783  /** If we have finished collecting the bits then ignore the rest of this funciton and return true.
1784  No need to recollect!*/
1785  if (n_ranbits == ranbit_goal) return kTRUE;
1787  /** If we are still collecting the bits, make sure we collect them from only the
1788  events with the minimum pattern phase.*/
1790  if (n_ranbits < ranbit_goal && fPatternPhaseNumber == fMinPatternPhase) {
1791  QwMessage << "Collecting information (";
1792  if (fHelicityReported == 1) QwMessage << "+";
1793  else QwMessage << "-";
1794  QwMessage << ") from event #" << fEventNumber << " to generate helicity seed ";
1795  QwMessage << "(need " << ranbit_goal << " bit, so far got " << n_ranbits << " bits )" << QwLog::endl;
1796  }
1798  /** If the events are continuous, start to make the ranseed for the helicity
1799  pattern we are getting which is the delayed helicity.*/
1801  fGoodHelicity = kFALSE; //reset before prediction begins
1803  if(IsContinuous()) {
1804  /** Make sure we are at the beging of a valid pattern. */
1806  iseed_Delayed = ((iseed_Delayed << 1)&0x3FFFFFFF)|fHelicityReported;
1807  QwDebug << "QwHelicity:: CollectRandBits30: Collecting randbit " << n_ranbits << ".." << QwLog::endl;
1808  n_ranbits++;
1810  /** If we got the 30th bit,*/
1811  if(n_ranbits == ranbit_goal){
1812  QwDebug << "QwHelicity:: CollectRandBits30: done Collecting 30 randbits" << QwLog::endl;
1814  /** set the polarity of the current pattern to be equal to the reported helicity,*/
1816  QwDebug << "QwHelicity:: CollectRandBits30: delayedpatternpolarity =" << fDelayedPatternPolarity << QwLog::endl;
1818  /** then use it as the delayed helicity, */
1821  /**if the helicity is delayed by a positive number of patterns then loop the delayed ranseed backward to get the ranseed
1822  for the actual helicity */
1823  if(fHelicityDelay >=0){
1825  for(Int_t i=0; i<fHelicityDelay; i++) {
1826  /**, get the pattern polarity for the actual pattern using that actual ranseed.*/
1829  }
1830  } else {
1831  /** If we have a negative delay. Reset the predictor.*/
1832  QwError << "QwHelicity::CollectRandBits30: We cannot handle negative delay(prediction) in the reported helicity. Exiting." << QwLog::endl;
1833  ResetPredictor();
1834  }
1835  /** If all is well so far, set the actual pattern polarity as the actual helicity.*/
1837  }
1838  }
1839  } else {
1840  /** while collecting the seed, we encounter non continuous events.Discard bit. Reset the predition*/
1841  ResetPredictor();
1842  QwWarning << "QwHelicity::CollectRandBits30: While collecting the seed, we encountered non continuous events: Need to reset the seed collecting " << QwLog::endl;
1843  QwDebug << " event number=" << fEventNumber << ", fPatternNumber="<< fPatternNumber << ", fPatternPhaseNumber=" << fPatternPhaseNumber << QwLog::endl;
1844  }
1845  return kFALSE;
1846 }
#define QwMessage
Predefined log drain for regular messages.
Definition: QwLog.h:50
Int_t fHelicityDelay
Definition: QwHelicity.h:233
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
virtual UInt_t GetRandbit(UInt_t &ranseed)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1473
Int_t fHelicityReported
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
#define QwDebug
Predefined log drain for debugging output.
Definition: QwLog.h:60
Int_t fDelayedPatternPolarity
Reported polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:199
UInt_t n_ranbits
Definition: QwHelicity.h:229
Int_t fMinPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:237
Int_t fActualPatternPolarity
True polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:198
Int_t fPreviousPatternPolarity
True polarity of the previous pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:200
Int_t fHelicityDelayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
void ResetPredictor()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1914
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
UInt_t iseed_Delayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:231
#define QwWarning
Predefined log drain for warnings.
Definition: QwLog.h:45
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
UInt_t iseed_Actual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:230
Bool_t IsContinuous()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:239
Int_t fHelicityActual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
Bool_t fGoodHelicity
Definition: QwHelicity.h:209
#define QwError
Predefined log drain for errors.
Definition: QwLog.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool_t QwHelicity::Compare ( VQwSubsystem source)

Definition at line 2013 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References fWord.

Referenced by operator+=(), operator=(), and Sum().

2014 {
2015  Bool_t res=kTRUE;
2016  if(typeid(*value)!=typeid(*this)) {
2017  res=kFALSE;
2018  } else {
2019  QwHelicity* input= dynamic_cast<QwHelicity*>(value);
2020  if(input->fWord.size()!=fWord.size()) {
2021  res=kFALSE;
2022  }
2023  }
2024  return res;
2025 }
std::vector< QwWord > fWord
Definition: QwHelicity.h:172

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::ConstructBranch ( TTree *  tree,
TString &  prefix 

Construct the branch and tree vector.

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 1303 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References fActualPatternPolarity, fDelayedPatternPolarity, fEventNumber, fHelicityActual, fHelicityDelayed, fHelicityReported, fHistoType, fPatternNumber, fPatternPhaseNumber, fPatternSeed, fPreviousPatternPolarity, fWord, kHelNoSave, kHelSaveMPS, kHelSavePattern, and SetHistoTreeSave().

1304 {
1305  TString basename;
1307  SetHistoTreeSave(prefix);
1308  if(fHistoType==kHelNoSave)
1309  {
1310  //do nothing
1311  }
1312  else if(fHistoType==kHelSaveMPS)
1313  {
1314  basename = "actual_helicity"; //predicted actual helicity before being delayed.
1315  tree->Branch(basename, &fHelicityActual, basename+"/I");
1316  //
1317  basename = "delayed_helicity"; //predicted delayed helicity
1318  tree->Branch(basename, &fHelicityDelayed, basename+"/I");
1319  //
1320  basename = "reported_helicity"; //delayed helicity reported by the input register.
1321  tree->Branch(basename, &fHelicityReported, basename+"/I");
1322  //
1323  basename = "pattern_phase";
1324  tree->Branch(basename, &fPatternPhaseNumber, basename+"/I");
1325  //
1326  basename = "pattern_number";
1327  tree->Branch(basename, &fPatternNumber, basename+"/I");
1328  //
1329  basename = "pattern_seed";
1330  tree->Branch(basename, &fPatternSeed, basename+"/I");
1331  //
1332  basename = "event_number";
1333  tree->Branch(basename, &fEventNumber, basename+"/I");
1334  }
1335  else if(fHistoType==kHelSavePattern)
1336  {
1337  basename = "actual_pattern_polarity";
1338  tree->Branch(basename, &fActualPatternPolarity, basename+"/I");
1339  //
1340  basename = "actual_previous_pattern_polarity";
1341  tree->Branch(basename, &fPreviousPatternPolarity, basename+"/I");
1342  //
1343  basename = "delayed_pattern_polarity";
1344  tree->Branch(basename, &fDelayedPatternPolarity, basename+"/I");
1345  //
1346  basename = "pattern_number";
1347  tree->Branch(basename, &fPatternNumber, basename+"/I");
1348  //
1349  basename = "pattern_seed";
1350  tree->Branch(basename, &fPatternSeed, basename+"/I");
1352  for (size_t i=0; i<fWord.size(); i++)
1353  {
1354  basename = fWord[i].fWordName;
1355  tree->Branch(basename, &fWord[i].fValue, basename+"/I");
1356  }
1357  }
1359  return;
1360 }
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Int_t fHistoType
Definition: QwHelicity.h:212
Int_t fPatternSeed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:197
Int_t fHelicityReported
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fDelayedPatternPolarity
Reported polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:199
Int_t fActualPatternPolarity
True polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:198
Int_t fPreviousPatternPolarity
True polarity of the previous pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:200
Int_t fHelicityDelayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
std::vector< QwWord > fWord
Definition: QwHelicity.h:172
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
void SetHistoTreeSave(const TString &prefix)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1108
Int_t fHelicityActual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::ConstructBranch ( TTree *  tree,
TString &  prefix,
QwParameterFile trim_file 

Construct the branch and tree vector based on the trim file.

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 1362 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References fActualPatternPolarity, fDelayedPatternPolarity, fEventNumber, fHelicityActual, fHelicityDelayed, fHelicityReported, fHistoType, fPatternNumber, fPatternPhaseNumber, fPatternSeed, fPreviousPatternPolarity, fWord, kHelNoSave, kHelSaveMPS, kHelSavePattern, and SetHistoTreeSave().

1363 {
1364  TString basename;
1366  SetHistoTreeSave(prefix);
1367  if(fHistoType==kHelNoSave)
1368  {
1369  //do nothing
1370  }
1371  else if(fHistoType==kHelSaveMPS)
1372  {
1373  basename = "actual_helicity"; //predicted actual helicity before being delayed.
1374  tree->Branch(basename, &fHelicityActual, basename+"/I");
1375  //
1376  basename = "delayed_helicity"; //predicted delayed helicity
1377  tree->Branch(basename, &fHelicityDelayed, basename+"/I");
1378  //
1379  basename = "reported_helicity"; //delayed helicity reported by the input register.
1380  tree->Branch(basename, &fHelicityReported, basename+"/I");
1381  //
1382  basename = "pattern_phase";
1383  tree->Branch(basename, &fPatternPhaseNumber, basename+"/I");
1384  //
1385  basename = "pattern_number";
1386  tree->Branch(basename, &fPatternNumber, basename+"/I");
1387  //
1388  basename = "pattern_seed";
1389  tree->Branch(basename, &fPatternSeed, basename+"/I");
1390  //
1391  basename = "event_number";
1392  tree->Branch(basename, &fEventNumber, basename+"/I");
1393  }
1394  else if(fHistoType==kHelSavePattern)
1395  {
1396  basename = "actual_pattern_polarity";
1397  tree->Branch(basename, &fActualPatternPolarity, basename+"/I");
1398  //
1399  basename = "actual_previous_pattern_polarity";
1400  tree->Branch(basename, &fPreviousPatternPolarity, basename+"/I");
1401  //
1402  basename = "delayed_pattern_polarity";
1403  tree->Branch(basename, &fDelayedPatternPolarity, basename+"/I");
1404  //
1405  basename = "pattern_number";
1406  tree->Branch(basename, &fPatternNumber, basename+"/I");
1407  //
1408  basename = "pattern_seed";
1409  tree->Branch(basename, &fPatternSeed, basename+"/I");
1411  for (size_t i=0; i<fWord.size(); i++)
1412  {
1413  basename = fWord[i].fWordName;
1414  tree->Branch(basename,&fWord[i].fValue, basename+"/I");
1415  }
1417  }
1420  return;
1421 }
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Int_t fHistoType
Definition: QwHelicity.h:212
Int_t fPatternSeed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:197
Int_t fHelicityReported
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fDelayedPatternPolarity
Reported polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:199
Int_t fActualPatternPolarity
True polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:198
Int_t fPreviousPatternPolarity
True polarity of the previous pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:200
Int_t fHelicityDelayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
std::vector< QwWord > fWord
Definition: QwHelicity.h:172
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
void SetHistoTreeSave(const TString &prefix)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1108
Int_t fHelicityActual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::ConstructBranchAndVector ( TTree *  tree,
TString &  prefix,
std::vector< Double_t > &  values 

Construct the branch and tree vector.

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 1222 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References fHistoType, fTreeArrayIndex, fWord, kHelNoSave, kHelSaveMPS, kHelSavePattern, and SetHistoTreeSave().

1223 {
1224  SetHistoTreeSave(prefix);
1227  fTreeArrayIndex = values.size();
1228  TString basename;
1229  if(fHistoType==kHelNoSave)
1230  {
1231  //do nothing
1232  }
1233  else if(fHistoType==kHelSaveMPS)
1234  {
1235  basename = "actual_helicity"; //predicted actual helicity before being delayed.
1236  values.push_back(0.0);
1237  tree->Branch(basename, &(values.back()), basename+"/D");
1238  //
1239  basename = "delayed_helicity"; //predicted delayed helicity
1240  values.push_back(0.0);
1241  tree->Branch(basename, &(values.back()), basename+"/D");
1242  //
1243  basename = "reported_helicity"; //delayed helicity reported by the input register.
1244  values.push_back(0.0);
1245  tree->Branch(basename, &(values.back()), basename+"/D");
1246  //
1247  basename = "pattern_phase";
1248  values.push_back(0.0);
1249  tree->Branch(basename, &(values.back()), basename+"/D");
1250  //
1251  basename = "pattern_number";
1252  values.push_back(0.0);
1253  tree->Branch(basename, &(values.back()), basename+"/D");
1254  //
1255  basename = "pattern_seed";
1256  values.push_back(0.0);
1257  tree->Branch(basename, &(values.back()), basename+"/D");
1258  //
1259  basename = "event_number";
1260  values.push_back(0.0);
1261  tree->Branch(basename, &(values.back()), basename+"/D");
1262  //
1263  for (size_t i=0; i<fWord.size(); i++)
1264  {
1265  basename = fWord[i].fWordName;
1266  values.push_back(0.0);
1267  tree->Branch(basename, &(values.back()), basename+"/D");
1268  }
1269  }
1270  else if(fHistoType==kHelSavePattern)
1271  {
1272  basename = "actual_pattern_polarity";
1273  values.push_back(0.0);
1274  tree->Branch(basename, &(values.back()), basename+"/D");
1275  //
1276  basename = "actual_previous_pattern_polarity";
1277  values.push_back(0.0);
1278  tree->Branch(basename, &(values.back()), basename+"/D");
1279  //
1280  basename = "delayed_pattern_polarity";
1281  values.push_back(0.0);
1282  tree->Branch(basename, &(values.back()), basename+"/D");
1283  //
1284  basename = "pattern_number";
1285  values.push_back(0.0);
1286  tree->Branch(basename, &(values.back()), basename+"/D");
1287  //
1288  basename = "pattern_seed";
1289  values.push_back(0.0);
1290  tree->Branch(basename, &(values.back()), basename+"/D");
1291  //
1292  for (size_t i=0; i<fWord.size(); i++)
1293  {
1294  basename = fWord[i].fWordName;
1295  values.push_back(0.0);
1296  tree->Branch(basename, &(values.back()), basename+"/D");
1297  }
1298  }
1300  return;
1301 }
Int_t fHistoType
Definition: QwHelicity.h:212
size_t fTreeArrayIndex
Definition: QwHelicity.h:227
std::vector< QwWord > fWord
Definition: QwHelicity.h:172
void SetHistoTreeSave(const TString &prefix)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1108

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::ConstructHistograms ( TDirectory *  folder,
TString &  prefix 

Construct the histograms for this subsystem in a folder with a prefix.

