Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*//*!
3  \file QwTrackingWorker.cc
5  \brief Controls all the routines involved in finding tracks in an event.
7  \verbatim
9  PROGRAM: QTR (Qweak Track Reconstruction) AUTHOR: Burnham Stokes
10  bestokes@jlab.org
12  Wolfgang Wander
13  wwc@hermes.desy.de
16  MODULE: QwTrackingWorker
18  \endverbatim
20  PURPOSE: This module contains the code for finding tracks in an event.
21  The task of finding tracks is sub-divided into three steps:
23  (1) for each set of planes with like-pitched wires, possible
24  track candidates (called treelines) are located by
25  the treesearch algorithm. For this search, the hit
26  information is used to generate a bit pattern for the hits
27  seen in each tree-detector. The bit patterns for all the
28  chambers in one detector region are then processed by the
29  the treesearch algorithm to identify all combinations of
30  hits in the chambers which could correspond to straight
31  tracks through the chambers. Typically, these treelines contain
32  quite a few ghost tracks. To cut down on these ghosts,
33  the treelines located by the searching are reduced by
34  a connectivity graph. This graph tries to minimize the number
35  of overlapping tracks (tracks including the same hits) based
36  on their chi^2 fit quality.
38  (2) Once the sets of treelines (one set for the u, a second set
39  for the v, and a third set for the x) have been located for
40  a region of the detector, the treelines are matched together
41  to form partial tracks. For the case of VDC reconstruction
42  no x treelines can be formed. In this case only
43  u/v combinations are formed.
45  (3) And, finally, the partial tracks from the front and the back
46  region will be bridged (i.e. paired together) to form the final
47  tracks.
49  CONTENTS: (brief description for now)
51  (01) Bcheck() -
53  (02) rcLinkUsedTracks()
55  (03) ProcessHits() - this function manages the track-finding and track-fitting
56  in QTR. For each detector region (front or back, top or
57  bottom) this function builds the bit patterns for the hits
58  seen in the detector and then invokes the treesearch
59  algorithm to find the candidate treelines. After the
60  resulting treelines are filtered by the treesort and
61  treecombine functions, the treelines from the different
62  plane with different wire-pitch are combined together to
63  form the partial tracks seen in each region of the detector.
64  In the final stage of tracking, these partial tracks are
65  bridged together to reconstruct full tracks through the
66  detector.
67  In a second interation treesearch recalibrates the tracking
68  chamber hits with the now known momentum and recalculates
69  track parameters and momentum for all found tracks.
71 *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
73 #include "QwTrackingWorker.h"
74 // Standard C and C++ headers
75 #include <cstdio>
76 #include <cstdlib>
77 #include <cstring>
78 #include <cassert>
79 #include <iostream>
80 #include <sstream>
82 using std::cout;
83 using std::cerr;
84 using std::endl;
86 // ROOT headers
87 #include <TVector3.h>
89 // Qweak headers
90 #include "QwOptions.h"
91 #include "QwLog.h"
92 #include "globals.h"
94 // Qweak tree search headers
95 #include "QwHitPattern.h"
96 #include "QwTrackingTree.h"
97 #include "QwTrackingTreeRegion.h"
99 // Qweak tracking modules
100 #include "QwTrackingTreeSearch.h"
101 #include "QwTrackingTreeCombine.h"
102 #include "QwTrackingTreeSort.h"
103 #include "QwTrackingTreeMatch.h"
105 // Qweak track/event headers
106 #include "QwHit.h"
107 #include "QwHitContainer.h"
108 #include "QwTreeLine.h"
109 #include "QwPartialTrack.h"
110 #include "QwTrack.h"
111 #include "QwEvent.h"
112 #include "QwDetectorInfo.h"
113 #include "QwBridgingTrackFilter.h"
114 #include "QwRayTracer.h"
115 #include "QwMatrixLookup.h"
117 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
120 {
121  QwDebug << "###### Calling QwTrackingWorker::QwTrackingWorker ()" << QwLog::endl;
123  // Debug level
124  fDebug = 0;
126  // Process options
127  ProcessOptions(options);
129  // Store geometry
130  SetGeometry(geometry);
132  // If tracking is disabled, stop here
133  if (fDisableTracking) return;
135  // Initialize the pattern database
136  InitTree(geometry);
137  // Initialize a bridging filter
140  // Initialize a ray tracer bridging method
141  if (! fDisableMomentum && ! fDisableRayTracer) {
142  fRayTracer = new QwRayTracer(options);
143  // or set to null if disabled
144  } else fRayTracer = 0;
146  /* Reset counters of number of good and bad events */
147  ngood = 0;
148  nbad = 0;
150  R2Good = 0;
151  R2Bad = 0;
152  R3Good = 0;
153  R3Bad = 0;
155  nbridged = 0;
157  // Initialize the tracking modules
158  // Tracking functionality is provided by these four sub-blocks.
