Todo List
Global operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const QwParameterFile &file)
TODO (wdc) operator<< on QwParameterFile requires RewindToFileStart
Global QwBridgingTrackFilter::fMinTheta
Setters for the filter angle boundaries (wdc)
Global QwDriftChamberVDC::FillRawTDCWord (Int_t bank_index, Int_t slot_num, Int_t chan, UInt_t data)
Should this direction be properly initialized by fTDCPtrs.at(tdcindex).at(chan).fDirection ?
Global QwMainCerenkovDetector::Blind (const QwBlinder *blinder, const VQwSubsystemParity *subsys)
TODO (wdc) At some point we should introduce const-correctness in the Compare() routine to ensure nothing funny happens. This const_casting is just an ugly stop-gap measure.
Global QwSubsystemArray::QwSubsystemArray (QwOptions &options, CanContainFn myCanContain)
TODO (wdc) QwVQWK_Channel necessary due to explicit cast in ReturnInternalValue (yuck)
Global QwSubsystemArray::ReturnInternalValue (const TString &name, VQwHardwareChannel *value) const
TODO (wdc) Remove this ugly statement by redefining QwVQWK_Channel::operator= to accept any VQwHardwareChannel.
Global QwTrackingTreeCombine::r3_PartialTrackFit (const QwTreeLine *wu, const QwTreeLine *wv)

why the minus sign here?

why the minus sign here?

chi2(pt) =?= sum chi2(tl) for R3

Global QwTrackingTreeMatch::MatchRegion3 (QwTreeLine *frontlist, QwTreeLine *backlist)
This function requires the wire planes to be parallel.
Global QwTreeEventBuffer::CreateTreeLines (EQwRegionID region) const
Recreate tree lines from simulated hits in QwTreeEventBuffer
Class QwTreeLine
This class needs a non-trivial copy constructor which ensures that the hits are copied correctly.