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 1120 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwHistogramHelper::Construct1DHist(), QwLog::endl(), MQwHistograms::fHistograms, fHistoType, fWord, kHelNoSave, kHelSaveMPS, kHelSavePattern, QwError, and SetHistoTreeSave().

1121 {
1122  SetHistoTreeSave(prefix);
1123  if (folder != NULL) folder->cd();
1124  TString basename;
1125  size_t index=0;
1127  if(fHistoType==kHelNoSave)
1128  {
1129  //do nothing
1130  }
1131  else if(fHistoType==kHelSavePattern)
1132  {
1133  fHistograms.resize(1+fWord.size(), NULL);
1134  basename="pattern_polarity";
1135  fHistograms[index] = gQwHists.Construct1DHist(basename);
1136  index+=1;
1137  for (size_t i=0; i<fWord.size(); i++){
1138  basename="hel_"+fWord[i].fWordName;
1139  fHistograms[index] = gQwHists.Construct1DHist(basename);
1140  index+=1;
1141  }
1142  }
1143  else if(fHistoType==kHelSaveMPS)
1144  {
1145  fHistograms.resize(4+fWord.size(), NULL);
1146  //eventnumber, patternnumber, helicity, patternphase + fWord.size
1147  basename=prefix+"delta_event_number";
1148  fHistograms[index] = gQwHists.Construct1DHist(basename);
1149  index+=1;
1150  basename=prefix+"delta_pattern_number";
1151  fHistograms[index] = gQwHists.Construct1DHist(basename);
1152  index+=1;
1153  basename=prefix+"pattern_phase";
1154  fHistograms[index] = gQwHists.Construct1DHist(basename);
1155  index+=1;
1156  basename=prefix+"helicity";
1157  fHistograms[index] = gQwHists.Construct1DHist(basename);
1158  index+=1;
1159  for (size_t i=0; i<fWord.size(); i++){
1160  basename=prefix+fWord[i].fWordName;
1161  fHistograms[index] = gQwHists.Construct1DHist(basename);
1162  index+=1;
1163  }
1164  }
1165  else
1166  QwError << "QwHelicity::ConstructHistograms this prefix--" << prefix << "-- is not unknown:: no histo created" << QwLog::endl;
1168  return;
1169 }
std::vector< TH1_ptr > fHistograms
Histograms associated with this data element.
Definition: MQwHistograms.h:46
Int_t fHistoType
Definition: QwHelicity.h:212
QwHistogramHelper gQwHists
Globally defined instance of the QwHistogramHelper class.
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
std::vector< QwWord > fWord
Definition: QwHelicity.h:172
void SetHistoTreeSave(const TString &prefix)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1108
TH1F * Construct1DHist(const TString &inputfile, const TString &name_title)
#define QwError
Predefined log drain for errors.
Definition: QwLog.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::DeaccumulateRunningSum ( VQwSubsystem value)

remove one entry from the running sums for devices

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 122 of file QwHelicity.h.

122  {
123  };
void QwHelicity::DefineOptions ( QwOptions options)

Define options function.

Definition at line 149 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwOptions::AddOptions(), and default_bool_value.

150 {
151  options.AddOptions("Helicity options")
152  ("helicity.seed", po::value<int>(),
153  "Number of bits in random seed");
154  options.AddOptions("Helicity options")
155  ("helicity.bitpattern", po::value<std::string>(),
156  "Helicity bit pattern: 0x1 (pair), 0x9 (quartet), 0x69 (octet), 0x666999 (hexo-quad), 0x66669999 (octo-quad)");
157  options.AddOptions("Helicity options")
158  ("helicity.patternoffset", po::value<int>(),
159  "Set 1 when pattern starts with 1 or 0 when starts with 0");
160  options.AddOptions("Helicity options")
161  ("helicity.patternphase", po::value<int>(),
162  "Maximum pattern phase");
163  options.AddOptions("Helicity options")
164  ("helicity.delay", po::value<int>(),
165  "Default delay is 2 patterns, set at the helicity map file.");
166  options.AddOptions("Helicity options")
167  ("helicity.toggle-mode", po::value<bool>()->default_bool_value(false),
168  "Activates helicity toggle-mode, overriding the 'delay', 'patternphase', 'bitpattern', and 'seed' options.");
169 }
#define default_bool_value(b)
Definition: QwOptions.h:51
po::options_description_easy_init AddOptions(const std::string &blockname="Specialized options")
Add an option to a named block or create new block.
Definition: QwOptions.h:164

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::Difference ( VQwSubsystem value1,
VQwSubsystem value2 

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 2000 of file QwHelicity.cc.

2001 {
2002  // this is stub function defined here out of completion and uniformity between each subsystem
2003  *this = value1;
2004 }
void QwHelicity::EncodeEventData ( std::vector< UInt_t > &  buffer)

Reimplemented from VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 714 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), VQwSubsystem::fCurrentBank_ID, VQwSubsystem::fCurrentROC_ID, fEventNumber, fHelicityDecodingMode, fHelicityDelayed, fMinPatternPhase, fPatternNumber, fPatternPhaseNumber, fPatternPhaseOffset, kHelInputRegisterMode, kHelUserbitMode, kInputReg_HelMinus, kInputReg_HelPlus, kInputReg_PatternSync, and QwWarning.

715 {
716  std::vector<UInt_t> localbuffer;
717  localbuffer.clear();
719  // Userbit mode
720  switch (fHelicityDecodingMode) {
721  case kHelUserbitMode: {
722  UInt_t userbit = 0x0;
723  if (fPatternPhaseNumber == fMinPatternPhase) userbit |= 0x80000000;
724  if (fHelicityDelayed == 1) userbit |= 0x40000000;
726  // Write the words to the buffer
727  localbuffer.push_back(0x1); // cleandata
728  localbuffer.push_back(0xa); // scandata1
729  localbuffer.push_back(0xa); // scandata2
730  localbuffer.push_back(0x0); // scalerheader
731  localbuffer.push_back(0x20); // scalercounter (32)
732  localbuffer.push_back(userbit); // userbit
734  for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) localbuffer.push_back(0x0); // (not used)
735  break;
736  }
737  case kHelInputRegisterMode: {
738  UInt_t input_register = 0x0;
739  if (fHelicityDelayed == 1) input_register |= kInputReg_HelPlus;
740  if (fHelicityDelayed == 0) input_register |= kInputReg_HelMinus; // even the mock data has balanced inputs!
743  // Write the words to the buffer
744  localbuffer.push_back(input_register); // input_register
745  localbuffer.push_back(0x0); // output_register
746  localbuffer.push_back(fEventNumber); // mps_counter
747  localbuffer.push_back(fPatternNumber); // pat_counter
748  localbuffer.push_back(fPatternPhaseNumber - fMinPatternPhase + fPatternPhaseOffset); // pat_phase
750  for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) localbuffer.push_back(0x0); // (not used)
751  break;
752  }
753  default:
754  QwWarning << "QwHelicity::EncodeEventData: Unsupported helicity encoding!" << QwLog::endl;
755  break;
756  }
758  // If there is element data, generate the subbank header
759  std::vector<UInt_t> subbankheader;
760  std::vector<UInt_t> rocheader;
761  if (localbuffer.size() > 0) {
763  // Form CODA subbank header
764  subbankheader.clear();
765  subbankheader.push_back(localbuffer.size() + 1); // subbank size
766  subbankheader.push_back((fCurrentBank_ID << 16) | (0x01 << 8) | (1 & 0xff));
767  // subbank tag | subbank type | event number
769  // Form CODA bank/roc header
770  rocheader.clear();
771  rocheader.push_back(subbankheader.size() + localbuffer.size() + 1); // bank/roc size
772  rocheader.push_back((fCurrentROC_ID << 16) | (0x10 << 8) | (1 & 0xff));
773  // bank tag == ROC | bank type | event number
775  // Add bank header, subbank header and element data to output buffer
776  buffer.insert(buffer.end(), rocheader.begin(), rocheader.end());
777  buffer.insert(buffer.end(), subbankheader.begin(), subbankheader.end());
778  buffer.insert(buffer.end(), localbuffer.begin(), localbuffer.end());
779  }
780 }
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Int_t fPatternPhaseOffset
Definition: QwHelicity.h:260
Int_t fMinPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:237
Int_t fHelicityDelayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fCurrentROC_ID
ROC ID that is currently being processed.
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:325
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
Int_t fHelicityDecodingMode
Definition: QwHelicity.h:175
#define QwWarning
Predefined log drain for warnings.
Definition: QwLog.h:45
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
Int_t fCurrentBank_ID
Bank ID that is currently being processed.
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:326
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::FillDB ( QwParityDB db,
TString  type 

Fill the database.

Reimplemented from VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 1454 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwDatabase::Connect(), QwDatabase::Disconnect(), and QwDatabase::Query().

1455 {
1456  if (type=="yield" || type=="asymmetry")
1457  return;
1459  db->Connect();
1460  mysqlpp::Query query = db->Query();
1462  db->Disconnect();
1463 }
void Disconnect()
Definition: QwDatabase.h:59
Bool_t Connect()
Open a connection to the database using the predefined parameters.
Definition: QwDatabase.cc:175
mysqlpp::Query Query(const char *qstr=0)
Definition: QwDatabase.h:66

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::FillErrDB ( QwParityDB db,
TString  datatype 

Reimplemented from VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 1467 of file QwHelicity.cc.

1468 {
1469  return;
1470 }
void QwHelicity::FillHistograms ( )

Fill the histograms for this subsystem.

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 1171 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), fActualPatternPolarity, fEventNumber, fEventNumberOld, fHelicityActual, MQwHistograms::fHistograms, fHistoType, fPatternNumber, fPatternNumberOld, fPatternPhaseNumber, fWord, kHelNoSave, kHelSaveMPS, kHelSavePattern, and QwDebug.

1172 {
1173  // Bool_t localdebug=kFALSE;
1175  size_t index=0;
1176  if(fHistoType==kHelNoSave)
1177  {
1178  //do nothing
1179  }
1180  else if(fHistoType==kHelSavePattern)
1181  {
1182  QwDebug << "QwHelicity::FillHistograms helicity info " << QwLog::endl;
1183  QwDebug << "QwHelicity::FillHistograms pattern polarity=" << fActualPatternPolarity << QwLog::endl;
1184  if (fHistograms[index]!=NULL)
1185  fHistograms[index]->Fill(fActualPatternPolarity);
1186  index+=1;
1188  for (size_t i=0; i<fWord.size(); i++){
1189  if (fHistograms[index]!=NULL)
1190  fHistograms[index]->Fill(fWord[i].fValue);
1191  index+=1;
1192  QwDebug << "QwHelicity::FillHistograms " << fWord[i].fWordName << "=" << fWord[i].fValue << QwLog::endl;
1193  }
1194  }
1195  else if(fHistoType==kHelSaveMPS)
1196  {
1197  QwDebug << "QwHelicity::FillHistograms mps info " << QwLog::endl;
1198  if (fHistograms[index]!=NULL)
1200  index+=1;
1201  if (fHistograms[index]!=NULL)
1203  index+=1;
1204  if (fHistograms[index]!=NULL)
1205  fHistograms[index]->Fill(fPatternPhaseNumber);
1206  index+=1;
1207  if (fHistograms[index]!=NULL)
1208  fHistograms[index]->Fill(fHelicityActual);
1209  index+=1;
1210  for (size_t i=0; i<fWord.size(); i++){
1211  if (fHistograms[index]!=NULL)
1212  fHistograms[index]->Fill(fWord[i].fValue);
1213  index+=1;
1214  QwDebug << "QwHelicity::FillHistograms " << fWord[i].fWordName << "=" << fWord[i].fValue << QwLog::endl;
1215  }
1216  }
1218  return;
1219 }
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
std::vector< TH1_ptr > fHistograms
Histograms associated with this data element.
Definition: MQwHistograms.h:46
Int_t fHistoType
Definition: QwHelicity.h:212
Int_t fPatternNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
#define QwDebug
Predefined log drain for debugging output.
Definition: QwLog.h:60
Int_t fEventNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Int_t fActualPatternPolarity
True polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:198
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
std::vector< QwWord > fWord
Definition: QwHelicity.h:172
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
Int_t fHelicityActual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::FillTreeVector ( std::vector< Double_t > &  values) const

Fill the tree vector.