164  // Debug level of the various tracking modules
170  // Pass the geometry
171  fTreeCombine->SetGeometry(geometry);
173  // Process the options and set the respective flags in the modules
175  fTreeCombine->SetMaxRoad(options.GetValue<float>("QwTracking.R2.maxroad"));
176  fTreeCombine->SetMaxXRoad(options.GetValue<float>("QwTracking.R2.maxxroad"));
178  QwDebug << "###### Leaving QwTrackingWorker::QwTrackingWorker ()" << QwLog::endl;
179 }
181 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
184 {
185  // Delete helper objects
187  if (fRayTracer) delete fRayTracer;
189  // Delete search trees
190  for (size_t i = 0; i < fSearchTrees.size(); i++)
191  delete fSearchTrees[i];
192  fSearchTrees.clear();
194  // Delete tracking modules
195  if (fTreeSearch) delete fTreeSearch;
196  if (fTreeCombine) delete fTreeCombine;
197  if (fTreeSort) delete fTreeSort;
198  if (fTreeMatch) delete fTreeMatch;
200  // Summary of tracking objects that are still alive
202  QwMessage << "Number of tracking objects still alive:" << QwLog::endl;
203  QwMessage << " QwEvent: " << QwEvent::GetObjectsAlive()
204  << " (of " << QwEvent::GetObjectsCreated() << ")" << QwLog::endl;
205  QwMessage << " QwEventHeader: " << QwEventHeader::GetObjectsAlive()
206  << " (of " << QwEventHeader::GetObjectsCreated() << ")" << QwLog::endl;
207  QwMessage << " QwHit: " << QwHit::GetObjectsAlive()
208  << " (of " << QwHit::GetObjectsCreated() << ")" << QwLog::endl;
209  QwMessage << " QwHitPattern: " << QwHitPattern::GetObjectsAlive()
210  << " (of " << QwHitPattern::GetObjectsCreated() << ")" << QwLog::endl;
211  QwMessage << " QwTreeLine: " << QwTreeLine::GetObjectsAlive()
212  << " (of " << QwTreeLine::GetObjectsCreated() << ")" << QwLog::endl;
213  QwMessage << " QwPartialTrack: " << QwPartialTrack::GetObjectsAlive()
214  << " (of " << QwPartialTrack::GetObjectsCreated() << ")" << QwLog::endl;
215  QwMessage << " QwTrack: " << QwTrack::GetObjectsAlive()
216  << " (of " << QwTrack::GetObjectsCreated() << ")" << QwLog::endl;
218 }
220 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
223 {
224  // General options
225  options.AddOptions("Tracking options")("QwTracking.debug",
226  po::value<int>()->default_value(0),
227  "track reconstruction debug level");
228  options.AddOptions("Tracking options")("QwTracking.regenerate",
229  po::value<bool>()->default_bool_value(false),
230  "regenerate search trees");
231  options.AddOptions("Tracking options")("QwTracking.disable-tracking",
232  po::value<bool>()->default_bool_value(false),
233  "disable all tracking analysis");
234  options.AddOptions("Tracking options")("QwTracking.print-pattern-db",
235  po::value<bool>()->default_bool_value(false),
236  "print pattern database");
237  options.AddOptions("Tracking options")("QwTracking.showeventpattern",
238  po::value<bool>()->default_bool_value(false),
239  "show bit pattern for all events");
240  options.AddOptions("Tracking options")("QwTracking.showmatchingpattern",
241  po::value<bool>()->default_bool_value(false),
242  "show bit pattern for matching tracks");
244  options.AddOptions("Tracking options")("QwTracking.package-mismatch",
245  po::value<bool>()->default_bool_value(false),
246  "if the package number is different for R2 and R3 at the same octant");
248  // Region 2
249  options.AddOptions("Tracking options")("QwTracking.R2.levels",
250  po::value<int>()->default_value(8),
251  "number of search tree levels in region 2");
252  options.AddOptions("Tracking options")("QwTracking.R2.maxslope",
253  po::value<float>()->default_value(0.862),
254  "maximum allowed slope for region 2 tracks");
255  options.AddOptions("Tracking options")("QwTracking.R2.maxroad",
256  po::value<float>()->default_value(1.4),
257  "maximum allowed road width for region 2 tracks");
258  options.AddOptions("Tracking options")("QwTracking.R2.maxxroad",
259  po::value<float>()->default_value(25.0),
260  "maximum allowed X road width for region 2 tracks");
261  options.AddOptions("Tracking options")("QwTracking.R2.MaxMissedPlanes",
262  po::value<int>()->default_value(1),
263  "maximum number of missed planes");
264  options.AddOptions("Tracking options")("QwTracking.R2.DropWorstHit",
265  po::value<bool>()->default_bool_value(false),
266  "attempt partial track fit without worst hit");
268  // Region 3
269  options.AddOptions("Tracking options")("QwTracking.R3.levels",
270  po::value<int>()->default_value(4),
271  "number of search tree levels in region 3");
272  options.AddOptions("Tracking options")("QwTracking.R3.MaxMissedWires",
273  po::value<int>()->default_value(4),
274  "maximum number of missed wires");
275  options.AddOptions("Tracking options")("QwTracking.R3.RotatorTilt",
276  po::value<bool>()->default_value(true),
277  "apply region 3 rotator tilt correction");
279  // Momentum reconstruction
280  options.AddOptions("Tracking options")("QwTracking.disable-momentum",
281  po::value<bool>()->default_bool_value(false),
282  "disable the momentum reconstruction");
283  options.AddOptions("Tracking options")("QwTracking.disable-matrixlookup",
284  po::value<bool>()->default_bool_value(false),
285  "disable the use of the momentum lookup table");
