120 G4VVisManager* pVVisManager = G4VVisManager::GetConcreteInstance();
149 G4cout <<
" CerenkovRadiator[" <<
DetectorID <<
"] : time " <<
150 <<
" (nsec) --- local (x,y,z) [cm] "
154 <<
"--- world (x,y,z) [cm] "
const G4LogicalVolume * pLogV
G4double currentTotalEnergy
const QweakSimCerenkov_RadiatorHit & operator=(const QweakSimCerenkov_RadiatorHit &right)
int operator==(const QweakSimCerenkov_RadiatorHit &right) const
G4ThreeVector localMomentum
G4ThreeVector currentPolarization
G4ThreeVector originVertexPosition
G4Allocator< QweakSimCerenkov_RadiatorHit > QweakSimCerenkovRadiatorHitAllocator
Handling of a hit in the Cerenkov radiator.
G4String CreatorProcessName
G4ThreeVector worldMomentum
G4ThreeVector originVertexMomentumDirection
virtual ~QweakSimCerenkov_RadiatorHit()
G4double originVertexKineticEnergy
G4double crossSectionWeight
G4double currentKineticEnergy
G4double originVertexTotalEnergy
G4ThreeVector currentMomentumDirection