32 GEMDir =
new G4UIdirectory(
33 GEMDir -> SetGuidance(
"GEM control.");
147 G4cout <<
"#### Calling QweakSimGEMMessenger::SetNewValue() " << newValue << G4endl;
152 G4cout <<
"#### Messenger: Setting GEM MasterContainer Material to " << newValue << G4endl;
160 G4cout <<
"#### Messenger: Setting GEM SubContainer Material to " << newValue << G4endl;
168 G4cout <<
"#### Messenger: Setting GEM Frame Material to " << newValue << G4endl;
194 G4cout <<
"#### Messenger: Setting GEM FrontCenter Xpos to " << newValue << G4endl;
201 G4cout <<
"#### Messenger: Setting GEM FrontCenter Ypos to " << newValue << G4endl;
208 G4cout <<
"#### Messenger: Setting GEM FrontCenter Zpos to " << newValue << G4endl;
215 G4cout <<
"#### Messenger: Setting Front Chamber GEM rotation angle in phi to " << newValue << G4endl;
224 G4cout <<
"#### Messenger: Setting GEM BackCenter Xpos to " << newValue << G4endl;
231 G4cout <<
"#### Messenger: Setting GEM BackCenter Ypos to " << newValue << G4endl;
238 G4cout <<
"#### Messenger: Setting GEM BackCenter Zpos to " << newValue << G4endl;
247 G4cout <<
"#### Messenger: Setting BackChamber GEM rotation angle in phi to " << newValue << G4endl;
253 G4cout <<
"#### Leaving QweakSimGEMMessenger::SetNewValue() " << newValue << G4endl;
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * GEM_FrontCenterPositionInZ_Cmd
void SetGEM_MasterContainerMaterial(G4String)
void SetFrontGEM_CenterPositionInZ(G4double zPos)
void SetFrontGEM_CenterPositionInX(G4double xPos)
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * GEM_FrontCenterPositionInX_Cmd
void SetGEM_FrameMaterial(G4String)
QweakSimGEMMessenger(QweakSimGEM *)
void SetBackGEM_CenterPositionInZ(G4double zPos)
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * GEM_BackCenterPositionInX_Cmd
G4UIcmdWithAString * GEM_MasterContainerMatCmd
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * GEM_BackCenterPositionInY_Cmd
void SetGEM_BackChamber_RotationAngleInPhi(G4double GEM_phiangleBack)
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * GEM_FrontChamber_RotationAngleInPhi_Cmd
void SetFrontGEM_CenterPositionInY(G4double yPos)
void SetBackGEM_CenterPositionInY(G4double yPos)
void SetGEM_SubContainerMaterial(G4String)
void SetGEM_FrontChamber_RotationAngleInPhi(G4double GEM_phiangleFront)
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * GEM_BackChamber_RotationAngleInPhi_Cmd
Region 1 GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier)
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * GEM_BackCenterPositionInZ_Cmd
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * GEM_FrontCenterPositionInY_Cmd
void SetBackGEM_CenterPositionInX(G4double xPos)
G4UIcmdWithAString * GEM_FrameMatCmd
G4UIcmdWithAString * GEM_SubContainerMatCmd
void SetNewValue(G4UIcommand *, G4String)