286  options.AddOptions("Tracking options")("QwTracking.disable-raytracer",
287  po::value<bool>()->default_bool_value(false),
288  "disable the magnetic field map tracking");
289  options.AddOptions("Tracking options")("QwTracking.lookuptable",
290  po::value<std::string>()->default_value("QwTrajMatrix.root"),
291  "filename of the lookup table in QW_LOOKUP");
292 }
294 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
297 {
298  // Enable tracking debug flag
299  fDebug = options.GetValue<int>("QwTracking.debug");
300  fRegenerate = options.GetValue<bool>("QwTracking.regenerate");
302  // Disable tracking and/or momentu reconstruction
303  fDisableTracking = options.GetValue<bool>("QwTracking.disable-tracking");
304  fDisableMomentum = options.GetValue<bool>("QwTracking.disable-momentum");
305  fMismatchPkg=options.GetValue<bool>("QwTracking.package-mismatch");
307  // Set the flags for printing the pattern database
308  fPrintPatternDatabase = options.GetValue<bool>("QwTracking.print-pattern-db");
310  // Set the flags for showing the matching event patterns
311  fShowEventPattern = options.GetValue<bool>("QwTracking.showeventpattern");
312  fShowMatchingPattern = options.GetValue<bool>("QwTracking.showmatchingpattern");
314  // Enable/disable the lookup table and raytracer momentum reconstruction methods
315  fDisableMatrixLookup = options.GetValue<bool>("QwTracking.disable-matrixlookup");
316  fDisableRayTracer = options.GetValue<bool>("QwTracking.disable-raytracer");
318  // Lookup table filename
319  fFilenameLookupTable = options.GetValue<std::string>("QwTracking.lookuptable");
321  // Number of levels (search tree depth) for region 2
322  fLevelsR2 = options.GetValue<int>("QwTracking.R2.levels");
323  // Number of levels (search tree depth) for region 3
324  fLevelsR3 = options.GetValue<int>("QwTracking.R3.levels");
325 }
327 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
330 {
331  // Loop over packages
332  for (EQwDetectorPackage package = kPackage1;
333  package <= kPackage2; package++) {
334  // Loop over regions
335  for (EQwRegionID region = kRegionID2;
336  region <= kRegionID3; region++) {
337  // Loop over directions
338  for (EQwDirectionID direction = kDirectionX;
339  direction <= kDirectionV; direction++) {
341  // Get the detectors, and skip if none are active
342  QwGeometry detectors(geometry.in(region).in(package).in(direction));
343  if (detectors.size() == 0) continue;
345  // Get the first plane
346  QwDetectorInfo* det = detectors.front();
348  int levels = 0;
349  int numlayers = 0;
350  double width = 0.0;
352  /// Region 2 contains 4 layers
353  if (det->GetRegion() == kRegionID2) {
354  numlayers = 4; // TODO replace this with info from the geometry file
355  width = det->GetElementSpacing() * det->GetNumberOfElements();
356  levels = fLevelsR2;
357  }
359  /// Region 3 contains 8 layers
360  if (det->GetRegion() == kRegionID3) {
361  numlayers = 8; // TODO replace this with info from the geometry file
362  width = det->GetActiveWidthZ();
363  levels = fLevelsR3;
364  }
366  /// Create a new search tree
367  QwTrackingTree thetree(numlayers);
369  /// Set the maximum slope
370  thetree.SetMaxSlope(gQwOptions.GetValue<float>("QwTracking.R2.maxslope"));
372  /// Set the geometry
373  thetree.SetGeometry(detectors);
375  /// Set up the filename with the following format
376  /// tree[numlayers]-[levels]-[u|l]-[1|2|3]-[n|u|v|x|y].tre
377  std::stringstream filename;
378  filename << getenv_safe_string("QW_SEARCHTREE")
379  << "/tree" << numlayers << "-" << levels
380  << "-" << package << "-" << region << "-" << direction << ".tre";
381  QwDebug << "Tree filename: " << filename.str() << QwLog::endl;
383  /// Each element of search tree will point to a pattern database
384  QwTrackingTreeRegion* searchtree = thetree.inittree(filename.str(),
385  levels,
386  numlayers,
387  width,
388  det,
389  fRegenerate);
390  if (fPrintPatternDatabase && region == kRegionID2) searchtree->PrintNodes();
391  if (fPrintPatternDatabase && region == kRegionID3) searchtree->PrintTrees();
392  // Add tree to internal list for deletion
393  fSearchTrees.push_back(searchtree);
395  // Set the detector identification
396  searchtree->SetRegion(region);
397  searchtree->SetPackage(package);
398  searchtree->SetDirection(direction);
400  // Store pointer to tree in detector objects
401  for (size_t i = 0; i < detectors.size(); i++) {
402  detectors.at(i)->SetTrackingSearchTree(searchtree);
403  }
405  } // end of loop over directions
406  } // end of loop over regions
407  } // end of loop over packages
408 }
410 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*//*!
412  ProcessHits() - this function is the main tracking function. It
413  performs tracking in projections (u/v/x) to form treelines,
414  it combines projection tracks to tracks in space and bridges
415  tracks in space before and after the magnet to form recon-
416  structed particle tracks. The function calculates the momentum
417  of the tracks and afterwards reiterates the track parameters
418  using the now known track position and momentum for iterating
419  the hit positions in the tracking chambers.
