23 #ifndef QweakSimEventAction_h
24 #define QweakSimEventAction_h 1
37 #include "G4String.hh"
38 #include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
39 #include "G4UserEventAction.hh"
69 void SetTrigger(
const G4String value,
const G4bool status);
void EnableTrigger(const G4String value)
G4int TriggerScintillatorDetector_CollID
void EndOfEventAction(const G4Event *evt)
G4int VDC_DriftCellBack_CollID
std::vector< G4bool > fTrigger
static const G4bool print_VDC_WirePlaneHit
G4int PMTOnlyDetectorPMT_CollID
G4int PMTOnlyDetector_CollID
G4int TargetDetector_CollID
void SetPrintHits(bool value)
QweakSimEventAction(QweakSimAnalysis *AN, QweakSimUserInformation *myUI)
G4int VDC_DriftCellFront_CollID
QweakSimAnalysis * analysis
G4double GetDistance(G4ThreeVector, G4ThreeVector)
static const int PmtMaxSize
G4int GEM_WirePlane_CollID
G4int VDC_WirePlane_CollID
G4int LeadGlassPMT_CollID
Handling of the output ROOT file.
G4int TungstenPlugDetector_CollID
void SetTrigger(const G4String value, const G4bool status)
Messenger for filling//storing the hit event structure at the end of an event.
G4int LeadGlassDetector_CollID
static const G4bool print_VDC_DriftCellHit
std::map< G4String, EQweakSimTriggerMode > kMapTriggerMode
G4int TriggerScintillatorPMT_CollID
G4int CerenkovDetector_CollID
virtual ~QweakSimEventAction()
std::vector< G4String > fTriggerName
void CalculateKinematicVariables()
G4double CalculateRate(G4double xsec, G4int PEs)
G4int HDC_WirePlane_CollID
static const G4bool print_TriggerScintillator_DetectorHit
QweakSimEventActionMessenger * fEventActionMessenger
void BeginOfEventAction(const G4Event *evt)
static const G4bool print_Cerenkov_DetectorHit
void DisableTrigger(const G4String value)
G4int CerenkovRadiator_CollID
G4int CerenkovDetectorPMT_CollID
Mainly filling/storing the hit event structure at the end of an event.
G4int LumiDetector_CollID
QweakSimUserInformation * myUserInfo