QwTracking.cc File Reference

This is the main executable for the tracking analysis. More...

#include <sys/time.h>
#include "QwLog.h"
#include "QwRootFile.h"
#include "QwOptionsTracking.h"
#include "QwEventBuffer.h"
#include "QwHistogramHelper.h"
#include "QwEPICSEvent.h"
#include "QwTrackingWorker.h"
#include "QwEvent.h"
#include "QwHitContainer.h"
#include "QwHitRootContainer.h"
#include "QwRunCondition.h"
#include "QwSubsystemArrayTracking.h"
#include "QwSciFiDetector.h"
#include "QwDriftChamberHDC.h"
#include "QwDriftChamberVDC.h"
#include "QwTriggerScintillator.h"
#include "QwMainDetector.h"
#include "QwScanner.h"
#include "QwRaster.h"
#include "QwSubsystemArrayParity.h"
#include "QwHelicity.h"
#include "QwBeamLine.h"
#include "QwScaler.h"
+ Include dependency graph for QwTracking.cc:

Go to the source code of this file.


Int_t main (Int_t argc, Char_t *argv[])

Detailed Description

This is the main executable for the tracking analysis.

Definition in file QwTracking.cc.

Function Documentation

Int_t main ( Int_t  argc,
Char_t *  argv[] 

without anything, print usage

First, fill the search paths for the parameter files; this sets a static variable within the QwParameterFile class which will be used by all instances. The "scratch" directory should be first.

Then, we set the command line arguments and the configuration filename, and we define the options that can be used in them (using QwOptions).

TODO: I have disabled the AddConfigFile("qweak_mysql.conf") line below, because the standard version contains options which are not defined in the basic QwDatabase DefineOptions function. We should figure out something better... gQwOptions.AddConfigFile("qweak_mysql.conf"); Define the command line options

Load command line options for the histogram/tree helper class

Setup screen and file logging

Create the event buffer

Start loop over all runs

Begin processing for the first run.

Set the current event number for parameter file lookup

Clear options to pick up run number specific config files

Create an EPICS event

Load the tracking detectors from file

Get detector geometry

Load the parity detectors from file

Create the tracking worker

Create a new event structure

Definition at line 46 of file QwTracking.cc.

References QwParameterFile::AppendToSearchPath(), QwEPICSEvent::CalculateRunningValues(), QwRootFile::Close(), QwEventBuffer::CloseStream(), QwRootFile::ConstructHistograms(), QwRootFile::ConstructIndices(), QwRootFile::ConstructTreeBranches(), DefineOptionsTracking(), QwLog::endl(), QwEventBuffer::FillEPICSData(), QwSubsystemArrayTracking::FillHardwareErrorSummary(), QwRootFile::FillHistograms(), QwEventBuffer::FillSubsystemConfigurationData(), QwEventBuffer::FillSubsystemData(), QwRootFile::FillTree(), QwRootFile::FillTreeBranches(), QwEPICSEvent::GetDataValue(), getenv_safe_string(), QwEventBuffer::GetEventNumber(), QwSubsystemArrayTracking::GetGeometry(), QwSubsystemArrayTracking::GetHitList(), QwTrackingWorker::GetMagneticFieldCurrent(), QwEventBuffer::GetNextEvent(), QwEventBuffer::GetRunLabel(), QwEventBuffer::GetRunNumber(), QwRootFile::GetTree(), QwOptions::GetValue(), gQwHists, gQwLog, gQwOptions, QwEPICSEvent::HasDataLoaded(), QwEventBuffer::IsEPICSEvent(), QwEventBuffer::IsPhysicsEvent(), QwEventBuffer::IsROCConfigurationEvent(), QwOptions::ListConfigFiles(), QwEPICSEvent::LoadChannelMap(), QwHistogramHelper::LoadHistParamsFromFile(), QwRootFile::NewTree(), QwTrackingWorker::ngood, QwEventBuffer::OpenNextStream(), QwOptions::Parse(), QwRootFile::PrintDirs(), QwEventBuffer::PrintRunTimes(), QwRootFile::PrintTrees(), QwTrackingWorker::ProcessEvent(), QwSubsystemArray::ProcessEvent(), QwEventBuffer::ProcessOptions(), QwLog::ProcessOptions(), QwSubsystemArray::ProcessOptions(), QwError, QwMessage, QwVerbose, QwEventBuffer::ReOpenStream(), MQwCodaControlEvent::ReportRunSummary(), QwOptions::SetCommandLine(), QwParameterFile::SetCurrentRunNumber(), QwTrackingWorker::SetMagneticFieldCurrent(), QwOptions::Usage(), QwRootFile::Write(), and QwRootFile::WriteParamFileList().