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 1423 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References fActualPatternPolarity, fDelayedPatternPolarity, fEventNumber, fHelicityActual, fHelicityDelayed, fHelicityReported, fHistoType, fPatternNumber, fPatternPhaseNumber, fPatternSeed, fPreviousPatternPolarity, fTreeArrayIndex, fWord, kHelSaveMPS, and kHelSavePattern.

1424 {
1426  size_t index=fTreeArrayIndex;
1427  if(fHistoType==kHelSaveMPS)
1428  {
1429  values[index++] = fHelicityActual;
1430  values[index++] = fHelicityDelayed;
1431  values[index++] = fHelicityReported;
1432  values[index++] = fPatternPhaseNumber;
1433  values[index++] = fPatternNumber;
1434  values[index++] = fPatternSeed;
1435  values[index++] = fEventNumber;
1436  for (size_t i=0; i<fWord.size(); i++)
1437  values[index++] = fWord[i].fValue;
1438  }
1439  else if(fHistoType==kHelSavePattern)
1440  {
1441  values[index++] = fActualPatternPolarity;
1442  values[index++] = fPreviousPatternPolarity;
1443  values[index++] = fDelayedPatternPolarity;
1444  values[index++] = fPatternNumber;
1445  values[index++] = fPatternSeed;
1446  for (size_t i=0; i<fWord.size(); i++){
1447  values[index++] = fWord[i].fValue;
1448  }
1449  }
1451  return;
1452 }
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Int_t fHistoType
Definition: QwHelicity.h:212
Int_t fPatternSeed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:197
size_t fTreeArrayIndex
Definition: QwHelicity.h:227
Int_t fHelicityReported
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fDelayedPatternPolarity
Reported polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:199
Int_t fActualPatternPolarity
True polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:198
Int_t fPreviousPatternPolarity
True polarity of the previous pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:200
Int_t fHelicityDelayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
std::vector< QwWord > fWord
Definition: QwHelicity.h:172
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
Int_t fHelicityActual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
UInt_t QwHelicity::GetEventcutErrorFlag ( )

Return the error flag to the top level routines related to stability checks and ErrorFlag updates.

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 435 of file QwHelicity.cc.

435  {//return the error flag
437  return 0;
439 }
Long_t QwHelicity::GetEventNumber ( )

Definition at line 1079 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References fEventNumber.

Referenced by QwHelicityPattern::LoadEventData().

1080 {
1081  return fEventNumber;
1082 }
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Int_t QwHelicity::GetHelicityActual ( )

Definition at line 1064 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References fHelicityActual.

Referenced by QwHelicityPattern::LoadEventData(), and main().

1065 {
1066  return fHelicityActual;
1067 }
Int_t fHelicityActual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Int_t QwHelicity::GetHelicityDelayed ( )

Definition at line 1069 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References fHelicityDelayed.

Referenced by main().

1070 {
1071  return fHelicityDelayed;
1072 }
Int_t fHelicityDelayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Int_t QwHelicity::GetHelicityReported ( )

Definition at line 1059 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References fHelicityReported.

1060 {
1061  return fHelicityReported;
1062 }
Int_t fHelicityReported
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t QwHelicity::GetMaxPatternPhase ( )

Definition at line 100 of file QwHelicity.h.

References fMaxPatternPhase.

Referenced by QwHelicityPattern::QwHelicityPattern().

100  {
101  return fMaxPatternPhase;
102  };
Int_t fMaxPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:236

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Int_t QwHelicity::GetMinPatternPhase ( )

Definition at line 103 of file QwHelicity.h.

References fMinPatternPhase.

Referenced by QwHelicityPattern::LoadEventData().

103  {
104  return fMinPatternPhase;
105  }
Int_t fMinPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:237

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Long_t QwHelicity::GetPatternNumber ( )

Definition at line 1074 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References fPatternNumber.

Referenced by QwHelicityPattern::LoadEventData().

1075 {
1076  return fPatternNumber;
1077 }
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Int_t QwHelicity::GetPhaseNumber ( )

Definition at line 1084 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References fPatternPhaseNumber.

Referenced by QwHelicityPattern::LoadEventData(), and main().

1085 {
1086  return fPatternPhaseNumber;
1087 }
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

UInt_t QwHelicity::GetRandbit ( UInt_t &  ranseed)

Reimplemented in QwFakeHelicity.

Definition at line 1473 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References fRandBits, GetRandbit24(), and GetRandbit30().

Referenced by CollectRandBits24(), CollectRandBits30(), RunPredictor(), and SetFirstBits().

1473  {
1474  Bool_t status = false;
1476  if (fRandBits == 24)
1477  status = GetRandbit24(ranseed);
1478  if (fRandBits == 30)
1479  status = GetRandbit30(ranseed);
1481  return status;
1482 }
UInt_t GetRandbit24(UInt_t &ranseed)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1484
UInt_t GetRandbit30(UInt_t &ranseed)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1541
Int_t fRandBits
Definition: QwHelicity.h:257

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

UInt_t QwHelicity::GetRandbit24 ( UInt_t &  ranseed)

This is a 24 bit random bit generator according to the "new" algorithm described in "G0 Helicity Digital Controls" by E. Stangland, R. Flood, H. Dong.

The helicity board uses a maximum-length linear feedback shift registers for the generation of a pseudo-random sequence of bits. The length of the register (24 bits or 30 bits) defines the length before a sequence is repeated: 2^n - 1.

For a mathematical introduction to the generation of pseudo-random numbers with maximum-length linear feedback shift registers (LFSR), see the following web references: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_feedback_shift_register http://www.newwaveinstruments.com/resources/articles/m_sequence_linear_feedback_shift_register_lfsr.htm

In particular, the used solutions are to place XNOR taps at the bits 24 stages, 4 taps: (47 sets) [24, 23, 21, 20] 30 stages, 4 taps: (104 sets) [30, 29, 28, 7]

The 24 stage solution we use has been mirrored by transforming [m, A, B, C] into [m, m-C, m-B, m-A]. This goes through the sequence in the opposite direction.

Definition at line 1484 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), and QwError.

Referenced by QwFakeHelicity::GetRandbit(), and GetRandbit().

1485 {
1486  /** This is a 24 bit random bit generator according to the "new" algorithm
1487  described in "G0 Helicity Digital Controls" by E. Stangland, R. Flood, H. Dong.
1490  The helicity board uses a maximum-length linear feedback shift registers
1491  for the generation of a pseudo-random sequence of bits. The length of the
1492  register (24 bits or 30 bits) defines the length before a sequence is
1493  repeated: 2^n - 1.
1495  For a mathematical introduction to the generation of pseudo-random numbers
1496  with maximum-length linear feedback shift registers (LFSR), see the
1497  following web references:
1498  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_feedback_shift_register
1499  http://www.newwaveinstruments.com/resources/articles/m_sequence_linear_feedback_shift_register_lfsr.htm
1501  In particular, the used solutions are to place XNOR taps at the bits
1502  24 stages, 4 taps: (47 sets)
1503  [24, 23, 21, 20]
1504  30 stages, 4 taps: (104 sets)
1505  [30, 29, 28, 7]
1507  The 24 stage solution we use has been mirrored by transforming [m, A, B, C]
1508  into [m, m-C, m-B, m-A]. This goes through the sequence in the opposite
1509  direction.
1510  */
1512  const UInt_t IB1 = 1; //Bit 1 of shift register 000000000000000000000001
1513  const UInt_t IB3 = 4; //Bit 3 of shift register 000000000000000000000100
1514  const UInt_t IB4 = 8; //Bit 4 of shift register 000000000000000000001000
1515  const UInt_t IB24 = 8388608; //Bit 24 of shift register 100000000000000000000000
1516  const UInt_t MASK = IB1+IB3+IB4+IB24; //Sum of the four feedback bits is 100000000000000000001101
1518  UInt_t result; //The generated pattern
1520  if(ranseed<=0)
1521  {
1522  QwError << "ranseed must be greater than zero!" << QwLog::endl;
1523  result = 0;
1524  }
1526  if(ranseed & IB24) // if bit 24 of ranseed = 1, then output 1
1527  {
1528  ranseed = ((ranseed^MASK) << 1|IB1);
1529  result = 1;
1530  }
1531  else
1532  {
1533  ranseed <<= 1;
1534  result = 0;
1535  }
1536  return(result);
1538 }
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
#define QwError
Predefined log drain for errors.
Definition: QwLog.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

UInt_t QwHelicity::GetRandbit30 ( UInt_t &  ranseed)

Definition at line 1541 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), and QwError.

Referenced by GetRandbit().

1542 {
1543  /* For an explanation of the algorithm, see above in GetRandbit24() */
1545  UInt_t bit7 = (ranseed & 0x00000040) != 0;
1546  UInt_t bit28 = (ranseed & 0x08000000) != 0;
1547  UInt_t bit29 = (ranseed & 0x10000000) != 0;
1548  UInt_t bit30 = (ranseed & 0x20000000) != 0;
1550  UInt_t result = (bit30 ^ bit29 ^ bit28 ^ bit7) & 0x1;
1552  if(ranseed<=0) {
1553  QwError << "ranseed must be greater than zero!" << QwLog::endl;
1554  result = 0;
1555  }
1556  ranseed = ( (ranseed << 1) | result ) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
1558  return(result);
1559 }
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
#define QwError
Predefined log drain for errors.
Definition: QwLog.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

UInt_t QwHelicity::GetRandomSeed ( UShort_t *  first24randbits)

This the random seed generator used in G0 (L.Jianglai) Here we get the 24 random bits and derive the randome seed from that. randome seed : b24 b23 b22.....b2 b1 first 24 random bit from this seed: h1 h2 h3 ....h23 h24 we have, b23 = h1, b22 = h2,... b5 = h20, h21^b24 = b4 , h3^b24^b23 = b3 ,h23^b23^b22 = b2, h24^b22^b24 = b1. Thus by using h1,...h24, we can derive the b24,..b1 of the randseed.

assign the values in the h aray and into the sead

Definition at line 1562 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), and QwDebug.

Referenced by CollectRandBits24(), and SetFirstBits().

1563 {
1564  Bool_t ldebug=0;
1565  QwDebug << " Entering QwHelicity::GetRandomSeed \n";
1567  /** This the random seed generator used in G0 (L.Jianglai)
1568  Here we get the 24 random bits and derive the randome seed from that.
1569  randome seed : b24 b23 b22.....b2 b1
1570  first 24 random bit from this seed: h1 h2 h3 ....h23 h24
1571  we have,
1572  b23 = h1, b22 = h2,... b5 = h20,
1573  h21^b24 = b4 , h3^b24^b23 = b3 ,h23^b23^b22 = b2, h24^b22^b24 = b1.
1574  Thus by using h1,...h24, we can derive the b24,..b1 of the randseed.
1575  */
1577  UShort_t b[25];
1578  UInt_t ranseed = 0;
1580  if(ldebug)
1581  {
1582  for(size_t i=0;i<25;i++)
1583  std::cout << i << " : " << first24randbits[i] << "\n";
1584  }
1586  for(size_t i=24;i>=5;i--) b[i]= first24randbits[24-i+1]; //fill h24..h5
1588  // fill b[4] to b[1]
1589  b[4] = first24randbits[21]^b[24]; //h21^b24 = b4
1590  b[3] = first24randbits[22]^b[24]^b[23]; //h22^b24^b23 = b3
1591  b[2] = first24randbits[23]^b[23]^b[22];// h23^b23^b22 = b2
1592  b[1] = first24randbits[24]^b[21]^b[22]^b[24];// h24^b22^b24 = b1
1594  ///assign the values in the h aray and into the sead
1595  for(size_t i=24;i>=1;i--) ranseed=ranseed << 1|(b[i]&1);
1597  ranseed = ranseed&0xFFFFFF; //put a mask
1599  QwDebug << " seed =" << ranseed <<QwLog::endl;
1600  QwDebug << " Exiting QwHelicity::GetRandomSeed \n";
1603  return ranseed;
1605 }
#define QwDebug
Predefined log drain for debugging output.
Definition: QwLog.h:60
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

UInt_t QwHelicity::GetRandomSeedActual ( )

Definition at line 86 of file QwHelicity.h.

References iseed_Actual.

Referenced by main().

86 { return iseed_Actual; };
UInt_t iseed_Actual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:230

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

UInt_t QwHelicity::GetRandomSeedDelayed ( )

Definition at line 87 of file QwHelicity.h.

References iseed_Delayed.

Referenced by main().

87 { return iseed_Delayed; };
UInt_t iseed_Delayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:231

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::IncrementErrorCounters ( )

Increment the error counters.

TODO: Implement QwHelicity::IncrementErrorCounters()

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 403 of file QwHelicity.cc.

