49 #ifndef QweakSimUserTriggerScintillator_PMTEvent_h
50 #define QweakSimUserTriggerScintillator_PMTEvent_h
Int_t GetPMTTotalNbOfHits() const
Float_t GetPMTRightNbOfPEs() const
ROOT Subtree structure for Trigger Scintillator PMTEvent.
Float_t PMTRightNbOfPEs
Number of photo-electrons in the right PMT.
Int_t GetPMTRightNbOfHits() const
Int_t GetPMTHasBeenHit() const
Int_t PMTTotalNbOfHits
Number of hits in both PMTs.
Float_t PMTLeftNbOfPEs
Number of photo-electrons in the left PMT.
Int_t GetPMTLeftNbOfHits() const
Float_t GetPMTLeftNbOfPEs() const
void StorePMTRightNbOfHits(Int_t npr)
void StorePMTRightNbOfPEs(Float_t npr)
Float_t GetPMTTotalNbOfPEs() const
Int_t TrackID
ID of the track from which this hit was generated.
void StorePMTLeftNbOfHits(Int_t npl)
Float_t PMTTotalNbOfPEs
Number of photo-electrons in both PMTs.
Int_t PMTRightNbOfHits
Number of hits in the right PMT.
void StorePMTLeftNbOfPEs(Float_t npl)
void StorePMTHasBeenHit(Int_t np)
void StoreTrackID(Int_t tid)
void StorePMTTotalNbOfHits(Int_t npt)
void StorePMTTotalNbOfPEs(Float_t npt)
virtual ~QweakSimUserTriggerScintillator_PMTEvent()
Int_t PMTHasBeenHit
Has this PMT been hit? 0 = no, 5 = yes.
Int_t PMTLeftNbOfHits
Number of hits in the left PMT.