421  inputs: (1) QwHitContainer &hitlist - pointer to the QwHitContainer object
422  with the hit list.
424  outputs: (1) Event* ProcessHits() - pointer to the structure with all
425  of the reconstruction information for
426  this event.
428 *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
429 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
432  const QwSubsystemArrayTracking *detectors, QwEvent *event)
433 {
434  // Get hit list from event
435  QwHitContainer* hitlist = event->GetHitContainer();
437  // Print hitlist
438  if (fDebug) hitlist->Print();
440  /// If no hits, return
441  if (hitlist->size() == 0) {
442  delete hitlist;
443  return;
444  }
446  /// If tracking is disabled, return
447  if (fDisableTracking) {
448  delete hitlist;
449  return;
450  }
453  /// Loop through all detector packages
454  // Normally only two of these will generate actual tracks,
455  // since there are only two tracking packages for the eight
456  // possible positions
457  for (EQwDetectorPackage package = kPackage1;
458  package <= kPackage2;
459  package++) {
460  QwDebug << "[QwTrackingWorker::ProcessHits] Package: " << package << QwLog::endl;
462  /// Loop through the detector regions
463  for (EQwRegionID region = kRegionID2;
464  region <= kRegionID3;
465  region++) {
466  QwDebug << "[QwTrackingWorker::ProcessHits] Region: " << region << QwLog::endl;
469  int dlayer = 0; // number of detector planes in the search
470  int tlayers = 0; // number of tracking layers
472  /// Loop through the detector directions
473  for (EQwDirectionID dir = kDirectionX;
474  dir <= kDirectionV;
475  dir++) {
476  QwDebug << "[QwTrackingWorker::ProcessHits] Direction: " << dir << QwLog::endl;
478  // Find these detectors
479  QwGeometry detectors(fGeometry.in(region).in(package).in(dir));
480  if (detectors.size() == 0) continue;
482  /*! ---- 1st: check that the direction is tree-searchable ---- */
484  // The search tree for this detector will be stored in searchtree
485  QwTrackingTreeRegion* searchtree = detectors.at(0)->GetTrackingSearchTree();
487  // Check whether the search tree exists
488  if (! searchtree) {
489  QwDebug << "[QwTrackingWorker::ProcessHits] No such tree!" << QwLog::endl;
490  continue;
491  }
493  // Check whether the search tree is searchable
494  if (! searchtree->IsSearchable()) {
495  event->fTreeLine[package][region][dir] = 0;
496  QwDebug << "[QwTrackingWorker::ProcessHits] Search tree not searchable!" << QwLog::endl;
497  continue;
498  }
501  /*! ---- 2nd: do some variable initialization for the found tree line
502  linked list ---- */
504  // Start the search for this set of like-pitched planes
505  QwTreeLine* treelinelist = 0; // local list of found tree lines
507  /*! ---- 3rd: create the bit patterns for the hits ---- */
509  /* Region 3 VDC */
510  if (region == kRegionID3) {
512  dlayer = 0; /* set "number of detectors" to zero */
513  QwTreeLine *treelinelist1 = 0, *treelinelist2 = 0;
515  // Set hit pattern for this region
516  QwDebug << "Setting hit pattern (region 3)" << QwLog::endl;
518  /* Loop over the like-pitched planes in a region */
519  for (std::vector<QwDetectorInfo*>::iterator iter = detectors.begin();
520  iter != detectors.end(); iter++) {
521  QwDetectorInfo* det = (*iter);
523  // Get plane number
524  int plane = det->GetPlane();
525  // Get number of wires
526  int numwires = det->GetNumberOfElements();
528  // Print detector info
529  if (fDebug) QwOut << *det << QwLog::endl;
531  // If detector is inactive for tracking, skip it
532  if (det->IsInactive()) continue;
534  /// Get the subhitlist of hits in this detector
535  QwHitContainer *subhitlist = hitlist->GetSubList_Plane(region, package, plane);
536  // If no hits in this detector, skip to the next detector.
537  if (subhitlist->size() == 0) {
538  delete subhitlist;
539  continue;
540  }
541  // Print the hit list for this detector
542  if (fDebug) {
543  std::cout << "region: " << region << " package: " << package << " plane: " << plane << std::endl;
544  subhitlist->Print();
545  }
547  // Create a vector of hit patterns
548  std::vector<QwHitPattern> patterns(numwires+1,QwHitPattern(fLevelsR3)); // wires are counted from 1
550  // Loop over the hits in the subhitlist
551  for (QwHitContainer::iterator hit = subhitlist->begin();
552  hit != subhitlist->end();
553  hit++) {
555  // Construct the hit pattern for this set of hits
556  QwHitPattern hitpattern(fLevelsR3);
557  hitpattern.SetVDCHit(searchtree->GetWidth(), &(*hit));
558  // Add hit pattern to the vector
559  int wire = hit->GetElement();
560  patterns.at(wire) += hitpattern;
562  } // end of loop over hits in this event
564  // Print hit pattern, if requested
565  if (fShowEventPattern) {
566  QwOut << "event pattern: " << QwLog::endl;
567  for (size_t wire = 0; wire < patterns.size(); wire++)
568  if (patterns.at(wire).HasHits())
569  QwMessage << wire << ":" << patterns.at(wire) << QwLog::endl;
570  }
572  // Copy the new hit patterns into the old array structure
573  // TODO This is temporary
574  char** channel = new char*[patterns.size()];
575  int** hashchannel = new int*[patterns.size()];
576  for (size_t wire = 0; wire < patterns.size(); wire++) {
577  channel[wire] = new char[patterns.at(wire).GetNumberOfBins()];
578  hashchannel[wire] = new int[patterns.at(wire).GetFinestBinWidth()];
579  patterns.at(wire).GetPattern(channel[wire]);
580  patterns.at(wire).GetPatternHash(hashchannel[wire]);
581  }
583  // All hits in this detector (VDC) are added to the bit pattern.