404 {
405  /// TODO: Implement QwHelicity::IncrementErrorCounters()
406 }
Bool_t QwHelicity::IsContinuous ( )

Definition at line 239 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References IsGoodEventNumber(), IsGoodPatternNumber(), and IsGoodPhaseNumber().

Referenced by CollectRandBits24(), and CollectRandBits30().

240 {
241  Bool_t results=kFALSE;
243  results=kTRUE;
244  return results;
245 }
Bool_t IsGoodPhaseNumber()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:283
Bool_t IsGoodPatternNumber()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:248
Bool_t IsGoodEventNumber()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:267

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool_t QwHelicity::IsGoodEventNumber ( )

Definition at line 267 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), fEventNumber, fEventNumberOld, Print(), and QwWarning.

Referenced by IsContinuous().

268 {
269  Bool_t results;
270  if(fEventNumber == fEventNumberOld + 1)
271  results= kTRUE;
272  else
273  results= kFALSE;
275  if(!results) {
276  QwWarning << "QwHelicity::IsGoodEventNumber: \n this is not a good event number indeed:" << QwLog::endl;
277  Print();
278  }
279  return results;
280 }
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Int_t fEventNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
#define QwWarning
Predefined log drain for warnings.
Definition: QwLog.h:45
void Print() const
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:782

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool_t QwHelicity::IsGoodHelicity ( )

We are not ignoring the helicity, and the helicities do not match. Check phase number to see if its a new pattern.

Reimplemented in QwFakeHelicity.

Definition at line 314 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), fEventNumber, fGoodHelicity, fHelicityActual, fHelicityDelayed, fHelicityReported, fIgnoreHelicity, fMinPatternPhase, fNumHelicityErrors, fPatternPhaseNumber, kUndefinedHelicity, QwError, and ResetPredictor().

Referenced by PredictHelicity().

315 {
316  fGoodHelicity = kTRUE;
318  /**We are not ignoring the helicity, and the helicities do not match.
319  Check phase number to see if its a new pattern.*/
320  fGoodHelicity=kFALSE;
323  //first event in a new pattern
324  QwError << "QwHelicity::IsGoodHelicity : The helicity reported in event "
325  << fEventNumber
326  << " is not what we expect from the randomseed. Not a good event nor pattern"
327  << QwLog::endl;
328  } else {
329  QwError << "QwHelicity::IsGoodHelicity - The helicity reported in event "
330  << fEventNumber
331  << " is not what we expect according to pattern structure. Not a good event nor pattern"
332  << QwLog::endl;
333  }
334  }
335  if(!fGoodHelicity) {
339  //Have to start over again
340  ResetPredictor();
341  }
343  return fGoodHelicity;
344 }
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Int_t fNumHelicityErrors
Definition: QwHelicity.h:281
Bool_t fIgnoreHelicity
Definition: QwHelicity.h:262
static const Int_t kUndefinedHelicity
Definition: QwHelicity.h:223
Int_t fHelicityReported
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fMinPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:237
Int_t fHelicityDelayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
void ResetPredictor()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1914
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
Int_t fHelicityActual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Bool_t fGoodHelicity
Definition: QwHelicity.h:209
#define QwError
Predefined log drain for errors.
Definition: QwLog.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool_t QwHelicity::IsGoodPatternNumber ( )

Definition at line 248 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), fMinPatternPhase, fPatternNumber, fPatternNumberOld, fPatternPhaseNumber, fPatternPhaseNumberOld, and QwWarning.

Referenced by IsContinuous().

249 {
250  Bool_t results;
252  if((fPatternNumber == fPatternNumberOld) && (fPatternPhaseNumber == fPatternPhaseNumberOld+1))//same pattern new phase
253  results = kTRUE; //got same pattern
255  results=kTRUE; //new pattern
256  else results=kFALSE; //wrong pattern
258  if(!results) {
259  QwWarning << "QwHelicity::IsGoodPatternNumber: This is not a good pattern number. New = "<< fPatternNumber << " Old = " << fPatternNumberOld << QwLog::endl;
260  //Print();
261  }
263  return results;
264 }
Int_t fPatternNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
Int_t fMinPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:237
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
#define QwWarning
Predefined log drain for warnings.
Definition: QwLog.h:45
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool_t QwHelicity::IsGoodPhaseNumber ( )

Definition at line 283 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), fMaxPatternPhase, fMinPatternPhase, fPatternNumber, fPatternNumberOld, fPatternPhaseNumber, fPatternPhaseNumberOld, Print(), and QwWarning.

Referenced by IsContinuous().

284 {
285  Bool_t results;
287  if((fPatternPhaseNumber == fMaxPatternPhase) && (fPatternNumber == fPatternNumberOld )) //maximum phase of old pattern
288  results = kTRUE;
290  results = kTRUE;
292  results= kTRUE;
293  else
294  results = kFALSE;
297  results=kFALSE;
299  if(!results) {
300  QwWarning << "QwHelicity::IsGoodPhaseNumber: not a good phase number \t"
301  << "Phase: " << fPatternPhaseNumber << " out of "
303  << "(was " << fPatternPhaseNumberOld << ")"
304  << "\tPattern #" << fPatternNumber << "(was "
305  << fPatternNumberOld << ")"
306  << QwLog::endl; //Paul's modifications
307  Print();
308  }
310  return results;
311 }
Int_t fPatternNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
Int_t fMaxPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:236
Int_t fMinPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:237
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
#define QwWarning
Predefined log drain for warnings.
Definition: QwLog.h:45
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
void Print() const
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:782

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool_t QwHelicity::IsHelicityIgnored ( )

Definition at line 140 of file QwHelicity.h.

References fIgnoreHelicity.

Referenced by QwHelicityPattern::LoadEventData().

140 {return fIgnoreHelicity;};
Bool_t fIgnoreHelicity
Definition: QwHelicity.h:262

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Int_t QwHelicity::LoadChannelMap ( TString  mapfile)

Mandatory map file definition.

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 804 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), VQwSubsystem::fDetectorMaps, fHelicityDecodingMode, fInputReg_FakeMPS, fMaxPatternPhase, QwWord::fModuleType, fPatternPhaseOffset, fRandBits, QwWord::fSubbankIndex, fWord, QwWord::fWordInSubbank, QwWord::fWordName, fWordsPerSubbank, QwWord::fWordType, VQwSubsystem::GetSubbankIndex(), QwParameterFile::GetUInt(), kEventTypeHelMinus, kEventTypeHelPlus, kHelInputMollerMode, kHelInputRegisterMode, kHelLocalyMadeUp, kHelUserbitMode, kInputRegister, kMpsCounter, kPatternCounter, kPatternPhase, kScalerCounter, kUserbit, QwDebug, QwError, QwMessage, QwWarning, VQwSubsystem::RegisterROCNumber(), VQwSubsystem::RegisterSubbank(), SetHelicityBitPattern(), and SetHelicityDelay().

805 {
806  Bool_t ldebug=kFALSE;
808  Int_t currentrocread=0;
809  Int_t currentbankread=0;
810  Int_t wordsofar=0;
811  Int_t currentsubbankindex=-1;
813  fPatternPhaseOffset=1;//Phase number offset is set to 1 by default and will be set to 0 if phase number starts from 0
816  // Default value for random seed is 30 bits
817  fRandBits = 30;
820  QwParameterFile mapstr(mapfile.Data()); //Open the file
821  fDetectorMaps.insert(mapstr.GetParamFileNameContents());
823  while (mapstr.ReadNextLine()){
824  mapstr.TrimComment('!'); // Remove everything after a '!' character.
825  mapstr.TrimWhitespace(); // Get rid of leading and trailing spaces.
826  if (mapstr.LineIsEmpty()) continue;
828  TString varname, varvalue;
829  if (mapstr.HasVariablePair("=",varname,varvalue)){
830  // This is a declaration line. Decode it.
831  varname.ToLower();
832  UInt_t value = QwParameterFile::GetUInt(varvalue);
834  if (varname=="roc")
835  {
836  currentrocread=value;
837  RegisterROCNumber(value,0);
838  fWordsPerSubbank.push_back( std::pair<Int_t, Int_t>(fWord.size(),fWord.size()));
839  }
840  else if (varname=="bank")
841  {
842  currentbankread=value;
843  RegisterSubbank(value);
844  fWordsPerSubbank.push_back( std::pair<Int_t, Int_t>(fWord.size(),fWord.size()));
845  }
846  else if (varname=="patternphase")
847  {
848  fMaxPatternPhase=value;
849  //QwMessage << " fMaxPatternPhase " << fMaxPatternPhase << QwLog::endl;
850  }
851  else if (varname=="patternbits")
852  {
853  SetHelicityBitPattern(value);
854  }
855  else if (varname=="fakempsbit")
856  {
857  fInputReg_FakeMPS = value;
858  QwWarning << " fInputReg_FakeMPS 0x" << std::hex << fInputReg_FakeMPS << std::dec << QwLog::endl;
859  }
860  else if (varname=="numberpatternsdelayed")
861  {
862  SetHelicityDelay(value);
863  }
864  else if (varname=="randseedbits")
865  {
866  if (value==24 || value==30)
867  fRandBits = value;
868  }
869  else if (varname=="patternphaseoffset")
870  {
871  fPatternPhaseOffset=value;
872  }
873  else if(varname=="helpluseventtype")
874  {
875  kEventTypeHelPlus = value;
876  }
877  else if(varname=="helminuseventtype")
878  {
879  kEventTypeHelMinus = value;
880  }
881  else if (varname=="helicitydecodingmode")
882  {
883  if (varvalue=="InputRegisterMode") {
884  QwMessage << " **** Input Register Mode **** " << QwLog::endl;
886  }
887  else if (varvalue=="UserbitMode"){
888  QwMessage << " **** Userbit Mode **** " << QwLog::endl;
890  }
891  else if (varvalue=="HelLocalyMadeUp"){
892  QwMessage << "**** Helicity Locally Made Up ****" << QwLog::endl;
894  }
895  else if (varvalue=="InputMollerMode") {
896  QwMessage << "**** Input Moller Mode ****" << QwLog::endl;
898  }
899  else {
900  QwError << "The helicity decoding mode read in file " << mapfile
901  << " is not recognized in function QwHelicity::LoadChannelMap \n"
902  << " Quiting this execution." << QwLog::endl;
903  }
904  }
905  } else {
906  // Break this line into tokens to process it.
907  TString modtype = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>(); // module type
908  Int_t modnum = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Int_t>(); //slot number
909  /* Int_t channum = */ mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<Int_t>(); //channel number /* unused */
910  TString dettype = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>(); //type-purpose of the detector
911  dettype.ToLower();
912  TString namech = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>(); //name of the detector
913  namech.ToLower();
914  TString keyword = mapstr.GetTypedNextToken<TString>();
915  keyword.ToLower();
916  // Notice that "namech" and "keyword" are now forced to lower-case.
918  if(currentsubbankindex!=GetSubbankIndex(currentrocread,currentbankread))
919  {
920  currentsubbankindex=GetSubbankIndex(currentrocread,currentbankread);
921  wordsofar=0;
922  }
924  if(modtype=="SKIP"){
925  if (modnum<=0) wordsofar+=1;
926  else wordsofar+=modnum;
927  }
928  else if(modtype!="WORD"|| dettype!="helicitydata")
929  {
930  QwError << "QwHelicity::LoadChannelMap: Unknown detector type: "
931  << dettype << ", the detector " << namech << " will not be decoded "
932  << QwLog::endl;
933  continue;
934  }
935  else
936  {
937  QwWord localword;
938  localword.fSubbankIndex=currentsubbankindex;
939  localword.fWordInSubbank=wordsofar;
940  wordsofar+=1;
941  // I assume that one data = one word here. But it is not always the case, for
942  // example the triumf adc gives 6 words per channel
943  localword.fModuleType=modtype;
944  localword.fWordName=namech;
945  localword.fWordType=dettype;
946  fWord.push_back(localword);
947  fWordsPerSubbank[currentsubbankindex].second = fWord.size();
948  QwDebug << "--" << namech << "--" << fWord.size()-1 << QwLog::endl;
950  // Notice that "namech" is in lower-case, so these checks
951  // should all be in lower-case
952  switch (fHelicityDecodingMode)
953  {
954  case kHelUserbitMode :
955  if(namech.Contains("userbit")) kUserbit=fWord.size()-1;
956  if(namech.Contains("scalercounter")) kScalerCounter=fWord.size()-1;
957  break;
958  case kHelInputRegisterMode :
959  if(namech.Contains("input_register")) kInputRegister= fWord.size()-1;
960  if(namech.Contains("mps_counter")) kMpsCounter= fWord.size()-1;
961  if(namech.Contains("pat_counter")) kPatternCounter= fWord.size()-1;
962  if(namech.Contains("pat_phase")) kPatternPhase= fWord.size()-1;
963  break;
964  case kHelInputMollerMode :
965  if(namech.Contains("mps_counter")) {
966  kMpsCounter= fWord.size()-1;
967  }
968  if(namech.Contains("pat_counter")) {
969  kPatternCounter = fWord.size()-1;
970  }
971  break;
972  }
973  }
974  }
975  }
977  if(ldebug)
978  {
979  std::cout << "Done with Load map channel \n";
980  for(size_t i=0;i<fWord.size();i++)
981  fWord[i].PrintID();
982  std::cout << " kUserbit=" << kUserbit << "\n";
984  }
985  ldebug=kFALSE;
989  // Check to be sure kEventTypeHelPlus and kEventTypeHelMinus are both defined and not equal
993  // Everything is okay
994  QwDebug << "QwHelicity::LoadChannelMap:"
995  << " We are in Moller Helicity Mode, with HelPlusEventType = "
997  << "and HelMinusEventType = " << kEventTypeHelMinus
998  << QwLog::endl;
999  } else {
1000  QwError << "QwHelicity::LoadChannelMap:"
1001  << " We are in Moller Helicity Mode, and the HelPlus and HelMinus event types are not set properly."
1002  << " HelPlusEventType = " << kEventTypeHelPlus
1003  << ", HelMinusEventType = " << kEventTypeHelMinus
1004  << ". Please correct the helicity map file!"
1005  << QwLog::endl;
1006  exit(65);
1007  }
1008  }
1010  mapstr.Close(); // Close the file (ifstream)
1011  return 0;
1012 }
Int_t GetSubbankIndex() const
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:303
#define QwMessage
Predefined log drain for regular messages.
Definition: QwLog.h:50
std::map< TString, TString > fDetectorMaps
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:322
Int_t kScalerCounter
Definition: QwHelicity.h:186
TString fWordType
Definition: QwWord.h:30
Definition: QwWord.h:19
Int_t kInputRegister
Definition: QwHelicity.h:190
std::vector< std::pair< Int_t, Int_t > > fWordsPerSubbank
Definition: QwHelicity.h:173
Int_t fWordInSubbank
Definition: QwWord.h:27
static UInt_t GetUInt(const TString &varvalue)
UInt_t kEventTypeHelMinus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:192
void SetHelicityDelay(Int_t delay)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1881
Int_t fPatternPhaseOffset
Definition: QwHelicity.h:260
#define QwDebug
Predefined log drain for debugging output.
Definition: QwLog.h:60
Int_t fMaxPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:236
Int_t fRandBits
Definition: QwHelicity.h:257
UInt_t fInputReg_FakeMPS
Definition: QwHelicity.h:166
Int_t kMpsCounter
Definition: QwHelicity.h:190
void SetHelicityBitPattern(UInt_t bits)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1904
Int_t fSubbankIndex
Definition: QwWord.h:24
TString fModuleType
Definition: QwWord.h:28
Int_t RegisterSubbank(const UInt_t bank_id)
Tell the object that it will decode data from this sub-bank in the ROC currently open for registratio...
virtual Int_t RegisterROCNumber(const UInt_t roc_id, const UInt_t bank_id=0)
Tell the object that it will decode data from this ROC and sub-bank.
TString fWordName
Definition: QwWord.h:29
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
Int_t kPatternCounter
Definition: QwHelicity.h:190
std::vector< QwWord > fWord
Definition: QwHelicity.h:172
Int_t fHelicityDecodingMode
Definition: QwHelicity.h:175
#define QwWarning
Predefined log drain for warnings.
Definition: QwLog.h:45
Int_t kUserbit
Definition: QwHelicity.h:182
Int_t kPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:190
#define QwError
Predefined log drain for errors.
Definition: QwLog.h:40
UInt_t kEventTypeHelPlus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:192

