Float_t OriginVertexKinematicW
Float_t OriginVertexTotalEnergy
Total energy right after the primary vertex.
Float_t OriginVertexThetaAngle
Int_t ReactionRegion
The reaction region used for this event, e.g. LH2 interior = 1, US window = 2, DS window = 3...
Float_t OriginVertexMomentumDirectionX
Float_t OriginVertexPhiAngle
Float_t OriginVertexKinematicQ2
Float_t EffectiveKinematicQ2
Float_t CrossSectionBornInelastic
virtual ~QweakSimUserPrimaryEvent()
Float_t CrossSectionRadTotal
Float_t PrimaryQ2
Momentum transfer Q^2 for this event (GeV2)
Float_t EffectiveKinematicX
Float_t CrossSectionRadDISIntOnly
Float_t OriginVertexKineticEnergy
Kinetic energy right after the primary vertex.
Int_t TrackID
ID of the primary track in this event.
Float_t CrossSectionRadElasticIntOnly
Int_t ReactionType
The reaction type used for this event, e.g. elastic ep = 1, e+p -> e'+p+pi = 2.
Float_t CrossSectionBornTotal
Float_t Asymmetry
Asymmetry for events with these kinematics.
Float_t OriginVertexMomentumDirectionY
Float_t OriginVertexPositionX
Float_t CrossSectionRadDIS
Float_t OriginVertexMomentumDirectionZ
Float_t OriginVertexPositionY
Float_t CrossSectionWeight
Modified cross section weight for events with these kimematics, assuming flat-theta picking (isotropy...
TString RandomSeed
The state of the random number generator when this event was generated.
Int_t PDGcode
The Lund type of the primary particle, e.g. electron = 11.
Float_t CrossSectionRadTotalIntOnly
Float_t OriginVertexPositionZ
Float_t EffectiveKinematicW
Stores the PrimaryEvent information into the ROOT file for each event.
Float_t CrossSectionRadQEIntOnly
Float_t EffectiveKinematicNu
Float_t GlobalTime
Time of primary interaction, starting 30 cm in front of the target, see target energy loss (ns) ...
Float_t OriginVertexKinematicNu
Float_t CrossSectionRadElasticPeak
Float_t CrossSectionRadQE
Float_t CrossSection
Cross section weight for events with these kinematics, assuming isotropic spherical picking (isotropy...
Float_t CrossSectionRadElastic
Float_t CrossSectionBornQE
Float_t OriginVertexKinematicX