584  // We can start the tree search now.
585  // NOTE Somewhere around here a memory leak lurks
586  QwDebug << "Searching for matching patterns (direction " << dir << ")" << QwLog::endl;
587  treelinelist = fTreeSearch->SearchTreeLines(searchtree,
588  channel, hashchannel, fLevelsR3,
589  numwires, MAX_LAYERS);
591  // Delete the old array structures
592  for (size_t wire = 0; wire < patterns.size(); wire++) {
593  delete[] channel[wire];
594  delete[] hashchannel[wire];
595  }
596  delete[] channel;
597  delete[] hashchannel;
599  // TODO These treelines should contain the region id etc
600  // We should set the QwDetectorInfo link here already,
601  // or manually set the QwDetectorID fields. Also, we
602  // should put QwDetectorInfo in the searchtree object.
603  for (QwTreeLine* treeline = treelinelist;
604  treeline; treeline = treeline->next) {
605  treeline->SetRegion(region);
606  treeline->SetPackage(package);
607  treeline->SetDirection(dir);
608  treeline->SetPlane(plane);
609  }
611  // Print list of tree lines
612  if (fDebug) {
613  cout << "List of treelines:" << endl;
614  if (treelinelist) treelinelist->Print();
615  }
617  QwDebug << "Calculate chi^2" << QwLog::endl;
618  double width = searchtree->GetWidth();
619  fTreeCombine->TlTreeLineSort(treelinelist, subhitlist,
620  package, region, dir,
621  1UL << (fLevelsR3 - 1), 0, dlayer, width);
623  QwDebug << "Sort patterns" << QwLog::endl;
624  fTreeSort->rcTreeConnSort (treelinelist, region);
626  if (plane < 3)
627  treelinelist1 = treelinelist;
628  else
629  treelinelist2 = treelinelist;
631  dlayer++;
633  // Delete subhitlist
634  delete subhitlist;
636  } // end of loop over like-pitched planes in a region
637  event->AddTreeLineList(treelinelist1);
638  event->AddTreeLineList(treelinelist2);
639  treelinelist = 0;
640  // treelinelist 1 and treelinelist 2 are in the same dir
641  QwDebug << "Matching region 3 segments" << QwLog::endl;
642  if (treelinelist1 && treelinelist2) {
643  treelinelist = fTreeMatch->MatchRegion3 (treelinelist1, treelinelist2);
644  event->fTreeLine[package][region][dir] = treelinelist;
645  event->AddTreeLineList(treelinelist);
647  if (fDebug) {
648  cout << "VDC1:" << endl;
649  if (treelinelist1) treelinelist1->Print();
650  cout << "VDC2:" << endl;
651  if (treelinelist2) treelinelist2->Print();
652  }
653  if (fDebug) {
654  cout << "VDC1+2:" << endl;
655  if (treelinelist) treelinelist->Print();
656  }
658  }
660  // Delete tree line lists after storing results in event structure
661  QwTreeLine* tl = 0;
662  QwTreeLine* tl_next = 0;
663  tl = treelinelist1;
664  while (tl) { tl_next = tl->next; delete tl; tl = tl_next; }
665  tl = treelinelist2;
666  while (tl) { tl_next = tl->next; delete tl; tl = tl_next; }
668  tlayers = MAX_LAYERS; /* remember the number of tree-detector */
671  /* Region 2 HDC */
672  } else if (region == kRegionID2) {
674  // Set hit pattern for this region
675  QwDebug << "Setting hit pattern (region 2)" << QwLog::endl;
677  // Create a vector of hit patterns
678  std::vector<QwHitPattern> patterns;
680  // Get the hit list for this package/region/direction
681  QwHitContainer *treelinehits = new QwHitContainer();
683  /* Loop over the like-pitched planes in a region */
684  tlayers = 0;
685  for (std::vector<QwDetectorInfo*>::iterator iter = detectors.begin();
686  iter != detectors.end(); iter++, tlayers++) {
687  QwDetectorInfo* det = (*iter);
689  // Get plane number
690  Int_t plane = det->GetPlane();
692  // Print detector info
693  if (fDebug) QwOut << plane << ": " << *det << QwLog::endl;
695  // Get the subhitlist of hits in this detector plane
696  QwHitContainer *planehits = hitlist->GetSubList_Plane(region, package, plane);
697  treelinehits->Append(planehits);
698  if (fDebug) planehits->Print();
699  // Construct the hit pattern for this set of hits
700  QwHitPattern hitpattern(fLevelsR2);
701  // Set the detector identification
702  hitpattern.SetRegion(region);
703  hitpattern.SetPackage(package);
704  hitpattern.SetDirection(dir);
705  hitpattern.SetPlane(plane);
706  // Set the hit pattern
707  hitpattern.SetHDCHitList(searchtree->GetWidth(), planehits);
708  // Add hit pattern to the vector
709  patterns.push_back(hitpattern);
711  // Delete subhitlist
712  delete planehits;
714  } // end of loop over like-pitched planes in a region
716  // Print hit pattern, if requested
717  if (fShowEventPattern)
718  for (size_t layer = 0; layer < patterns.size(); layer++)
719  QwMessage << patterns.at(layer) << QwLog::endl;
721  // Copy the new hit patterns into the old array structure
722  // TODO This is temporary