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Int_t QwHelicity::LoadEventCuts ( TString  filename)

Load the event cuts file.

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 1015 of file QwHelicity.cc.

1015  {
1016  return 0;
1017 }
Int_t QwHelicity::LoadInputParameters ( TString  mapfile)

Mandatory parameter file definition.

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 391 of file QwHelicity.cc.

392 {
393  return 0;
394 }
Bool_t QwHelicity::MatchActualHelicity ( Int_t  actual)
VQwSubsystem & QwHelicity::operator+= ( VQwSubsystem value)

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 1965 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References Compare(), QwLog::endl(), fActualPatternPolarity, fPatternNumber, VQwSubsystem::GetSubsystemName(), and QwDebug.

1966 {
1967  // Bool_t localdebug=kFALSE;
1968  QwDebug << "Entering QwHelicity::operator+= adding " << value->GetSubsystemName() << " to " << this->GetSubsystemName() << " " << QwLog::endl;
1970  //this routine is most likely to be called during the computatin of assymetry
1971  //this call doesn't make too much sense for this class so the following lines
1972  //are only use to put safe gards testing for example if the two instantiation indeed
1973  // refers to elements in the same pattern.
1974  if(Compare(value))
1975  {
1976  QwHelicity* input= dynamic_cast<QwHelicity*>(value);
1977  QwDebug << "QwHelicity::operator+=: this->fPatternNumber=" << this->fPatternNumber
1978  << ", input->fPatternNumber=" << input->fPatternNumber << QwLog::endl;
1980  if(this->fPatternNumber!=input->fPatternNumber)
1981  this->fPatternNumber=-999999;
1983  this->fPatternNumber=-999999;
1984  }
1985  return *this;
1986 }
#define QwDebug
Predefined log drain for debugging output.
Definition: QwLog.h:60
Bool_t Compare(VQwSubsystem *source)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:2013
Int_t fActualPatternPolarity
True polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:198
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
TString GetSubsystemName() const
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:93

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

VQwSubsystem& QwHelicity::operator-= ( VQwSubsystem value)

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 114 of file QwHelicity.h.

114 {return *this;};
VQwSubsystem & QwHelicity::operator= ( VQwSubsystem value)

Assignment Note: Must be called at the beginning of all subsystems routine call to operator=(VQwSubsystem *value) by VQwSubsystem::operator=(value)

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 1927 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References Compare(), fActualPatternPolarity, fDelayedPatternPolarity, fEventNumber, fGoodHelicity, fGoodPattern, fHelicityActual, fHelicityBitMinus, fHelicityBitPlus, fHelicityDelayed, fHelicityReported, fIgnoreHelicity, fPatternNumber, fPatternPhaseNumber, fPatternSeed, fPreviousPatternPolarity, fWord, and VQwSubsystem::operator=().

1928 {
1929  Bool_t ldebug = kFALSE;
1930  if(Compare(value))
1931  {
1933  //QwHelicity* input= (QwHelicity*)value;
1934  VQwSubsystem::operator=(value);
1935  QwHelicity* input= dynamic_cast<QwHelicity*>(value);
1937  for(size_t i=0;i<input->fWord.size();i++)
1938  this->fWord[i].fValue=input->fWord[i].fValue;
1939  this->fHelicityActual = input->fHelicityActual;
1940  this->fPatternNumber = input->fPatternNumber;
1941  this->fPatternSeed = input->fPatternSeed;
1942  this->fPatternPhaseNumber=input->fPatternPhaseNumber;
1943  this->fEventNumber=input->fEventNumber;
1944  this->fActualPatternPolarity=input->fActualPatternPolarity;
1945  this->fDelayedPatternPolarity=input->fDelayedPatternPolarity;
1946  this->fPreviousPatternPolarity=input->fPreviousPatternPolarity;
1947  this->fHelicityReported=input->fHelicityReported;
1948  this->fHelicityActual=input->fHelicityActual;
1949  this->fHelicityDelayed=input->fHelicityDelayed;
1950  this->fHelicityBitPlus=input->fHelicityBitPlus;
1951  this->fHelicityBitMinus=input->fHelicityBitMinus;
1952  this->fGoodHelicity=input->fGoodHelicity;
1953  this->fGoodPattern=input->fGoodPattern;
1954  this->fIgnoreHelicity = input->fIgnoreHelicity;
1956  if(ldebug){
1957  std::cout << "QwHelicity::operator = this->fPatternNumber=" << this->fPatternNumber << std::endl;
1958  std::cout << "input->fPatternNumber=" << input->fPatternNumber << "\n";
1959  }
1960  }
1962  return *this;
1963 }
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Bool_t fIgnoreHelicity
Definition: QwHelicity.h:262
Int_t fPatternSeed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:197
Int_t fHelicityReported
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
virtual VQwSubsystem & operator=(VQwSubsystem *value)
Assignment Note: Must be called at the beginning of all subsystems routine call to operator=(VQwSubsy...
Int_t fDelayedPatternPolarity
Reported polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:199
Bool_t Compare(VQwSubsystem *source)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:2013
Bool_t fGoodPattern
Definition: QwHelicity.h:210
Int_t fActualPatternPolarity
True polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:198
Int_t fPreviousPatternPolarity
True polarity of the previous pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:200
Int_t fHelicityDelayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Bool_t fHelicityBitMinus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:208
std::vector< QwWord > fWord
Definition: QwHelicity.h:172
Bool_t fHelicityBitPlus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:207
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
Int_t fHelicityActual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
Bool_t fGoodHelicity
Definition: QwHelicity.h:209

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

unsigned int QwHelicity::parity ( unsigned int  v)

Definition at line 292 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by SetHelicityBitPattern().

292  {
293  // http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#ParityParallel
294  v ^= v >> 16;
295  v ^= v >> 8;
296  v ^= v >> 4;
297  v &= 0xf;
298  return (0x6996 >> v) & 1;
299  }

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::PredictHelicity ( )

Routine to predict the true helicity from the delayed helicity. Helicities are usually delayed by 8 events or 2 quartets. This delay can now be set as a cmd line option.

 After accumulating 24/30 helicity bits, iseed is up-to-date.

If nothing goes wrong, n-ranbits will stay as 24/30 Reset it to zero if something goes wrong.

If not good helicity, start over again by resetting the predictor.

Definition at line 1849 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References CollectRandBits(), IsGoodHelicity(), n_ranbits, ResetPredictor(), and RunPredictor().

Referenced by QwFakeHelicity::ProcessEvent(), and ProcessEvent().

1850 {
1851  Bool_t ldebug=kFALSE;
1853  if(ldebug) std::cout << "Entering QwHelicity::PredictHelicity \n";
1855  /**Routine to predict the true helicity from the delayed helicity.
1856  Helicities are usually delayed by 8 events or 2 quartets. This delay
1857  can now be set as a cmd line option.
1858  */
1860  if(CollectRandBits()) {
1861  /**After accumulating 24/30 helicity bits, iseed is up-to-date.
1862  If nothing goes wrong, n-ranbits will stay as 24/30
1863  Reset it to zero if something goes wrong.
1864  */
1866  if(ldebug) std::cout << "QwHelicity::PredictHelicity=>Predicting the helicity \n";
1867  RunPredictor();
1869  /** If not good helicity, start over again by resetting the predictor. */
1870  if(!IsGoodHelicity())
1871  ResetPredictor();
1872  }
1874  if(ldebug) std::cout << "n_ranbit exiting the function = " << n_ranbits << "\n";
1876  return;
1877 }
virtual Bool_t CollectRandBits()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1670
virtual Bool_t IsGoodHelicity()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:314
UInt_t n_ranbits
Definition: QwHelicity.h:229
void ResetPredictor()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1914
void RunPredictor()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1608

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::Print ( ) const

Definition at line 782 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), fEventNumber, fEventNumberOld, fHelicityActual, fHelicityDelayed, fHelicityReported, fMaxPatternPhase, fPatternNumber, fPatternNumberOld, fPatternPhaseNumber, fPatternPhaseNumberOld, and QwOut.

Referenced by IsGoodEventNumber(), IsGoodPhaseNumber(), and ProcessEventUserbitMode().

783 {
784  QwOut << "===========================\n"
785  << "This event: Event#, Pattern#, PatternPhase#="
786  << fEventNumber << ", "
787  << fPatternNumber << ", "
789  QwOut << "Previous event: Event#, Pattern#, PatternPhase#="
790  << fEventNumberOld << ", "
791  << fPatternNumberOld << ", "
793  QwOut << "delta = \n(fEventNumberOld)-(fMaxPatternPhase)x(fPatternNumberOld)-(fPatternPhaseNumberOld)= "
795  QwOut << "Helicity Reported, Delayed, Actual ="
796  << fHelicityReported << ","
797  << fHelicityDelayed << ","
799  QwOut << "===" << QwLog::endl;
800  return;
801 }
#define QwOut
Predefined log drain for explicit output.
Definition: QwLog.h:35
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Int_t fPatternNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
Int_t fHelicityReported
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fMaxPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:236
Int_t fEventNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Int_t fHelicityDelayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
Int_t fHelicityActual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::PrintErrorCounters ( ) const

Report the number of events failed due to HW and event cut failures.

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 408 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), fEventNumber, fEventNumberFirst, fNumHelicityErrors, fNumMissedEventBlocks, fNumMissedGates, fNumMultSyncErrors, fPatternNumber, fPatternNumberFirst, and QwMessage.