47 {
48  /// without anything, print usage
49  if(argc == 1){
50  gQwOptions.Usage();
51  exit(0);
52  }
53  /// First, fill the search paths for the parameter files; this sets a static
54  /// variable within the QwParameterFile class which will be used by
55  /// all instances.
56  /// The "scratch" directory should be first.
58  QwParameterFile::AppendToSearchPath(getenv_safe_string("QWANALYSIS") + "/Tracking/prminput");
59  QwParameterFile::AppendToSearchPath(getenv_safe_string("QWANALYSIS") + "/Parity/prminput");
60  QwParameterFile::AppendToSearchPath(getenv_safe_string("QWANALYSIS") + "/Analysis/prminput");
62  /// Then, we set the command line arguments and the configuration filename,
63  /// and we define the options that can be used in them (using QwOptions).
65  gQwOptions.SetCommandLine(argc, argv);
68  /// TODO: I have disabled the AddConfigFile("qweak_mysql.conf")
69  /// line below, because the standard version contains
70  /// options which are not defined in the basic QwDatabase
71  /// DefineOptions function. We should figure out something
72  /// better...
73  /// gQwOptions.AddConfigFile("qweak_mysql.conf");
74  /// Define the command line options
76  /// Load command line options for the histogram/tree helper class
77  //gQwHists.ProcessOptions(gQwOptions);
78  /// Setup screen and file logging
82  /// Create the event buffer
83  QwEventBuffer eventbuffer;
84  eventbuffer.ProcessOptions(gQwOptions);
88  Bool_t enablemapfile = gQwOptions.GetValue<bool>("enable-mapfile");
89  gQwHists.LoadHistParamsFromFile("parity_hist.in");
90  gQwHists.LoadHistParamsFromFile("qweak_tracking_hists.in");
93  /// Start loop over all runs
94  while (eventbuffer.OpenNextStream() == CODA_OK) {
96  /// Begin processing for the first run.
99  /// Set the current event number for parameter file lookup
102  /// Clear options to pick up run number specific config files
103  gQwOptions.Parse(true);
105  /// Create an EPICS event
106  QwEPICSEvent epics;
107  epics.LoadChannelMap("EpicsTable.map");
110  /// Load the tracking detectors from file
111  QwSubsystemArrayTracking tracking_detectors(gQwOptions);
112  tracking_detectors.ProcessOptions(gQwOptions);
113  /// Get detector geometry
114  QwGeometry geometry = tracking_detectors.GetGeometry();
115  QwVerbose << geometry << QwLog::endl;
117  /// Load the parity detectors from file
118  QwSubsystemArrayParity parity_detectors(gQwOptions);
119  parity_detectors.ProcessOptions(gQwOptions);
121  /// Create the tracking worker
122  QwTrackingWorker *trackingworker = new QwTrackingWorker(gQwOptions, geometry);
125  // Loop until first EPICS event if no magnetic field is set
126  bool current_from_epics = false;
127  if (fabs(trackingworker->GetMagneticFieldCurrent()) < 100.0) {
129  QwMessage << "Finding first EPICS event" << QwLog::endl;
130  while (eventbuffer.GetNextEvent() == CODA_OK) {
132  // First, do quick processing of non-physics events...
133  if (eventbuffer.IsEPICSEvent()) {
134  eventbuffer.FillEPICSData(epics);
135  if (epics.HasDataLoaded()) {
137  // Get magnetic field current
138  Double_t current = epics.GetDataValue("qw:qt_mps_i_set");
139  if (current > 0.0) {
140  QwMessage << "Setting magnetic field current to "
141  << current << "A " << QwLog::endl;
142  trackingworker->SetMagneticFieldCurrent(current);
143  current_from_epics = true;
144  }
145  // and break out of this event loop
146  break;
147  }
148  }
149  }
151  // Rewind stream
152  QwMessage << "Rewinding stream" << QwLog::endl;