723  int levels = patterns.at(0).GetNumberOfLevels();
724  char** channel = new char*[patterns.size()];
725  int** hashchannel = new int*[patterns.size()];
726  for (size_t layer = 0; layer < patterns.size(); layer++) {
727  channel[layer] = new char[patterns.at(layer).GetNumberOfBins()];
728  hashchannel[layer] = new int[patterns.at(layer).GetFinestBinWidth()];
729  patterns.at(layer).GetPattern(channel[layer]);
730  patterns.at(layer).GetPatternHash(hashchannel[layer]);
731  }
733  QwDebug << "Search for matching patterns (direction " << dir << ")" << QwLog::endl;
734  treelinelist = fTreeSearch->SearchTreeLines(searchtree,
735  channel, hashchannel, levels,
736  0, tlayers);
738  // Delete the old array structures
739  for (size_t layer = 0; layer < patterns.size(); layer++) {
740  delete[] channel[layer];
741  delete[] hashchannel[layer];
742  }
743  delete[] channel;
744  delete[] hashchannel;
746  // TODO These treelines should contain the region id etc
747  // We should set the QwDetectorInfo link here already,
748  // or manually set the QwDetectorID fields. Also, we
749  // should put QwDetectorInfo in the searchtree object.
750  for (QwTreeLine* treeline = treelinelist;
751  treeline; treeline = treeline->next) {
752  treeline->SetRegion(region);
753  treeline->SetPackage(package);
754  treeline->SetDirection(dir);
755  }
757  QwDebug << "Calculate chi^2" << QwLog::endl;
758  if (searchtree) {
760  double width = searchtree->GetWidth();
761  fTreeCombine->TlTreeLineSort (treelinelist, treelinehits,
762  package, region, dir,
763  1UL << (fLevelsR2 - 1),
764  tlayers, 0, width);
765  }
767  //QwDebug << "Sort patterns" << QwLog::endl;
768  //fTreeSort->rcTreeConnSort (treelinelist, region);
770  if (fDebug) {
771  cout << "List of treelines:" << endl;
772  if (treelinelist) treelinelist->Print();
773  }
774  event->fTreeLine[package][region][dir] = treelinelist;
775  event->AddTreeLineList(treelinelist);
777  // Delete treelinehits
778  delete treelinehits;
780  /* Any other region */
781  } else {
782  QwWarning << "[QwTrackingWorker::ProcessHits] Warning: no support for this detector." << QwLog::endl;
783  return;
784  }
787  } // end of loop over the three wire-pitch directions
790  /*! ---- TASK 2: Combine the treelines into partial tracks ---- */
792  // List of partial tracks to return
793  std::vector<QwPartialTrack*> parttracklist;
795  if (event->GetNumberOfTreeLines() > 0 && tlayers)
796  {
797  std::vector<QwTreeLine*> treelines_x =
798  event->fTreeLine[package][region][kDirectionX]->GetListAsVector();
799  std::vector<QwTreeLine*> treelines_u =
800  event->fTreeLine[package][region][kDirectionU]->GetListAsVector();
801  std::vector<QwTreeLine*> treelines_v =
802  event->fTreeLine[package][region][kDirectionV]->GetListAsVector();
804  parttracklist = fTreeCombine->TlTreeCombine(
805  treelines_x, treelines_u, treelines_v,
806  package, region,
807  tlayers, dlayer);
808  } else continue;
811  // If we found partial tracks in this event
812  if (parttracklist.size() > 0) {
814  /*! ---- TASK 3: Sort out the Partial Tracks ---- */
816  fTreeSort->rcPartConnSort(parttracklist);
819  /*! ---- TASK 4: Hook up the partial track info to the event info ---- */
821  // Add partial tracks to the event
822  event->AddPartialTrackList(parttracklist);
824  // Debug output
825  if (fDebug) {
826  QwOut << "List of partial tracks:" << QwLog::endl;
827  for (size_t pt = 0; pt < parttracklist.size(); pt++)
828  QwOut << *parttracklist[pt] << QwLog::endl;
829  }
831  // Delete partial tracks
832  for (size_t pt = 0; pt < parttracklist.size(); pt++)
833  delete parttracklist[pt];
836  // Count this as a good event
837  QwVerbose << "Found a good partial track in region " << region << QwLog::endl;
838  if (region == 2) ++R2Good;
839  if (region == 3) ++R3Good;
840  ngood++;
842  } else {
844  // Count this as a bad event
845  QwVerbose << "Couldn't find a good partial track in region " << region << QwLog::endl;
846  if (region == 2) ++R2Bad;
847  if (region == 3) ++R3Bad;
848  nbad++;
849  }
851  } /* end of loop over the regions */
853  } /* end of loop over the detector packages */
855  // Delete local copy of the hit list
856  delete hitlist;
859  /* ==============================
860  * Correlate front and back
861  * tracks from x, y and y' infor-
862  * mation
863  * ============================== */
865  /// If momentum reconstruction is disabled
866  if (fDisableMomentum) return;
868  // Loop over packages in region 3
869  for (EQwDetectorPackage R3package = kPackage1;
870  R3package <= kPackage2; R3package++) {
872  // Determine package in region 2 (considering possibility of reversed run)
873  EQwDetectorPackage R2package;
874  if (fMismatchPkg)
875  R2package = (R3package == kPackage1)? kPackage2: kPackage1;
876  else
877  R2package = (R3package == kPackage1)? kPackage1: kPackage2;
879  // Get the lists of partial tracks in the front and back detectors
880  std::vector<QwPartialTrack*> frontlist = event->GetListOfPartialTracks(kRegionID2,R2package);
881  std::vector<QwPartialTrack*> backlist = event->GetListOfPartialTracks(kRegionID3,R3package);
883  // Loop over all good front and back partial tracks
884  for (size_t ifront = 0; ifront < frontlist.size(); ifront++) {
885  QwPartialTrack* front = frontlist[ifront];
887  for (size_t iback = 0; iback < backlist.size(); iback++) {
888  QwPartialTrack* back = backlist[iback];
890  // Filter reasonable pairs
891  int status = fBridgingTrackFilter->Filter(front, back);
892  status = 0;
893  if (status != 0) {
894  QwMessage << "Tracks did not pass filter." << QwLog::endl;
895  continue;
896  }
898  // Attempt to bridge tracks using ray-tracing
899  if (! fDisableRayTracer) {
900  const QwTrack* track = fRayTracer->Bridge(front, back);
901  if (track) {
902  event->AddTrack(track);
903  delete track;
904  }
905  }
907  } // end of loop over back tracks
909  } // end of loop over front tracks
911  } // end of loop over packages
914  // Calculate kinematics
915  int num_of_bridged = event->GetNumberOfTracks();
916  if ( num_of_bridged > 0) {
917  nbridged += num_of_bridged;
918  event->CalculateKinematics(event->GetTrack(0));
919  }
921  // Print the result
922  if (fDebug) event->Print();
923 }
925 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
#define QwMessage
Predefined log drain for regular messages.
Definition: QwLog.h:50
void SetPlane(int plane)
Set the plane number.
bool IsSearchable() const
Is this region searchable?
void SetDebugLevel(int debug)
Set the debug level.
#define QwOut
Predefined log drain for explicit output.
Definition: QwLog.h:35
#define default_bool_value(b)
Definition: QwOptions.h:51
Definition of the ray-tracing bridging method for R2/R3 partial tracks.
bool fDisableTracking
Disable all tracking.
const QwGeometry in(const EQwRegionID &r) const
Get detectors in given region.
Definition: QwGeometry.h:92
void SetShowMatchingPatterns(bool show=true)
Set the flag to show matching patterns when they are found.
bool fPrintPatternDatabase
Print the pattern database.
void SetMaxRoad(const double maxroad)
Set the maximum road width.
An options class.
Definition: QwOptions.h:133
Int_t GetNumberOfTreeLines() const
Get the number of tree lines.
Definition: QwEvent.h:254
int GetPlane() const
QwTrackingTreeRegion * inittree(const string &filename, int levels, int tlayer, double width, QwDetectorInfo *detector, bool regenerate)
void SetRegion(EQwRegionID region)
Set the region.
A container for the pattern databases for each detector region.
Definition of the matrix lookup bridging method.
Controls all the routines involved in finding tracks in an event.
Hit patterns used in the tracking tree search.
Definition: QwHitPattern.h:44
void SetMaxXRoad(const double maxxroad)
Set the maximum X road width (?)
void PrintNodes() const
Print the list of nodes.
EQwRegionID GetRegion() const
#define QwVerbose
Predefined log drain for verbose messages.
Definition: QwLog.h:55
int fLevelsR2
Region 2 levels.
int rcTreeConnSort(QwTreeLine *head, EQwRegionID region)
The best (by chi^2) treelines are select.
virtual ~QwTrackingWorker()
QwOptions gQwOptions
Definition: QwOptions.cc:27
void SetPackage(EQwDetectorPackage package)
Set the package.
int nbad
number of bad events
void TlTreeLineSort(QwTreeLine *tl, QwHitContainer *hl, EQwDetectorPackage package, EQwRegionID region, EQwDirectionID dir, unsigned long bins, int tlayer, int dlayer, double width)
Definition: QwTypes.h:70
QwTrackingTreeSort * fTreeSort
Module that sorts lists of treelines and partial tracks.
Definition of the partial track class.
void ProcessEvent(const QwSubsystemArrayTracking *detectors, QwEvent *event)
Process the hit list and construct the event.
EStatus Filter(const QwPartialTrack *front, const QwPartialTrack *back) const
Filter front and back track combinations.
std::vector< QwTrackingTreeRegion * > fSearchTrees
Internal list of search trees created by QwTrackingWorker.
void SetGeometry(const QwGeometry &geometry)
Set the geometry.
Definition of the track class.
Definition of the hit patterns used in the tracking tree search.
void SetGeometry(const QwGeometry &geometry)
Set the geometry.
void SetHDCHitList(double detectorwidth, QwHitContainer *hitlist)
Set the hit pattern bins for the specified HDC-type hit list.