408  {
409  // report number of events failed due to HW and event cut faliure
410  QwMessage << "\n*********QwHelicity Error Summary****************"
411  << QwLog::endl;
412  QwMessage << "First helicity gate counter: "
414  << "; last helicity gate counter: "
415  << fEventNumber
416  << QwLog::endl;
417  QwMessage << "First pattern counter: "
419  << "; last pattern counter: "
420  << fPatternNumber
421  << QwLog::endl;
422  QwMessage << "Missed " << fNumMissedGates << " helicity gates in "
423  << fNumMissedEventBlocks << " blocks of missed events."
424  << QwLog::endl;
425  QwMessage << "Number of multiplet-sync-bit errors: "
427  << QwLog::endl;
428  QwMessage << "Number of helicity prediction errors: "
430  << QwLog::endl;
431  QwMessage <<"---------------------------------------------------\n"
432  << QwLog::endl;
433 }
#define QwMessage
Predefined log drain for regular messages.
Definition: QwLog.h:50
Int_t fNumMissedGates
Definition: QwHelicity.h:275
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Int_t fNumHelicityErrors
Definition: QwHelicity.h:281
Int_t fEventNumberFirst
Definition: QwHelicity.h:267
Int_t fNumMultSyncErrors
Definition: QwHelicity.h:280
Int_t fNumMissedEventBlocks
Definition: QwHelicity.h:279
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
Int_t fPatternNumberFirst
Definition: QwHelicity.h:268

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Int_t QwHelicity::ProcessConfigurationBuffer ( const UInt_t  roc_id,
const UInt_t  bank_id,
UInt_t *  buffer,
UInt_t  num_words 

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 384 of file QwHelicity.cc.

385 {
386  //stub function
387  // QwError << " this function QwHelicity::ProcessConfigurationBuffer does nothing yet " << QwLog::endl;
388  return 0;
389 }
Int_t QwHelicity::ProcessEvBuffer ( const UInt_t  roc_id,
const UInt_t  bank_id,
UInt_t *  buffer,
UInt_t  num_words 

TODO: The non-event-type-aware ProcessEvBuffer routine should be replaced with the event-type-aware version.

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 72 of file QwHelicity.h.

72  {
73  return ProcessEvBuffer(0x1,roc_id,bank_id,buffer,num_words);
74  };
Int_t ProcessEvBuffer(const UInt_t roc_id, const UInt_t bank_id, UInt_t *buffer, UInt_t num_words)
TODO: The non-event-type-aware ProcessEvBuffer routine should be replaced with the event-type-aware v...
Definition: QwHelicity.h:72
Int_t QwHelicity::ProcessEvBuffer ( UInt_t  ev_type,
const UInt_t  roc_id,
const UInt_t  bank_id,
UInt_t *  buffer,
UInt_t  num_words 

Reimplemented from VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 1019 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), fEventType, fWord, fWordsPerSubbank, VQwSubsystem::GetEventTypeMask(), VQwSubsystem::GetSubbankIndex(), QwDebug, QwWarning, and VQwSubsystem::SetDataLoaded().

1020 {
1021  Bool_t lkDEBUG = kFALSE;
1023  if (((0x1 << (event_type - 1)) & this->GetEventTypeMask()) == 0)
1024  return 0;
1025  fEventType = event_type;
1027  Int_t index = GetSubbankIndex(roc_id,bank_id);
1028  if (index >= 0 && num_words > 0) {
1029  SetDataLoaded(kTRUE);
1030  // We want to process this ROC. Begin loopilooping through the data.
1031  QwDebug << "QwHelicity::ProcessEvBuffer: "
1032  << "Begin processing ROC" << roc_id
1033  << " and subbank " << bank_id
1034  << " number of words=" << num_words << QwLog::endl;
1036  for(Int_t i=fWordsPerSubbank[index].first; i<fWordsPerSubbank[index].second; i++) {
1037  if(fWord[i].fWordInSubbank+1<= (Int_t) num_words) {
1038  fWord[i].fValue=buffer[fWord[i].fWordInSubbank];
1039  } else {
1040  QwWarning << "QwHelicity::ProcessEvBuffer: There is not enough word in the buffer to read data for "
1041  << fWord[i].fWordName << QwLog::endl;
1042  QwWarning << "QwHelicity::ProcessEvBuffer: Words in this buffer:" << num_words
1043  << " trying to read word number =" << fWord[i].fWordInSubbank << QwLog::endl;
1044  }
1045  }
1046  if(lkDEBUG) {
1047  QwDebug << "QwHelicity::ProcessEvBuffer: Done with Processing this event" << QwLog::endl;
1048  for(size_t i=0;i<fWord.size();i++) {
1049  std::cout << " word number = " << i << " ";
1050  fWord[i].Print();
1051  }
1052  }
1053  }
1054  lkDEBUG=kFALSE;
1055  return 0;
1056 }
Int_t GetSubbankIndex() const
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:303
std::vector< std::pair< Int_t, Int_t > > fWordsPerSubbank
Definition: QwHelicity.h:173
#define QwDebug
Predefined log drain for debugging output.
Definition: QwLog.h:60
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
std::vector< QwWord > fWord
Definition: QwHelicity.h:172
#define QwWarning
Predefined log drain for warnings.
Definition: QwLog.h:45
UInt_t GetEventTypeMask() const
Get event type mask.
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:168
UInt_t fEventType
Definition: QwHelicity.h:264
void SetDataLoaded(Bool_t flag)
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:305

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::ProcessEvent ( )

Implements VQwSubsystem.

Reimplemented in QwFakeHelicity.

Definition at line 658 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), fActualPatternPolarity, fDelayedPatternPolarity, fEventNumber, fHelicityActual, fHelicityBitMinus, fHelicityBitPlus, fHelicityDecodingMode, fHelicityDelayed, fHelicityReported, fIgnoreHelicity, fMaxPatternPhase, fMinPatternPhase, fPatternNumber, fPatternPhaseNumber, fPreviousPatternPolarity, fUsePredictor, VQwSubsystem::HasDataLoaded(), kHelInputMollerMode, kHelInputRegisterMode, kHelUserbitMode, PredictHelicity(), ProcessEventInputMollerMode(), ProcessEventInputRegisterMode(), ProcessEventUserbitMode(), and QwError.

659 {
660  Bool_t ldebug = kFALSE;
662  if (! HasDataLoaded()) return;
664  switch (fHelicityDecodingMode)
665  {
666  case kHelUserbitMode :
668  break;
669  case kHelInputRegisterMode :
671  break;
672  case kHelInputMollerMode :
674  break;
675  default:
676  QwError << "QwHelicity::ProcessEvent no instructions on how to decode the helicity !!!!" << QwLog::endl;
677  abort();
678  break;
679  }
684  // Predict helicity if delay is non zero.
686  PredictHelicity();
687  } else {
688  // Else use the reported helicity values.
696  }
698  }
700  if(ldebug){
701  std::cout<<"\nevent number= "<<fEventNumber<<std::endl;
702  std::cout<<"pattern number = "<<fPatternNumber<<std::endl;
703  std::cout<<"pattern phase = "<<fPatternPhaseNumber<<std::endl;
704  std::cout<<"max pattern phase = "<<fMaxPatternPhase<<std::endl;
705  std::cout<<"min pattern phase = "<<fMinPatternPhase<<std::endl;
708  }
710  return;
711 }
void ProcessEventInputRegisterMode()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:518
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
void PredictHelicity()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1849
void ProcessEventUserbitMode()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:441
Bool_t HasDataLoaded() const
Definition: VQwSubsystem.h:94
Bool_t fIgnoreHelicity
Definition: QwHelicity.h:262
Int_t fHelicityReported
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fDelayedPatternPolarity
Reported polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:199
Int_t fMaxPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:236
Bool_t fUsePredictor
Definition: QwHelicity.h:258
Int_t fMinPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:237
Int_t fActualPatternPolarity
True polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:198
Int_t fPreviousPatternPolarity
True polarity of the previous pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:200
Int_t fHelicityDelayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Bool_t fHelicityBitMinus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:208
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
Bool_t fHelicityBitPlus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:207
Int_t fHelicityDecodingMode
Definition: QwHelicity.h:175
void ProcessEventInputMollerMode()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:613
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
Int_t fHelicityActual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
#define QwError
Predefined log drain for errors.
Definition: QwLog.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::ProcessEventInputMollerMode ( )

Definition at line 613 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), fEventNumber, fEventNumberOld, fEventType, fHelicityBitMinus, fHelicityBitPlus, fHelicityReported, fMinPatternPhase, fNumMissedEventBlocks, fNumMissedGates, fPatternNumber, fPatternNumberOld, fPatternPhaseNumber, fPatternPhaseNumberOld, fWord, kEventTypeHelMinus, kEventTypeHelPlus, kMpsCounter, kPatternCounter, and QwError.

Referenced by ProcessEvent().

614 {
615  static Bool_t firstpattern = kTRUE;
617  if(firstpattern && fWord[kPatternCounter].fValue > fPatternNumberOld){
618  firstpattern = kFALSE;
619  }
622  if(fEventNumber!=(fEventNumberOld+1)){
623  Int_t nummissed(fEventNumber - (fEventNumberOld+1));
624  QwError << "QwHelicity::ProcessEvent read event# ("
625  << fEventNumber << ") is not old_event#+1; missed "
626  << nummissed << " gates" << QwLog::endl;
627  fNumMissedGates += nummissed;
629  }
630  if (firstpattern){
631  fPatternNumber = -1;
633  } else {
636  // We are at a new pattern!
638  } else {
640  }
641  }
645  // fHelicityReported = (fEventType == 1 ? 0 : 1);
647  if (fHelicityReported == 1){
648  fHelicityBitPlus=kTRUE;
649  fHelicityBitMinus=kFALSE;
650  } else {
651  fHelicityBitPlus=kFALSE;
652  fHelicityBitMinus=kTRUE;
653  }
654  return;
655 }
Int_t fNumMissedGates
Definition: QwHelicity.h:275
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Int_t fPatternNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
UInt_t kEventTypeHelMinus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:192
Int_t fHelicityReported
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fMinPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:237
Int_t fEventNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Int_t kMpsCounter
Definition: QwHelicity.h:190
Int_t fNumMissedEventBlocks
Definition: QwHelicity.h:279
Bool_t fHelicityBitMinus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:208
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
Int_t kPatternCounter
Definition: QwHelicity.h:190
std::vector< QwWord > fWord
Definition: QwHelicity.h:172
Bool_t fHelicityBitPlus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:207
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
UInt_t fEventType
Definition: QwHelicity.h:264
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
#define QwError
Predefined log drain for errors.
Definition: QwLog.h:40
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
UInt_t kEventTypeHelPlus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:192

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::ProcessEventInputRegisterMode ( )

In the Input Register Mode, the event number is obtained straight from the wordkMPSCounter.

Tf we get junk for the mps and pattern information from the run we can enable fake counters for mps, pattern number and pattern phase to get the job done.

Extract the reported helicity from the input register for each event.

Definition at line 518 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References CheckIORegisterMask(), QwLog::endl(), fEventNumber, fEventNumberOld, fHelicityBitMinus, fHelicityBitPlus, fHelicityReported, fIgnoreHelicity, fInputReg_FakeMPS, fMinPatternPhase, fNumMissedEventBlocks, fNumMissedGates, fNumMultSyncErrors, fPatternNumber, fPatternNumberOld, fPatternPhaseNumber, fPatternPhaseNumberOld, fPatternPhaseOffset, fSuppressMPSErrorMsgs, fWord, kInputReg_HelMinus, kInputReg_HelPlus, kInputReg_PatternSync, kInputRegister, kMpsCounter, kPatternCounter, kPatternPhase, kUndefinedHelicity, and QwError.

Referenced by ProcessEvent().