153  eventbuffer.ReOpenStream();
155  // Check whether we found the magnetic field
156  if (fabs(trackingworker->GetMagneticFieldCurrent()) < 100.0) {
157  QwError << "Error: no magnetic field specified and no EPICS events in range!"
158  << QwLog::endl;
159  }
160  }
163  // Open the ROOT file
164  QwRootFile* rootfile = new QwRootFile(eventbuffer.GetRunLabel());
165  if (! rootfile) QwError << "QwAnalysis made a boo boo!" << QwLog::endl;
167  //
168  // Construct a Tree which contains map file names which are used to analyze data
169  //
170  rootfile->WriteParamFileList("mapfiles", tracking_detectors);
172  // Create dummy event for branch creation (memory leak when using null)
173  QwEvent* event = new QwEvent();
174  event->LoadBeamProperty("beam_property.map");
176  if (not enablemapfile) {
177  // Create the tracking object branches
178  rootfile->NewTree("event_tree", "QwTracking Event-based Tree");
179  rootfile->GetTree("event_tree")->Branch("events", "QwEvent", &event);
181  // Create the subsystem branches
182  rootfile->ConstructTreeBranches("event_tree", "QwTracking Event-based Tree", tracking_detectors);
183  rootfile->ConstructTreeBranches("Mps_Tree", "QwParity Helicity-based Tree", parity_detectors);
184  rootfile->ConstructTreeBranches("Slow_Tree", "EPICS and slow control tree", epics);
185  // Construct indices to get from one tree to the other
186  rootfile->ConstructIndices("event_tree","Slow_Tree");
187  rootfile->ConstructIndices("event_tree","Mps_Tree");
188  }
190  // Delete dummy event again
191  delete event; event = 0;
193  // Create the subsystem histograms
194  rootfile->ConstructHistograms("tracking_histo", tracking_detectors);
195  rootfile->ConstructHistograms("parity_histo", parity_detectors);
197  // Summarize the ROOT file structure
198  rootfile->PrintTrees();
199  rootfile->PrintDirs();
202  // Loop over events in this CODA file
203  Int_t nevents = 0;
204  while (eventbuffer.GetNextEvent() == CODA_OK) {
206  // First, do processing of non-physics events...
207  if (eventbuffer.IsEPICSEvent()) {
208  eventbuffer.FillEPICSData(epics);
209  if (epics.HasDataLoaded()) {
211  // Get magnetic field current
212  Double_t current = epics.GetDataValue("qw:qt_mps_i_set");
213  if (current_from_epics && current > 0.0) {
214  QwMessage << "Setting magnetic field current to "
215  << current << "A " << QwLog::endl;
216  trackingworker->SetMagneticFieldCurrent(current);
217  }
219  epics.CalculateRunningValues();
221  rootfile->FillTreeBranches(epics);
222  rootfile->FillTree("Slow_Tree");
223  }
224  }
226  // Send ROC configuration event data to the subsystem objects.
227  if (eventbuffer.IsROCConfigurationEvent()) {
228  eventbuffer.FillSubsystemConfigurationData(tracking_detectors);
229  eventbuffer.FillSubsystemConfigurationData(parity_detectors);
230  }
232  // Now, if this is not a physics event, go back and get a new event.
233  if (! eventbuffer.IsPhysicsEvent()) {
234  continue;
235  }
237  // Fill the subsystem objects with their respective data for this event.
238  eventbuffer.FillSubsystemData(tracking_detectors);
239  eventbuffer.FillSubsystemData(parity_detectors);
241  // Process the event
242  tracking_detectors.ProcessEvent();
243  parity_detectors.ProcessEvent();
245  // Fill the tree
246  rootfile->FillTreeBranches(tracking_detectors);
247  rootfile->FillTreeBranches(parity_detectors);
249  // Fill the histograms for the subsystem objects.
250  rootfile->FillHistograms(tracking_detectors);
251  rootfile->FillHistograms(parity_detectors);
254  /// Create a new event structure
255  event = new QwEvent();
257  // Create the event header with the run and event number
258  QwEventHeader header(eventbuffer.GetRunNumber(),eventbuffer.GetEventNumber());
259  // Assign the event header to the event
260  event->SetEventHeader(header);
262  // Create and fill hit list
263  QwHitContainer* hitlist = new QwHitContainer();
264  tracking_detectors.GetHitList(hitlist);
266  // Sorting the hit list
267  hitlist->sort();
269  // and fill into the event
270  event->AddHitContainer(hitlist);
272  // Track reconstruction
273  trackingworker->ProcessEvent(&tracking_detectors, event);
276  // Fill the event tree
277  rootfile->FillTree("event_tree");
278  rootfile->FillTree("Mps_Tree");
280  // Delete objects
281  if (hitlist) delete hitlist; hitlist = 0;
282  if (event) delete event; event = 0;
284  nevents++;
286  } // end of loop over events
288  // Write F1TDC errors histograms into rootfile
289  // Print F1TDC errors summary into screen
290  // Must be executed before delete a rootfile.
292  tracking_detectors.FillHardwareErrorSummary();
294  // Print summary information
295  QwMessage << "Total number of events processed: " << nevents << QwLog::endl;
296  QwMessage << "Number of good partial tracks: "
297  << trackingworker->ngood << QwLog::endl;
299  /* Write to the root file, being sure to delete the old cycles *
300  * which were written by Autosave. *
301  * Doing this will remove the multiple copies of the ntuples *
302  * from the root file. */
303  // if (rootfile != NULL) rootfile->Write(0, TObject::kOverwrite);
305  // Write and close file (after last access to ROOT tree)
306  rootfile->Write(0, TObject::kOverwrite);
308  // Close CODA file
309  eventbuffer.CloseStream();
311  // Close ROOT file
312  rootfile->Close();
313  // Note: Closing rootfile too early causes segfaults when deleting histos
315  // Delete objects (this is confusing: the if only applies to the delete)
316  if (rootfile) delete rootfile; rootfile = 0;
318  // Print run summary information
319  eventbuffer.ReportRunSummary();
320  eventbuffer.PrintRunTimes();
322  // Delete objects
323  if (trackingworker) delete trackingworker; trackingworker = 0;
325  } // end of loop over runs
327  QwMessage << "I have done everything I can do..." << QwLog::endl;
329  return 0;
330 }
#define QwMessage
Predefined log drain for regular messages.
Definition: QwLog.h:50
static void AppendToSearchPath(const TString &searchdir)
Add a directory to the search path.
Bool_t FillSubsystemConfigurationData(QwSubsystemArray &subsystems)
double GetMagneticFieldCurrent() const
Get the magnetic field current.
Int_t ReOpenStream()
Int_t WriteParamFileList(const TString &name, T &object)
Definition: QwRootFile.h:736
void ConstructHistograms(const std::string &name, T &object)
Construct the histograms of a generic object.
Definition: QwRootFile.h:706
TTree * GetTree(const std::string &name)
Get the tree with name.
Definition: QwRootFile.h:353
Double_t GetDataValue(const string &tag) const
void ProcessOptions(QwOptions &options)
Sets internal flags based on the QwOptions.
Int_t OpenNextStream()
Opens the event stream (file or ET) based on the internal flags.
Contains header information of a tracked event.
Definition: QwEvent.h:37
static void SetCurrentRunNumber(const UInt_t runnumber)
Set the current run number for looking up the appropriate parameter file.
void ConstructIndices(const std::string &from, const std::string &to, bool reverse=true)
Construct indices from one tree to another tree.
Definition: QwRootFile.h:574
Int_t CloseStream()
Closes a currently open event stream.
#define QwVerbose
Predefined log drain for verbose messages.
Definition: QwLog.h:55
void Close()
Definition: QwRootFile.h:416
QwOptions gQwOptions
Definition: QwOptions.cc:27
void ProcessOptions(QwOptions *options)
Process class options for QwOptions.
Definition: QwLog.cc:108
void ProcessEvent(const QwSubsystemArrayTracking *detectors, QwEvent *event)
Process the hit list and construct the event.
Int_t FillTree(const std::string &name)
Fill the tree with name.
Definition: QwRootFile.h:359
Int_t GetEventNumber()
Int_t GetNextEvent()
T GetValue(const std::string &key)
Get a templated value.
Definition: QwOptions.h:240
Controls all the routines involved in finding tracks in an event.
Contains a tracked event, i.e. all information from hits to tracks.
Definition: QwEvent.h:156
void Usage()
Print usage information.
Definition: QwOptions.cc:288
void ListConfigFiles()
List the configuration files.
Definition: QwOptions.h:214
Virtual base class for the parity subsystems.
A wrapper class for a ROOT file or memory mapped file.
Definition: QwRootFile.h:281
Int_t Write(const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0)
Definition: QwRootFile.h:437
Int_t LoadChannelMap(TString mapfile)
Definition: QwEPICSEvent.cc:90
void Parse(bool force=false)
Parse all sources of options.
Definition: QwOptions.h:222
void ConstructTreeBranches(const std::string &name, const std::string &desc, T &object, const std::string &prefix="")
Construct the tree branches of a generic object.
Definition: QwRootFile.h:600
Int_t GetRunNumber() const
Return CODA file run number.
Definition: QwEventBuffer.h:80
void SetMagneticFieldCurrent(const double current)
Set the magnetic field current.
void NewTree(const std::string &name, const std::string &desc)
Create a new tree with name and description.
Definition: QwRootFile.h:341
Bool_t IsEPICSEvent()
QwHistogramHelper gQwHists
Globally defined instance of the QwHistogramHelper class.
Bool_t FillSubsystemData(QwSubsystemArray &subsystems)
void PrintRunTimes()
Bool_t HasDataLoaded() const
Definition: QwEPICSEvent.h:68
int ngood
number of good events
static std::ostream & endl(std::ostream &)
End of the line.
Definition: QwLog.cc:299
void FillTreeBranches(const std::string &name, const T &object)
Fill the tree branches of a generic object by tree name.
Definition: QwRootFile.h:658
const std::string getenv_safe_string(const char *name)
Definition: QwOptions.h:37
Collection of QwDetectorInfo pointers that specifies an experimental geometry.
Definition: QwGeometry.h:27
void FillHistograms(T &object)
Fill histograms of the subsystem array.
Definition: QwRootFile.h:329
TString GetRunLabel() const
Returns a string like &lt;run#&gt; or &lt;run#&gt;.&lt;file#&gt;
Bool_t FillEPICSData(QwEPICSEvent &epics)
Bool_t IsPhysicsEvent()
void PrintTrees() const
Print registered trees.
Definition: QwRootFile.h:376
void DefineOptionsTracking(QwOptions &options)
void CalculateRunningValues()
void LoadHistParamsFromFile(const std::string &filename)
void PrintDirs() const
Print registered histogram directories.
Definition: QwRootFile.h:391
QwLog gQwLog
Definition: QwLog.cc:22
Bool_t IsROCConfigurationEvent()
#define QwError
Predefined log drain for errors.
Definition: QwLog.h:40
void SetCommandLine(int argc, char *argv[], bool default_config_file=true)
Set the command line arguments.
Definition: QwOptions.cc:112