Definition: QwHitPattern.cc:93
po::options_description_easy_init AddOptions(const std::string &blockname="Specialized options")
Add an option to a named block or create new block.
Definition: QwOptions.h:164
QwRayTracer * fRayTracer
Ray tracing bridging method.
int fDebug
Debug level.
QwTrackingTreeMatch * fTreeMatch
Module that matches up VDC front and back treelines.
std::vector< QwPartialTrack * > TlTreeCombine(const std::vector< QwTreeLine * > &treelines_x, const std::vector< QwTreeLine * > &treelines_u, const std::vector< QwTreeLine * > &treelines_v, EQwDetectorPackage package, EQwRegionID region, int tlayer, int dlayer)
bool fDisableMatrixLookup
Disable matrix lookup momentum reconstruction.
Track filter for the bridging methods.
T GetValue(const std::string &key)
Get a templated value.
Definition: QwOptions.h:240
Contains a tracked event, i.e. all information from hits to tracks.
Definition: QwEvent.h:156
Definition: QwTypes.h:16
#define QwDebug
Predefined log drain for debugging output.
Definition: QwLog.h:60
void ProcessOptions(QwOptions &options)
Process command line and config file options.
A logfile class, based on an identical class in the Hermes analyzer.
Draft skeleton for the decoding-to-QTR interface class.
QwTrackingTreeSearch * fTreeSearch
Module that handles the tree search.
QwTrackingTreeCombine * fTreeCombine
Module that combines treelines and partial tracks.
void Print(const Option_t *options=0) const
Definition: QwTreeLine.cc:317
Contains the complete track as a concatenation of partial tracks.
Definition: QwTrack.h:30
static void DefineOptions(QwOptions &options)
Define command line and config file options.
Performs the treesearch algorithm to generate one treeline.
int rcPartConnSort(std::vector< QwPartialTrack * > head)
void SetDebugLevel(const int debuglevel)
Set the debug level.
Module that matches track segments for pairs of wire planes.
bool fShowMatchingPattern
Show matching event patterns.
Creates and manages the treesearch pattern database.
const QwTrack * Bridge(const QwPartialTrack *front, const QwPartialTrack *back)
Bridge from the front to back partial track.
Definition: QwRayTracer.cc:178
QwBridgingTrackFilter * fBridgingTrackFilter
Track filter.
QwTreeLine * MatchRegion3(QwTreeLine *frontlist, QwTreeLine *backlist)
Match the tree lines in two planes in region 3.
void SetDebugLevel(int debug)
Set the debug level.
This module is used to identify good track segments versus ghost tracks/hits.
Definition of the one-dimensional track stubs.
QwGeometry fGeometry
Detector geometry.
bool fShowEventPattern
Show all event patterns.
Module that matches track segments for pairs of wire planes.
void SetDebugLevel(const int debuglevel)
void SetDirection(EQwDirectionID direction)
Set the direction.
One-dimensional (u, v, or x) track stubs and associated hits.
Definition: QwTreeLine.h:51
const QwTrack * GetTrack(const int t) const
Get the specified track.
Definition: QwEvent.cc:545
int ngood
number of good events
double GetActiveWidthZ() const
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
bool fDisableRayTracer
Disable ray tracer momentum reconstruction.
double GetElementSpacing() const
void SetGeometry(const QwGeometry &geometry)
void Print(const Option_t *option=0) const
Definition: QwTypes.h:41
const std::string getenv_safe_string(const char *name)
Definition: QwOptions.h:37
Collection of QwDetectorInfo pointers that specifies an experimental geometry.
Definition: QwGeometry.h:27
void InitTree(const QwGeometry &geometry)
Initialize the pattern search tree.
double GetWidth() const
Get the width.
An options class which parses command line, config file and environment.
Definition of the track search tree.
Combines track segments and performs line fitting.
std::string fFilenameLookupTable
Filename of the lookup table in QW_LOOKUP.
int fLevelsR3
Region 3 levels.
QwTreeLine * next
Definition: QwTreeLine.h:231
QwTreeLine * SearchTreeLines(QwTrackingTreeRegion *searchtree, char *pattern[16], int *hashpat[16], int maxlevel, int numwires, int numlayers)
Search for the tree lines consistent with the hit pattern.
Definition of the track filter for the bridging methods.
void SetVDCHit(double detectorwidth, QwHit *hit)
Set the hit pattern bins for the specified VDC-type hit.
int nbridged
number of beidged tracks
#define MAX_LAYERS
Definition: globals.h:8
#define QwWarning
Predefined log drain for warnings.
Definition: QwLog.h:45
void GetSubList_Plane(EQwRegionID region, EQwDetectorPackage package, Int_t plane, std::vector< QwHit > &sublist)
void Append(const QwHitContainer &mylist)
int GetNumberOfElements() const
Contains the straight part of a track in one region only.
static size_t GetObjectsAlive()
Get number of objects still alive.
bool IsInactive() const
bool fMismatchPkg
Indicates if the pkg for R2 and R3 is differnt at the same octant.
bool fRegenerate
Regenerate the search tree.
bool fDisableMomentum
Disable momentum reconstruction.
static size_t GetObjectsCreated()
Get number of objects ever created.
void SetMaxSlope(const double maxslope)
Set the maximum allowed slope.