519 {
520  static Bool_t firstpattern = kTRUE;
521  Bool_t fake_the_counters=kFALSE;
522  UInt_t thisinputregister=fWord[kInputRegister].fValue;
524  /**
525  In the Input Register Mode,
526  the event number is obtained straight from the wordkMPSCounter.
527  */
530  if (CheckIORegisterMask(thisinputregister,fInputReg_FakeMPS))
531  fIgnoreHelicity = kTRUE;
532  else
533  fIgnoreHelicity = kFALSE;
535  // When we have the minimum phase from the pattern phase word
536  // and the input register minimum phase bit is set
537  // we can select the second pattern as below.
538  if(fWord[kPatternPhase].fValue - fPatternPhaseOffset == 0)
539  if (firstpattern && CheckIORegisterMask(thisinputregister,kInputReg_PatternSync)){
540  firstpattern = kFALSE;
541  }
543  // If firstpattern is still TRUE, we are still searching for the first
544  // pattern of the data stream. So set the pattern number = 0
545  if (firstpattern)
546  fPatternNumber = -1;
547  else {
550  }
552  /** Tf we get junk for the mps and pattern information from the run
553  we can enable fake counters for mps, pattern number and pattern phase to get the job done.
554  */
555  if (fake_the_counters){
557  if (CheckIORegisterMask(thisinputregister,kInputReg_PatternSync)) {
560  } else {
563  }
564  }
567  if(fEventNumber!=(fEventNumberOld+1)){
568  Int_t nummissed(fEventNumber - (fEventNumberOld+1));
569  if (!fSuppressMPSErrorMsgs){
570  QwError << "QwHelicity::ProcessEvent read event# ("
571  << fEventNumber << ") is not old_event#+1; missed "
572  << nummissed << " gates" << QwLog::endl;
573  }
574  fNumMissedGates += nummissed;
576  }
579  // Quartet bit is set.
580  QwError << "QwHelicity::ProcessEvent: The Multiplet Sync bit is set, but the Pattern Phase is ("
581  << fPatternPhaseNumber << ") not "
582  << fMinPatternPhase << "! Please check the fPatternPhaseOffset in the helicity map file." << QwLog::endl;
584  }
588  /**
589  Extract the reported helicity from the input register for each event.
590  */
592  if (CheckIORegisterMask(thisinputregister,kInputReg_HelPlus)
593  && CheckIORegisterMask(thisinputregister,kInputReg_HelMinus) ){
594  // Both helicity bits are set.
595  QwError << "QwHelicity::ProcessEvent: Both the H+ and H- bits are set: thisinputregister=="
596  << thisinputregister << QwLog::endl;
598  fHelicityBitPlus = kFALSE;
599  fHelicityBitMinus = kFALSE;
600  } else if (CheckIORegisterMask(thisinputregister,kInputReg_HelPlus)){ // HelPlus bit is set.
601  fHelicityReported |= 1; // Set the InputReg HEL+ bit.
602  fHelicityBitPlus = kTRUE;
603  fHelicityBitMinus = kFALSE;
604  } else {
605  fHelicityReported |= 0; // Set the InputReg HEL- bit.
606  fHelicityBitPlus = kFALSE;
607  fHelicityBitMinus = kTRUE;
608  }
610  return;
611 }
Int_t fNumMissedGates
Definition: QwHelicity.h:275
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Int_t kInputRegister
Definition: QwHelicity.h:190
Bool_t fIgnoreHelicity
Definition: QwHelicity.h:262
Int_t fPatternNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
static const Int_t kUndefinedHelicity
Definition: QwHelicity.h:223
Int_t fHelicityReported
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fPatternPhaseOffset
Definition: QwHelicity.h:260
Int_t fNumMultSyncErrors
Definition: QwHelicity.h:280
UInt_t fInputReg_FakeMPS
Definition: QwHelicity.h:166
Int_t fMinPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:237
Int_t fEventNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Int_t kMpsCounter
Definition: QwHelicity.h:190
Int_t fNumMissedEventBlocks
Definition: QwHelicity.h:279
Bool_t fSuppressMPSErrorMsgs
Definition: QwHelicity.h:286
Bool_t fHelicityBitMinus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:208
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
Bool_t CheckIORegisterMask(const UInt_t &ioregister, const UInt_t &mask) const
Definition: QwHelicity.h:146
Int_t kPatternCounter
Definition: QwHelicity.h:190
std::vector< QwWord > fWord
Definition: QwHelicity.h:172
Bool_t fHelicityBitPlus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:207
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
Int_t kPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:190
#define QwError
Predefined log drain for errors.
Definition: QwLog.h:40
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::ProcessEventUserbitMode ( )

In this version of the code, the helicity is extracted for a userbit configuration. This is not what we plan to have for Qweak but it was done for injector tests and so is usefull to have as another option to get helicity information.

Definition at line 441 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), fEventNumber, fEventNumberOld, fHelicityBitMinus, fHelicityBitPlus, fHelicityReported, fMaxPatternPhase, fMinPatternPhase, fPatternNumber, fPatternNumberOld, fPatternPhaseNumber, fPatternPhaseNumberOld, fWord, kScalerCounter, kUserbit, Print(), QwError, and ResetPredictor().

Referenced by ProcessEvent().

442 {
444  /** In this version of the code, the helicity is extracted for a userbit configuration.
445  This is not what we plan to have for Qweak but it was done for injector tests and
446  so is usefull to have as another option to get helicity information. */
448  Bool_t ldebug=kFALSE;
449  UInt_t userbits;
450  static UInt_t lastuserbits = 0xFF;
451  UInt_t scaleroffset=fWord[kScalerCounter].fValue/32;
453  if(scaleroffset==1 || scaleroffset==0) {
454  userbits = (fWord[kUserbit].fValue & 0xE0000000)>>28;
456  // Now fake the input register, MPS coutner, QRT counter, and QRT phase.
459  lastuserbits = userbits;
461  if (lastuserbits==0xFF) {
463  } else {
464  if ((lastuserbits & 0x8) == 0x8) {
465  // Quartet bit is set.
466  fPatternPhaseNumber = fMinPatternPhase; // Reset the QRT phase
467  fPatternNumber=fPatternNumberOld+1; // Increment the QRT counter
468  } else {
469  fPatternPhaseNumber=fPatternPhaseNumberOld+1; // Increment the QRT phase
470  }
474  if ((lastuserbits & 0x4) == 0x4){ // Helicity bit is set.
475  fHelicityReported |= 1; // Set the InputReg HEL+ bit.
476  fHelicityBitPlus=kTRUE;
477  fHelicityBitMinus=kFALSE;
478  } else {
479  fHelicityReported |= 0; // Set the InputReg HEL- bit.
480  fHelicityBitPlus=kFALSE;
481  fHelicityBitMinus=kTRUE;
482  }
483  }
484  } else {
485  QwError << " QwHelicity::ProcessEvent finding a missed read event in the scaler" << QwLog::endl;
486  if(ldebug) {
487  std::cout << " QwHelicity::ProcessEvent :" << scaleroffset << " events were missed \n";
488  std::cout << " before manipulation \n";
489  Print();
490  }
491  //there was more than one event since the last reading of the scalers
492  //ie we should read only one event at the time,
493  //if not something is wrong
494  fEventNumber=fEventNumberOld+scaleroffset;
495  Int_t localphase=fPatternPhaseNumberOld;
496  Int_t localpatternnumber=fPatternNumberOld;
497  for (UInt_t i=0;i<scaleroffset;i++) {
498  fPatternPhaseNumber=localphase+1;
502  localpatternnumber=fPatternNumber;
503  }
504  localphase=fPatternPhaseNumber;
505  }
506  //Reset helicity predictor because we are not sure of what we are doing
508  ResetPredictor();
509  if(ldebug) {
510  std::cout << " after manipulation \n";
511  Print();
512  }
513  }
514  return;
515 }
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Int_t kScalerCounter
Definition: QwHelicity.h:186
Int_t fPatternNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
Int_t fHelicityReported
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fMaxPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:236
Int_t fMinPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:237
Int_t fEventNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
void ResetPredictor()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1914
Bool_t fHelicityBitMinus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:208
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
std::vector< QwWord > fWord
Definition: QwHelicity.h:172
Bool_t fHelicityBitPlus
Definition: QwHelicity.h:207
Int_t kUserbit
Definition: QwHelicity.h:182
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
#define QwError
Predefined log drain for errors.
Definition: QwLog.h:40
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
void Print() const
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:782

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::ProcessOptions ( QwOptions options)

Process the command line options.

Reimplemented from VQwSubsystem.

Definition at line 173 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References BuildHelicityBitPattern(), QwLog::endl(), fHelicityBitPattern, fHelicityDelay, fMaxPatternPhase, fPatternPhaseOffset, fRandBits, fSuppressMPSErrorMsgs, fUsePredictor, QwParameterFile::GetUInt(), QwOptions::GetValue(), QwOptions::HasValue(), kDefaultHelicityBitPattern, QwError, QwMessage, SetHelicityBitPattern(), and SetHelicityDelay().

174 {
175  // Read the cmd options and override channel map settings
176  QwMessage << "QwHelicity::ProcessOptions" << QwLog::endl;
177  if (options.HasValue("helicity.patternoffset")) {
178  if (options.GetValue<int>("helicity.patternoffset") == 1
179  || options.GetValue<int>("helicity.patternoffset") == 0) {
180  fPatternPhaseOffset = options.GetValue<int>("helicity.patternoffset");
181  QwMessage << " Pattern Phase Offset = " << fPatternPhaseOffset << QwLog::endl;
182  } else QwError << "Pattern phase offset should be 0 or 1!" << QwLog::endl;
183  }
185  if (options.HasValue("helicity.patternphase")) {
186  if (options.GetValue<int>("helicity.patternphase") % 2 == 0) {
187  fMaxPatternPhase = options.GetValue<int>("helicity.patternphase");
188  QwMessage << " Maximum Pattern Phase = " << fMaxPatternPhase << QwLog::endl;
189  } else QwError << "Pattern phase should be an even integer!" << QwLog::endl;
190  }
192  if (options.HasValue("helicity.seed")) {
193  if (options.GetValue<int>("helicity.seed") == 24
194  || options.GetValue<int>("helicity.seed") == 30) {
195  QwMessage << " Random Bits = " << options.GetValue<int>("helicity.seed") << QwLog::endl;
196  fRandBits = options.GetValue<int>("helicity.seed");
197  } else QwError << "Number of random seed bits should be 24 or 30!" << QwLog::endl;
198  }
200  if (options.HasValue("helicity.delay")) {
201  QwMessage << " Helicity Delay = " << options.GetValue<int>("helicity.delay") << QwLog::endl;
202  SetHelicityDelay(options.GetValue<int>("helicity.delay"));
203  }
205  if (options.HasValue("helicity.bitpattern")) {
206  QwMessage << " Helicity Pattern ="
207  << options.GetValue<std::string>("helicity.bitpattern")
208  << QwLog::endl;
209  std::string hex = options.GetValue<std::string>("helicity.bitpattern");
210  UInt_t bits = QwParameterFile::GetUInt(hex);
211  SetHelicityBitPattern(bits);
212  } else {
214  }
216  if (options.GetValue<bool>("helicity.toggle-mode")) {
217  fHelicityDelay = 0;
218  fUsePredictor = kFALSE;
219  fMaxPatternPhase = 2;
221  }
223  // If we have the default Helicity Bit Pattern & a large fMaxPatternPhase,
224  // try to recompute the Helicity Bit Pattern.
227  }
229  // Here we're going to try to get the "online" option which
230  // is defined by QwEventBuffer.
231  if (options.HasValue("online")){
232  fSuppressMPSErrorMsgs = options.GetValue<bool>("online");
233  } else {
234  fSuppressMPSErrorMsgs = kFALSE;
235  }
236 }
#define QwMessage
Predefined log drain for regular messages.
Definition: QwLog.h:50
Int_t fHelicityDelay
Definition: QwHelicity.h:233
static UInt_t GetUInt(const TString &varvalue)
bool HasValue(const std::string &key)
Has this key been defined.
Definition: QwOptions.h:233
void SetHelicityDelay(Int_t delay)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1881
UInt_t fHelicityBitPattern
Definition: QwHelicity.h:170
T GetValue(const std::string &key)
Get a templated value.
Definition: QwOptions.h:240
Int_t fPatternPhaseOffset
Definition: QwHelicity.h:260
Int_t fMaxPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:236
Int_t fRandBits
Definition: QwHelicity.h:257
Bool_t fUsePredictor
Definition: QwHelicity.h:258
void SetHelicityBitPattern(UInt_t bits)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1904
UInt_t BuildHelicityBitPattern(Int_t patternsize)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:2028
Bool_t fSuppressMPSErrorMsgs
Definition: QwHelicity.h:286
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
static const UInt_t kDefaultHelicityBitPattern
Definition: QwHelicity.h:168
#define QwError
Predefined log drain for errors.
Definition: QwLog.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::Ratio ( VQwSubsystem numer,
VQwSubsystem denom 

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 2006 of file QwHelicity.cc.

2007 {
2008  // this is stub function defined here out of completion and uniformity between each subsystem
2009  *this = value1;
2010 }
void QwHelicity::ResetPredictor ( )

Start a new helicity prediction sequence.

Definition at line 1914 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), fGoodHelicity, fGoodPattern, n_ranbits, and QwWarning.

Referenced by CollectRandBits24(), CollectRandBits30(), IsGoodHelicity(), PredictHelicity(), ProcessEventUserbitMode(), and RunPredictor().

1915 {
1916  /**Start a new helicity prediction sequence.*/
1918  QwWarning << "QwHelicity::ResetPredictor: Resetting helicity prediction!" << QwLog::endl;
1919  n_ranbits = 0;
1920  fGoodHelicity = kFALSE;
1921  fGoodPattern = kFALSE;
1922  return;
1923 }
UInt_t n_ranbits
Definition: QwHelicity.h:229
Bool_t fGoodPattern
Definition: QwHelicity.h:210
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
#define QwWarning
Predefined log drain for warnings.
Definition: QwLog.h:45
Bool_t fGoodHelicity
Definition: QwHelicity.h:209

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::RunPredictor ( )

Update the random seed if the new event is from a different pattern. Check the difference between old pattern number and the new one and to see how many patterns we have missed or skipped. Then loop back to get the correct pattern polarities.

Predict the helicity according to pattern Defined patterns: Pair: +- or -+ Quartet: +–+ or -++- Octet: +–+-++- or -++-+–+ Symmetric octet: +-+–+-+ or -+-++-+- Octo-quad: +–++–++–++–+-++–++–++–++-

Definition at line 1608 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), fActualPatternPolarity, fDelayedPatternPolarity, fEventNumber, fHelicityActual, fHelicityBitPattern, fHelicityDelayed, fHelicityReported, fMaxPatternPhase, fMinPatternPhase, fPatternNumber, fPatternNumberOld, fPatternPhaseNumber, fPreviousPatternPolarity, GetRandbit(), iseed_Actual, iseed_Delayed, QwDebug, QwError, and ResetPredictor().

Referenced by main(), and PredictHelicity().

1609 {
1610  Int_t ldebug = kFALSE;
1612  if(ldebug) std::cout << "Entering QwHelicity::RunPredictor for fEventNumber, " << fEventNumber
1613  << ", fPatternNumber, " << fPatternNumber
1614  << ", and fPatternPhaseNumber, " << fPatternPhaseNumber << std::endl;
1616  /**Update the random seed if the new event is from a different pattern.
1617  Check the difference between old pattern number and the new one and
1618  to see how many patterns we have missed or skipped. Then loop back
1619  to get the correct pattern polarities.
1620  */
1623  for (int i = 0; i < fPatternNumber - fPatternNumberOld; i++) //got a new pattern
1624  {
1628  QwDebug << "Predicting : seed actual, delayed: " << iseed_Actual
1629  << ":" << iseed_Delayed <<QwLog::endl;
1630  }
1632  /**Predict the helicity according to pattern
1633  Defined patterns:
1634  Pair: +- or -+
1635  Quartet: +--+ or -++-
1636  Octet: +--+-++- or -++-+--+
1637  Symmetric octet: +-+--+-+ or -+-++-+-
1638  Octo-quad: +--++--++--++--+-++--++--++--++-
1639  */
1641  Int_t localphase = fPatternPhaseNumber-fMinPatternPhase;//Paul's modifications
1644  // Use the stored helicity bit pattern to calculate the helicity of this window
1645  if (((fHelicityBitPattern >> localphase) & 0x1) == (fHelicityBitPattern & 0x1)) {
1648  } else {
1651  }
1652  // Past highest pattern phase
1653  if (localphase > fMaxPatternPhase)
1654  ResetPredictor();
1656  if(ldebug){
1657  std::cout << "Predicted Polarity ::: Delayed ="
1658  << fDelayedPatternPolarity << " Actual ="
1659  << fActualPatternPolarity << "\n";
1660  std::cout << "Predicted Helicity ::: Delayed Helicity=" << fHelicityDelayed
1661  << " Actual Helicity=" << fHelicityActual << " Reported Helicity=" << fHelicityReported << "\n";
1662  QwError << "Exiting QwHelicity::RunPredictor " << QwLog::endl;
1664  }
1666  return;
1667 }
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
virtual UInt_t GetRandbit(UInt_t &ranseed)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1473
Int_t fPatternNumberOld
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
UInt_t fHelicityBitPattern
Definition: QwHelicity.h:170
Int_t fHelicityReported
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
#define QwDebug
Predefined log drain for debugging output.
Definition: QwLog.h:60
Int_t fDelayedPatternPolarity
Reported polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:199
Int_t fMaxPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:236
Int_t fMinPatternPhase
Definition: QwHelicity.h:237
Int_t fActualPatternPolarity
True polarity of the current pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:198
Int_t fPreviousPatternPolarity
True polarity of the previous pattern.
Definition: QwHelicity.h:200
Int_t fHelicityDelayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
void ResetPredictor()
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1914
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
UInt_t iseed_Delayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:231
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
UInt_t iseed_Actual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:230
Int_t fHelicityActual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:201
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196
#define QwError
Predefined log drain for errors.
Definition: QwLog.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::Scale ( Double_t  factor)

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 115 of file QwHelicity.h.

115 {return;};
void QwHelicity::SetEventPatternPhase ( Int_t  event,
Int_t  pattern,
Int_t  phase 

Definition at line 1089 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References fEventNumber, fPatternNumber, and fPatternPhaseNumber.

Referenced by main().

1090 {
1091  fEventNumber = event;
1092  fPatternNumber = pattern;
1093  fPatternPhaseNumber = phase;
1094 }
Int_t fEventNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:194
Int_t fPatternPhaseNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:195
Int_t fPatternNumber
Definition: QwHelicity.h:196

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::SetFirstBits ( UInt_t  nbits,
UInt_t  firstbits 

Definition at line 1096 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References fHelicityDelay, GetRandbit(), GetRandomSeed(), iseed_Actual, and iseed_Delayed.

Referenced by main().

1097 {
1098  // This gives the predictor a quick start
1099  UShort_t firstbits[nbits];
1100  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbits; i++) firstbits[i] = (seed >> i) & 0x1;
1101  // Set delayed seed
1102  iseed_Delayed = GetRandomSeed(firstbits);
1103  // Progress actual seed by the helicity delay
1105  for (int i = 0; i < fHelicityDelay; i++) GetRandbit(iseed_Actual);
1106 }
Int_t fHelicityDelay
Definition: QwHelicity.h:233
virtual UInt_t GetRandbit(UInt_t &ranseed)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1473
UInt_t GetRandomSeed(UShort_t *first24randbits)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:1562
UInt_t iseed_Delayed
Definition: QwHelicity.h:231
UInt_t iseed_Actual
Definition: QwHelicity.h:230

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::SetHelicityBitPattern ( UInt_t  bits)

Definition at line 1904 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), fHelicityBitPattern, parity(), QwError, and QwMessage.

Referenced by BuildHelicityBitPattern(), LoadChannelMap(), and ProcessOptions().

1905 {
1906  // Set the helicity pattern bits
1907  if (parity(bits) == 0)
1908  fHelicityBitPattern = bits;
1909  else QwError << "What, exactly, are you trying to do ?!?!?" << QwLog::endl;
1910  // Notify the user
1911  QwMessage << " fPatternBits 0x" << std::hex << fHelicityBitPattern << std::dec << QwLog::endl;
1912 }
#define QwMessage
Predefined log drain for regular messages.
Definition: QwLog.h:50
unsigned int parity(unsigned int v)
Definition: QwHelicity.h:292
UInt_t fHelicityBitPattern
Definition: QwHelicity.h:170
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
#define QwError
Predefined log drain for errors.
Definition: QwLog.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::SetHelicityDelay ( Int_t  delay)

Sets the number of bits the helicity reported gets delayed with. We predict helicity only if there is a non-zero pattern delay given.

Definition at line 1881 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References QwLog::endl(), fHelicityDelay, fUsePredictor, QwError, and QwWarning.

Referenced by LoadChannelMap(), and ProcessOptions().

1882 {
1883  /**Sets the number of bits the helicity reported gets delayed with.
1884  We predict helicity only if there is a non-zero pattern delay given. */
1886  if(delay>=0){
1887  fHelicityDelay = delay;
1888  if(delay == 0){
1889  QwWarning << "QwHelicity : SetHelicityDelay :: helicity delay is set to 0."
1890  << " Disabling helicity predictor and using reported helicity information."
1891  << QwLog::endl;
1892  fUsePredictor = kFALSE;
1893  }
1894  else
1895  fUsePredictor = kTRUE;
1896  }
1897  else
1898  QwError << "QwHelicity::SetHelicityDelay We cannot handle negative delay in the prediction of delayed helicity. Exiting.." << QwLog::endl;
1900  return;
1901 }
Int_t fHelicityDelay
Definition: QwHelicity.h:233
Bool_t fUsePredictor
Definition: QwHelicity.h:258
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
#define QwWarning
Predefined log drain for warnings.
Definition: QwLog.h:45
#define QwError
Predefined log drain for errors.
Definition: QwLog.h:40

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::SetHistoTreeSave ( const TString &  prefix)

Definition at line 1108 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References fHistoType, kHelNoSave, kHelSaveMPS, and kHelSavePattern.

Referenced by ConstructBranch(), ConstructBranchAndVector(), and ConstructHistograms().

1109 {
1110  Ssiz_t len;
1111  if (prefix == "diff_"
1112  || TRegexp("asym[1-9]*_").Index(prefix,&len) == 0)
1114  else if (prefix == "yield_")
1116  else
1118 }
Int_t fHistoType
Definition: QwHelicity.h:212

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::Sum ( VQwSubsystem value1,
VQwSubsystem value2 

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 1988 of file QwHelicity.cc.

References Compare().

1989 {
1990  //this routine is most likely to be called during the computatin of assymetry
1991  //this call doesn't make too much sense for this class so the followign lines
1992  //are only use to put safe gards testing for example if the two instantiation indeed
1993  // refers to elements in the same pattern
1994  if(Compare(value1)&&Compare(value2)) {
1995  *this = value1;
1996  //*this += value2;
1997  }
1998 }
Bool_t Compare(VQwSubsystem *source)
Definition: QwHelicity.cc:2013

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void QwHelicity::UpdateErrorFlag ( const VQwSubsystem ev_error)

update the error flag in the subsystem level from the top level routines related to stability checks. This will uniquely update the errorflag at each channel based on the error flag in the corresponding channel in the ev_error subsystem

Implements VQwSubsystemParity.

Definition at line 67 of file QwHelicity.h.

67  {
68  };

Field Documentation

Int_t QwHelicity::fActualPatternPolarity
Int_t QwHelicity::fDelayedPatternPolarity
Int_t QwHelicity::fEventNumberFirst

Definition at line 267 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by ClearEventData(), PrintErrorCounters(), and QwHelicity().

UInt_t QwHelicity::fEventType

Definition at line 264 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by ProcessEvBuffer(), ProcessEventInputMollerMode(), and QwHelicity().

Bool_t QwHelicity::fGoodPattern

Definition at line 210 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by operator=(), QwHelicity(), and ResetPredictor().

UInt_t QwHelicity::fHelicityBitPattern

Definition at line 170 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by ProcessOptions(), RunPredictor(), and SetHelicityBitPattern().

Int_t QwHelicity::fHelicityDecodingMode

Definition at line 175 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by EncodeEventData(), LoadChannelMap(), ProcessEvent(), and QwHelicity().

Int_t QwHelicity::fHelicityDelay
Bool_t QwHelicity::fHelicityInfoOK

Definition at line 259 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by QwHelicity().

Int_t QwHelicity::fHistoType
Bool_t QwHelicity::fIgnoreHelicity
UInt_t QwHelicity::fInputReg_FakeMPS

Definition at line 166 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by LoadChannelMap(), ProcessEventInputRegisterMode(), and QwHelicity().

Int_t QwHelicity::fNumHelicityErrors

Definition at line 281 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by ClearErrorCounters(), IsGoodHelicity(), PrintErrorCounters(), and QwHelicity().

Int_t QwHelicity::fNumMissedEventBlocks
Int_t QwHelicity::fNumMissedGates
Int_t QwHelicity::fNumMultSyncErrors
Int_t QwHelicity::fPatternNumberFirst

Definition at line 268 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by ClearEventData(), PrintErrorCounters(), and QwHelicity().

Int_t QwHelicity::fPatternPhaseOffset
Int_t QwHelicity::fPatternSeed

Definition at line 197 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by ConstructBranch(), FillTreeVector(), and operator=().

Int_t QwHelicity::fPreviousPatternPolarity

True polarity of the previous pattern.

Definition at line 200 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by CollectRandBits24(), CollectRandBits30(), ConstructBranch(), FillTreeVector(), operator=(), ProcessEvent(), and RunPredictor().

Int_t QwHelicity::fRandBits

Definition at line 257 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by CollectRandBits(), GetRandbit(), LoadChannelMap(), ProcessOptions(), and QwHelicity().

Bool_t QwHelicity::fSuppressMPSErrorMsgs

Flag to disable the printing os missed MPS error messags during online running

Definition at line 286 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by ProcessEventInputRegisterMode(), and ProcessOptions().

size_t QwHelicity::fTreeArrayIndex

Definition at line 227 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by ConstructBranchAndVector(), and FillTreeVector().

size_t QwHelicity::fTreeArrayNumEntries

Definition at line 228 of file QwHelicity.h.

Bool_t QwHelicity::fUsePredictor

Definition at line 258 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by ProcessEvent(), ProcessOptions(), QwHelicity(), and SetHelicityDelay().

std::vector< std::pair<Int_t, Int_t> > QwHelicity::fWordsPerSubbank

Definition at line 173 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by LoadChannelMap(), and ProcessEvBuffer().

UInt_t QwHelicity::iseed_Actual
UInt_t QwHelicity::iseed_Delayed
const Bool_t QwHelicity::kDEBUG =kFALSE

Definition at line 218 of file QwHelicity.h.

const UInt_t QwHelicity::kDefaultHelicityBitPattern = 0x69

Default helicity bit pattern of 0x69 represents a -++-+–+ octet (event polarity listed in reverse time order), where the LSB of the bit pattern is the first event of the pattern.

Definition at line 168 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by BuildHelicityBitPattern(), and ProcessOptions().

UInt_t QwHelicity::kEventTypeHelMinus

Definition at line 192 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by LoadChannelMap(), ProcessEventInputMollerMode(), and QwHelicity().

UInt_t QwHelicity::kEventTypeHelPlus

Definition at line 192 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by LoadChannelMap(), ProcessEventInputMollerMode(), and QwHelicity().

const UInt_t QwHelicity::kInputReg_FakeMPS = 0x8000

Default mask for fake MPS latch bit.

Definition at line 165 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by QwHelicity().

Int_t QwHelicity::kInputRegister

Definition at line 190 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by LoadChannelMap(), and ProcessEventInputRegisterMode().

Int_t QwHelicity::kMpsCounter
Int_t QwHelicity::kPatternCounter
Int_t QwHelicity::kPatternPhase
Int_t QwHelicity::kScalerCounter

Definition at line 186 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by LoadChannelMap(), and ProcessEventUserbitMode().

const Int_t QwHelicity::kUndefinedHelicity = -9999
Int_t QwHelicity::kUserbit

Definition at line 182 of file QwHelicity.h.

Referenced by LoadChannelMap(), ProcessEventUserbitMode(), and QwHelicity().

UInt_t QwHelicity::n_ranbits

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: